Chapter 1820: Meeting


After Christmas, Luke returned to New York.

Claire had come with him. She said that she wanted to talk to him about something. In the end, it was about joining Ursa Minor.

However, she abided by the rules of the chat group. She simply told Luke that she and her friends had joined a particular hobby group, and that there might be some ‘unconventional’ group activities occasionally.

Looking at his sister, who mimed beating someone up, Luke rolled his eyes and didn’t say anything.

He just told her to take it easy and not go overboard.

He casually asked about her and Stacy, and the answer he got was that they were doing fine.

However, Stacy had acted in a “d*mn” low-budget art film the year before last, and somehow won the Best Supporting Actress award at a film festival this year, and suddenly became popular.

Now, Stacy was filming another movie.

Looking at Claire’s expression, Luke felt that something was wrong. “You don’t want her to be famous?”

Claire wasn’t a petty person, but it was hard to say when it came to her girlfriend.

Claire was depressed. “Bro, there are kissing scenes! She was an extra before, and didn’t have to do much. Now, she’s the lead actress. There’ll be a lot of kissing scenes.”

Luke found that odd. “With a woman?”

Claire: “…With a man.”

Luke didn’t think much of it. “Oh, just pretend it’s like being bitten by a dog.”

Claire: …Is it okay to describe yourself like that?

Gold Nugget turned its head blankly. “Huh?”

After seeing Claire off, Luke went to look for the art film which Stacy had gotten an award for, and didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

Looking at Claire’s expression, he had thought that it was some c.r.a.ppy work.

In the end, it turned out to be a high-quality art film. Stacy did have a kiss in it, but it was just a peck, the kind that was given in pure farewell!

After that, Luke didn’t want to get involved.

When it came to personal matters, as long as it wasn’t murder or domestic abuse, it was normal to have happy and sad times.

Their relations.h.i.+p would only grow more stable if they experienced things together. That was how people grew up.

It wasn’t normal to only have partners and no friends in life.

Now that Stacy was filming, it wasn’t a bad idea for Claire to give her some s.p.a.ce and go play with Mindy.

Luke’s thoughts were beautiful, but things didn’t always go to plan.

Less than two days later, the dog head suddenly came running to disclose that Claire was about to start a fight out of jealousy.

Luke: ???

Luke had always respected Claire’s privacy, but according to the dog head, Claire and the others were in a park.

A public place naturally wasn’t private.

As the big brother, it made sense for him to observe.

When he accessed the scene, Luke was stunned. How many people were there? One, two, three, four, five? Was this a meeting?

When he turned on the external surveillance that Claire had on her, he was even more speechless. It really was a meeting.

In the park in New Jersey, seven girls wore various stumped expressions.

It wasn’t complicated.

Mindy, Claire, Nikki and Monica had come to a Mexican restaurant for lunch.

According to Claire, the food here was pretty good.

Before the car reached the restaurant, Claire heard a familiar voice as they pa.s.sed by the park.

Baffled for a moment, she hurriedly stopped the car and ran over to ‘catch’ Stacy hugging one girl and talking and laughing with another.

Claire, who liked to surf the Internet, quickly recognized that the girl whom Stacy was hugging was the most popular female gaming live streamer at the moment.

She had even watched videos of this female live streamer with Stacy!

Feeling like she had been stabbed in the back, Claire couldn’t take it and immediately charged forward to question Stacy.

Stacy looked pained, but didn’t know how to explain the situation.

The female live streamer was embarra.s.sed, while the other girl had an indecipherable expression on her face.

A moment later, Mindy and the others arrived.

Watching the argument, they didn’t know what to do.

It was impossible to take action. After all, the two girls opposite had no intention of attacking them.

Besides, if they really fought, the two girls would probably cry. After all, they looked weak.

But after a few minutes, the situation became clear.

The only ones who were really arguing were Claire and Stacy. The other five people became bystanders.

Mindy rolled her eyes and approached the girl who hadn’t been hugging Stacy. She asked in a low voice, “You have nothing to do with Carly (Stacy’s alias), right?”

The girl didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. “This is my first time meeting her. She was pa.s.sing by and she was stopped by Arty (Artemis’s alias).”

Mindy stretched out her hand. “Mindy.”

The girl was relieved that they could finally communicate normally. “Skye.”

Just like that, the two of them chatted in low voices.

Nikki and Monica noticed and leaned in to listen to the gossip.

As it turned out, Skye met Artemis every day, and they happened to run into Stacy, who was also here to eat. It was Artemis who had called out to Stacy.

According to Stacy, they met during filming.

Hearing that, Mindy and the other two girls then gave Skye strange looks.

Shocked, Skye quickly explained, “I’m not a lesbian. Arty isn’t either.”

Mindy asked curiously, “Really?”

Thinking for a moment, Skye then shook her head confidently. “I’m sure. She really isn’t. At least, she never seemed so to me.”

Mindy was deep in thought. “But I heard there are different types of lesbians.”

Nikki and Monica had strange expressions on their faces as they subconsciously moved away from her.

Sometimes, this kid was too obsessed with strange knowledge, and said really awkward things — like now.

Skye’s eyes widened. “What?”

She wasn’t a lesbian, but there were all sorts of strange knowledge on the Internet, and she had picked up a thing or two.

Thankfully, Mindy was the calmest of the girls.

When Claire and Stacy’s argument turned into seething, Mindy pulled Claire aside and whispered something to her.

After hearing her relay Skye’s words, Claire looked a little embarra.s.sed.

Mindy did her best to stand on tiptoe and pat her shoulder. “Calm down and talk to your girlfriend and her friend. Don’t lose your temper over a misunderstanding.”

Claire simply nodded and didn’t say anything.

Mindy changed the topic. “If she really dares cheat on you, let me know, and I guarantee I’ll send her and her sugar mommy to the hospital tonight.”

Claire: …

Then, Mindy and the others drove off with Skye, leaving the scene to Claire, Stacy and Artemis.

Luke, who had been watching the whole time, clicked his tongue and didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

n.o.body knew better than he did that there really was nothing going on between Stacy and Artemis.

They had wandered around together for years. If there really was something between them, they would have gotten together a long time ago.

If Claire and Stacy hadn’t run into each other, they might never have liked women.

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