Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1823: Letting Yourself Go, and Curious

Chapter 1823: Letting Yourself Go, and Curious


For the next few days, Luke enjoyed the mile high club on Jenny’s plane.

Their trip wasn’t too packed.

It was true that they had come out to play, but there was no way it was purely fun for Luke.

Jenny took this new ‘bodyguard’ with her as she privately met with the higher-ups of many companies.

These meetings didn’t last long, and usually ended in half an hour.

If it wasn’t because there was no other way to make the meeting shorter, it could actually have been wrapped up the moment Luke saw the person for himself.

That was because Luke could finally match a lot of the names on his blacklist to the person and their level of evil in real life. The reason he came was to confirm and add to the information in his little black notebook.

Trying to uncover these guys who hid behind the scenes one by one would be tricky.

Now, he just needed to follow Jenny out on a trip as she arranged meetings with each one.

A private meeting like this didn’t have to be a big deal or take a lot of time. Few people wouldn’t give Chairman Jenny face, and they made time to meet with her.

Jenny wasn’t a nouveau riche upstart anymore.

After converting so many shares, not only did she have enough capital, she also had a wide range of connections. n.o.body wanted to offend her for no reason.

Speaking of which, Jenny was the person on Luke’s side who had been affected the most by Luke’s abilities.

It wasn’t that he was afraid of betrayal; he just didn’t want them to fall out for some inexplicable reason.

Also, before she had converted her shares, Luke had transferred some of his shares to her.

Jenny was the biggest shareholder in the three major companies, with 15 to 20% of the shares in each company.

Luke was the second biggest shareholder with between 10 and 15% of the shares.

The remaining shareholders had at most 10%, or 1% or even 0.x%.

If the new CEOs wanted to remain firm in their positions, they had to get Jenny’s support.

That way, even if she didn’t hold any managerial positions in the future, she would still have a lot of say in the three companies.

From this point of view, Luke had given Jenny an excessive amount

Of course, it wasn’t a loss for him.

After the stock swap, 70% of the shares would belong to Luke and 30% to Jenny, but she would still be in charge of them.

If she suddenly didn’t want to work anymore one day, Luke could find someone to replace her at any time, which wouldn’t affect his position as a hidden bigshot.

A month wasn’t long, but it was a long vacation for Jenny, who had been busy for years.

With Luke by her side, her bodyguards could basically take a break. After changing her face, she followed Luke around.

She could do whatever she wanted.

A long time ago, Chairman Jenny had expressed a wish — to beat up gangsters.

Relying on the nanosuit and a bulletproof vest, the chairman charged into a nest and unleashed tyrannical punches.

When it was over, she was flushed and panting, not because of exhaustion, but out of sheer excitement.

But that wasn’t enough. She even forced a group of gangsters whom she had beaten black and blue to act against their comrades.

In short: Take off their pants and touch them!

Don’t misunderstand, it was just groping.

The chairman of the board still remembered how she had been molested after being kidnapped by gang members back then.

She had long used her connections to deal with the instigators.

However, she hadn’t witnessed it for herself, while now, she could personally ‘direct’ the show.

Holding her phone up, she gave serious instructions and took photos. She even posted them online, which made a lot of headlines.

What could Luke say? He supported her, of course.

Jenny turned into a director, and Luke became her loyal advisor.

The gangsters he picked out were those who highly opposed same-s.e.x relations.h.i.+ps, so the filming process was absolutely unbearable to them.

If they didn’t want to continue being beaten up, they could only grit their teeth and do as they were told.

Thankfully, Miss Jenny had always been tasteful. After venting her anger, she didn’t do it again.

The nanosuit’s main function wasn’t just protection.

With the help of some equipment, they could go to all sorts of amazing places to view the scenery. Skysc.r.a.pers, mountains, cliffs, lakes and forests were all good locations.

Luke had absolute confidence in his physical skills. He could maintain his balance anywhere and wouldn’t let anything happen to them.

Since there were no bodyguards on this private trip, Jenny didn’t have to pretend to be the overbearing chairman of the board anymore.

That was what Luke preferred.

To gradually adapt to life behind the scenes, Jenny needed to escape the pressure and the eyes of others.

The richest woman, the queen of business, the powerful bigshot – these were all just tools that could be used.

She had enough confidence to move between these personas rather than let them tie her down.

It was easier said than done.

There was also a saying in China: “There is only fame and fortune.” n.o.body had ever been able to deny this.

Thankfully, Jenny didn’t need to do so; she just had to be clear about what she needed.

After a month of travel, Jenny was radiant and reluctant to go back.

It could only be said that following Luke around was too fun.

But crafty Luke had already given her a heads-up as he stuck to his shut-in persona and said that he preferred to stay at home and do R&D.

n.o.body knew better than Jenny how much of the tech for the three major companies came from Luke.

She also knew that Luke basically went home after work and hardly left the house at night.

While chatting with Pepper, Jenny had heard a little about Tony Stark’s daily schedule, and felt that it was pretty much the same for Luke.

Thus, the chairman didn’t doubt Luke’s rubbish talk at all.

She just arranged with Luke that after she stepped down from a managerial role for the three major companies, the two of them had to take at least a month off every year, and it didn’t have to be all at once.

Luke didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. She was treating it like a half-year or quarterly bonus.

He agreed to the request.

In any case, if the time was split up, it was only a week every three months; he could easily find the time.

He might not necessarily be able to take an entire month off.

Back in New York, Luke sent Jenny to the phone company’s headquarters, only to see Angel waiting in the office.

She was Jenny’s personal bodyguard, and wasn’t here to wait for him.

Luke simply nodded at her with a smile and left.

His keen senses told him that Angel was staring at his back.

Entering the elevator, he shook his head in amus.e.m.e.nt. She probably didn’t recognize him as V, but was just a little curious about him. After all, she had an okay relations.h.i.+p with Jenny.

However, Jenny was the only woman she got along with.

The two women basically got along in a regular way, and could just barely be considered bosom friends.

If Angel wasn’t curious about this female billionaire’s relations.h.i.+p, she would be the female version of Frank.

After Luke took the elevator down, Angel waited for Jenny to make a pot of green tea in the kitchen. She curled her lip and said, “You’ve really been led astray by your little wolfhound. You actually like to drink such bitter stuff.”

Jenny smiled. “You need to savor it slowly. You’re not interested, so you don’t have to force yourself.”

Angel snorted and went to the kitchen to get a cup. She filled it up, then downed the tea in one go.

Jenny: “…Do you need me to send you to the hospital?”

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