Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1753: Just Let Me Ask, Who Is the Enemy?

Chapter 1753: Just Let Me Ask, Who Is the Enemy?

Selina burst out laughing. “That’s right. Some people don’t understand a girl’s heart at all.”

Luke didn’t think much of it. “Principles have nothing to do with gender. Of course, you can pay more attention to the methods used.”

Selina was intrigued. “Oh? If it were you, what would you do?”

Luke said, “I can create a custom-made version in a matter of minutes. How’s that?”

Selina was stunned for a moment at this perfect answer. “…How professional of you.”

Luke said, “Of course. Alright, Joseph is coming in. Disperse.”

Two people and one dog scattered.

When Joseph reached the second floor, he saw that the living room was empty. He called out casually, “Gold Nugget, you’re the only one here?”

Gold Nugget raised its dog head and whined.

Joseph rubbed its head a few times before clapping his hands. “Okay, have fun on your own. I’m going to take a shower.”

In the bas.e.m.e.nt, Luke rubbed his chin. “A game? It seems we’re getting closer and closer to the truth. Hehe, there can only be one truth!”

After saying this “famous” line, he chuckled and tossed the matter to the back of his mind as he tinkered with his nanomask.

The truth about Mindy and Joseph’s little project would come out sooner or later. Luke wasn’t in a hurry at all.

Who knew, they might reveal everything themselves in a few days.

That was indeed the case.

Since this was the first time Mindy and the others were doing something like this, they didn’t hide anything when they set up the company, and it was soon discovered by Little Snail.

The company was listed under Nikki and Monica’s legal names, and the other information matched.

Both Luke and Selina felt sorry; they had barely tried, and the agency’s second commission was already about to be wrapped up.

The detective agency could only blame itself for being too good at detective work.

A few days later, MNJ Software was set up and a game called Angry Birds was released through the t.i.tanium app store.

Watching Selina and Gold Nugget play the game avidly, Luke didn’t know what to say.

Although it wasn’t exactly the same as the one in his previous life, the core and style were basically the same.

When Joseph had done the initial research, he had discussed games with Luke.

There were too many people in Luke’s previous life who had made their first fortune from video games. Also, it didn’t require much technology and the gains were quick — provided that the game was fun.

Joseph wasn’t sure what was fun, but his brother knew.

Luke casually mentioned the basic layouts of a few games from his previous life. Joseph, who had an extraordinary memory, clearly remembered them, and had developed a similar game.

Luke was amused.

He hadn’t been able to take this route back then.

After all, smartphones hadn’t even existed until a few years ago, and it wouldn’t have been easy to sell games like these.

After Luke created the smartphone, he no longer cared about making money from games.

In the end, his brother had picked up a good thing.

Joseph wasn’t short of money.

All his research expenses and information were from Luke. He didn’t have a girlfriend, and kids’ toys weren’t as interesting as what he made himself. He basically had no use for his pocket money.

The game was produced by a software company registered under Nikki and Monica, and Damon was the one covering all the costs.

Joseph’s investment was clearly in terms of his technological skills. There was no helping it; he was a lot smarter.

Luke had no objections to Mindy secretly roping his brother into starting a small gang.

It wouldn’t be a joke to say that there could be five cliques in a four-person female dorm.

It was unrealistic to think that everyone could be united.

It only took Luke a moment to understand why Mindy was doing this.

The establishment of the PDD and the Justice League, as well as the rules system, made her realize: Batman had already set up so many external organizations, so why couldn’t she do the same?

There was no rule against doing this.

Moreover, the Bat Squad was basically made up of wily old foxes who didn’t have anything in common with Mindy and weren’t fun at all.

Thus, it would definitely be much more interesting for her to pull out the little turtles who were her own age to join a new group.

At the very least, she could be the boss for once.

After Luke more or less guessed the reason, he stopped paying attention and let the kids play.

With him around, they couldn’t do anything big.

That was the confidence that came with being rich.

What he didn’t know was that after Joseph returned home, he used his Messenger account to send a message to a person called “Handicapped”: The game is online. Wait for your dividend.

In a bungalow in Na.s.sau County, Skye paused. As she wiped her sweat with a towel, she picked up her phone.

Then, she smiled and replied casually: I only helped out a little; a dividend is unnecessary.

“Person of Destiny” sent another message: A deal is a deal. The conditions we agreed on can’t be canceled so easily.

Skye shook her head helplessly. There was nothing she could do about this tough girl. Fine, then contact me again when my dividend reaches a million.

After sending the message, she put down her phone and was amused. “Don’t tell me she wants to use money to tempt me to join that Sorority or whatever?”

It was through their chats that Skye deduced that the other party was a girl.

She didn’t think that a man would come out of nowhere in a group full of women to recruit people.

On the other side, Mindy was also taking action.

Wearing the stealth suit, she soon arrived in Harlem. She entered an old apartment building before she revealed herself and knocked on a door on the bottom floor.

A moment later, the door opened a crack. “Little Bear?”

Mindy said, “Shadow.”

The secret signal matched, and the door quickly opened.

Mindy darted inside.

There was only one gas lamp in the living room, and the curtains were completely drawn.

A 16- or 17-year-old black teenager looked out warily through the gap in the curtains before he relaxed. “Doesn’t look like you were followed.”

Mindy rolled her eyes. “Come on, Tyrone, I’m a professional at stealth. Besides, n.o.body knows you’re here.”

The young man named Tyrone, however, shook his head. “You don’t know how terrifying they are.”

Mindy chuckled. “Are they scarier than the Chitauri? Or a lot scarier than Hydra?”

After thinking carefully, Tyrone nodded. “They’re no less scarier than Hydra.”

Mindy didn’t really believe him, and simply asked, “Have you thought about my proposal?”

“Why me? You know I’m in serious trouble.”

Mindy snorted. “Because I’m not afraid of trouble.”

Tyrone looked at her in disbelief. “Really?”

Mindy said, “I guarantee that as long as it’s not your fault, you don’t have anything to worry about. Just let me ask: Who is the enemy?”

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