Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1745: Please Hurry Up

Chapter 1745: Please Hurry Up

A moment later, Luke arrived at a two-story seaside villa.

Looking at the light through the crack in the door, he thought for a moment, then knocked three times. “h.e.l.lo, is anyone home?”

The voices in the room suddenly stopped, but n.o.body opened the door.

Luke said, “If you don’t answer, I’ll take that as a yes. I’m coming in.”

With that, he turned the doork.n.o.b and opened the door with a light creak. He walked in as if he owned the place.

Three meters in, he saw the living room on the right.

Then, he stopped and grinned even wider. “Hi, how should I address you?”

In the living room, one person was standing and the other was sitting down.

It was Haley who was sitting on the couch. She was wearing a white s.h.i.+rt and denim shorts, and she just looked at Luke blankly.

Behind her was a thin white man with a calm expression, who was between 25 and 30 years old.

While a smiling Luke sized him up, the thin man let go of Haley’s head with a curious expression. “It’s you, Joker.”

Luke bowed. “What an honor. You actually know my name.”

The thin man looked at him curiously. “Your name is Jeff Richard Hausen, right?”

Luke said, “Yes, but I prefer that most people call me the Clown.”

The thin man nodded thoughtfully. “So, the Clown is the real thing? Interesting.”

Luke walked into the living room unhurriedly and sat down in the armchair next to Haley. “No, you’re the interesting one.”

As he spoke, he picked up a cup of coffee from the table and took a leisurely sip. “Should I call you Zero?”

The thin man walked out from behind Haley to an armchair on the other side and sat down as well.

With Haley in the middle, the three of them formed a perfect triangle.

The thin man leaned back and placed his hands on the armrests. He tapped his fingers on the armrests. “Simon, Simon Nepel.”

Luke glanced at his fingers and then smiled as he took another sip of the coffee. “Do you know why I’m here?”

After a brief silence, Simon replied, “Because you’re looking for me.”

Luke raised an eyebrow. This guy was interesting.

He had been paying attention to Simon’s mental fluctuations ever since he knocked on the door.

At that time, Simon had been slightly excited and delighted.

Luke almost thought that the guy was doing something unspeakable to Haley.

Thankfully, Sharp Nose and Elementary Sound Wave rejected this possibility, and he saw that Haley was also fully clothed.

please keep reading on

In the face of Luke’s sudden appearance, Simon didn’t panic. Instead, he was hugely excited.

This excitement was suppressed by his focused mindset, which made him look very normal.

But Simon was currently extremely excited; it was just that he was even more focused.

To use an old saying, he was “one part hot, one part cold.”

Apart from being willing to give his name, Simon didn’t reveal anything else.

At the very least, Simon didn’t reveal who was most likely to send people after him.

Thinking quickly, Luke nodded. “Yes, I’m very interested in the research on you, and I want to study you.”

Simon nodded slowly. “I thought as much.”

Luke’s hand that was holding the coffee cup moved away from the armrest and let go, allowing the coffee to fall and splatter on the colorful Mexican carpet.

He drew his hand back and applauded. “Wow, it seems that someone wants to play a game with me. Excellent.”

Simon smiled strangely. “To be able to run into you is indeed awesome. Then, here I come?”

Luke applauded and nodded. “Come, please hurry up.”

System: Unknown mental energy detected trying to establish a link. Accept? Yes / No.

Luke casually chose no, then looked askance at Simon. “Try harder. Did you not eat last night? Should I help you call for a taco?”

Simon was stunned for a moment, before his eyes burned even brighter. “Sure enough, you’re one of a kind. Let me see what secrets your body contains.”

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly jumped up from the couch and lunged at Luke.

He was much faster than an ordinary person.

Simon’s blurry figure had already lunged forward in an instant, his hands reaching for Luke’s head.

Then… it turned black in front of his eyes.


Simon staggered back several steps, dazed.

On the couch, Luke slowly lowered his left foot. “Too bad, you’re a little slow.”

Simon was fast, but his combat skills weren’t outstanding.

Luke had simply stretched out his left foot, and Simon slammed into the sole.

Simon, who had barely regained his balance, touched his nose; blood trickled down from both nostrils.

He didn’t care. He simply murmured, “You’re really strong. No wonder you can fight the Dark Knight head-on.”

Luke again took note.

Basically only those who had ever chased the Clown knew a little about how he fought.

Psychiatric patients normally wouldn’t have access to such cla.s.sified information.

So, was it the rebuilt ARGUS that had given Simon information on the Clown?

Simon, however, didn’t waste any time. After saying that, he lunged forward again.

But this time, he was much slower. He was clearly wary of a head-on clash

At the same time, he stretched out his hands and waved them quickly.

Luke didn’t think much of it.

Their combat skills were too different. Unless Simon used brute strength to crush Luke’s combat skills, he would always be the one to be beaten up.

At that moment, the wooden-faced Haley suddenly jumped up and lunged at Luke.

Haley and Simon formed a pincer attack against Luke.

Luke ignored Haley.

Given her ordinary physique, a hundred punches wouldn’t make a difference.

The next moment, he slapped Simon’s hands, and Simon was sent flying several meters. He rolled a few times before he stopped moving.

Luke’s expression changed when Haley lunged at him.

Haley’s hands turned into claws, and she grabbed his left arm and clawed the left side of his ribs.

There was an ear-piercing crunch as several holes were torn in the Clown’s suit. Haley’s sharp nails dug into Luke’s flesh.

Astonished, Luke shook his arm and turned to the side. His muscles quivered and immediately pushed out the ten fingers that were digging into his flesh.

Haley was clearly stunned. “A physical superpower?”

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