Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1769: Sandbag Fists, Beauty and the Beast

Chapter 1769: Sandbag Fists, Beauty and the Beast

The baldie who was the leader waved his hand, and two men in black behind him took out their guns and aimed at Eddie’s chest. Two red dots immediately lit up.

Eddie subconsciously raised his hands. “Don’t shoot. I surrender.”

As a proper journalist, his rightful position was in front of a camera, not the muzzle of a gun, so he had no qualms being a coward.

“What are you doing?” A low, puzzled voice rang out in his head.

Eddie said without thinking, “I’m putting my hands up.”

The voice sounded again. “It’s embarra.s.sing.”

Eddie involuntarily put his hands down.

Do I have a split personality now? Alarmed, Eddie tried to raise his hands again. “No, it’s not embarra.s.sing.”

“It is.”

“It’s not.”

“You’re so embarra.s.sing.”

“I’m not.”

“Why did you put your hands up?”

“Because you should put your hands up when a gun is pointed at you.”

Eddie bickered fiercely with the voice in his head as the five brawny men opposite him stared blankly.

In their eyes, Eddie looked like a lunatic as his hands went up and down, like in a spoof video.

The five men also involuntarily raised and lowered their heads with Eddie’s movements.

The baldie was more experienced.

Some of the weirdos he had encountered even stripped and danced on the spot, let alone pretend to be crazy.

He decisively dismissed this cheap trick. “Where is the thing, Eddie?”

Eddie was confused. “What?”

The baldie said, “The ‘thing’ you took from our building last night.”

Eddie was shocked. “You’re from the Life Foundation?”

Hearing that, the baldie was now certain that Eddie was the one who had fled last night. “Give it to me. You’ll die easier that way.”

Eddie shook his head quickly. “No, I didn’t take anything.”

Too lazy to talk to him, the baldie gestured. “Catch him and take him back for interrogation.”

Two brawny men who hadn’t taken out their guns immediately circled round and grabbed Eddie’s arms from both sides. They were about to tie him up with restraining belts.

Eddie subconsciously resisted and flailed. His arms instantly turned black and as thick as the men’s heads.

The man on the left was thrown out five meters away and hit the wall.

The man on the right was directly thrown out the window. He gave a miserable scream, and then fell still.

The two men who had been pointing their guns at Eddie immediately pulled the triggers and hit him in the chest with electric taser wires.

Eddie only felt a slight discomfort at the intense electric current, and couldn’t help but push his hands forward.

The black hands stretched out three to four meters to hit the two men in the chest.

The two of them flew back and crashed into the wall.

The remaining baldie decisively took out his gun.

Eddie’s arms pulled back, bringing the baldie with them so that the latter was in front of him.

Face full of bafflement, Eddie smiled awkwardly. “Would you believe me if I said that this has nothing to do with me?”

The baldie glared. “Mmph!”

One black hand was clamped tightly over his mouth, and he could only express his opinion with m.u.f.fled sounds.

“Alright, looks like you don’t believe me.” Eddie was angry. Why doesn’t anyone believe me? I really don’t understand what’s going on.

He really wanted to punch this guy hard. As soon as he had the thought, that was exactly what his right hand did.

Keeping the baldie under control with his left hand, his right hand suddenly grew bigger, and a fist more than twenty centimeters in diameter appeared between him and the baldie.

Eddie looked at the fist in surprise, then at the s.h.i.+ny bald head up close.

Stunned for a moment, the baldie then realized that things weren’t looking good, and he shook his head frantically.

But it was too late!

The next moment, a black fist the size of a sandbag landed in his face and punched him into the wall.

In the car, Selina was deep in thought. “Why do I feel that the increase in strength after this symbiosis is more than what you can do?”

“Huh?” Gold Nugget immediately defended itself in the channel. “I’m currently in clone mode. Also, what’s the point of being big? It’s so ugly.”

Selina couldn’t help but agree. “That’s right. This black thing really does look like a tar monster. It’s not cute at all.”

Luke didn’t say anything.

Gold Nugget’s gold color was naturally more beautiful than tar, but as for this symbiotic buff effect… there was no need to count on it too much.

In this world, not every piece of trash could rely on their own abilities to launch a counterattack.

No matter how Gold Nugget dissed the other symbiote, it couldn’t hide the fact that its own symbiotic form wasn’t “strong.”

If it was really strong, it wouldn’t be in such a hurry to disparage Venom.

However, what Luke was interested in wasn’t Gold Nugget’s combat ability, so he left it to its self-denial.

After a few minutes, Eddie had beaten up more than ten men in black, and he slipped out the back door of the building in a fl.u.s.ter.

Seeing that, Luke said to Selina, “I’ll take care of things upstairs. Follow him. When you have the opportunity, ask him if he’s willing to become a probationary employee.”

Looking at a certain dog head who had perked up, Luke added, “Hm, you can let Gold Nugget go first to lower its guard.” He then got out of the car and went upstairs.

Selina unhurriedly moved to the driver’s seat and looked at Gold Nugget in the rearview mirror. “Satisfied?”

In the backseat, Gold Nugget wagged its tail and barked excitedly, its small eyes practically slits.

Selina snorted. “He said you can do whatever you want, but don’t break the safety rules, or else… hehe.”

Gold Nugget nodded vigorously in firm obedience.

It didn’t want to, nor did it dare to go back home. However, being able to brag in front of a “fellow townsman” could be considered fulfilling its wish for a “glorious homecoming.”

At that moment, Eddie, who had slipped downstairs, quickly left on his motorcycle.

Selina followed him to a dark, empty bridge.

Eddie was cursing out his “split personality,” and then… he was taught a lesson.

Venom got mad and then simply “stuck” Eddie’s back to a concrete pillar.

Eddie kicked his legs in the air and then gave up. “Fine, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have called you a parasite. You can tell me what you want me to call you.”

In the SUV hundreds of meters away, Gold Nugget rolled around in laughter when it heard that. “Haha, this guy actually dares to call a symbiote a parasite. Doesn’t he know that this is taboo?”

Selina looked at it in the rearview mirror with a smile. Someone called you a parasite before. Aren’t you asking him for delicious food every day now?

It seemed there weren’t many symbiotes who would rather die than yield! She silently labeled the dog head as someone who bullied the weak but feared the strong.

Eddie, who had given in, was quickly forgiven by Venom and was pulled down from above.

Legs a little weak, Eddie sat on the ground. Looking at the black tentacles stretching out from his back to coalesce into a hideous black head with white eyes and a big mouth full of fangs, he couldn’t help but be glad that he was already sitting down.

Selina frowned. “So ugly?”

She had been lying a little when she praised Gold Nugget’s beauty earlier.

Gold Nugget’s original form was that of a big angular head with no mouth and a roundish body. Strictly speaking, it should be called cute, not pretty.

No matter how she looked at it, Venom looked like a big villain — the kind who would be blown to smithereens at the end of a movie.

Gold Nugget gloated. “I’m not lying, right? I dare say that I’m definitely the most beautiful symbiote.”

But it wouldn’t tell Selina that this was based on Earthlings’ taste.

In the symbiote homeworld, Venom could just barely be considered normal-looking, while Gold Nugget actually wasn’t “handsome” enough.

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