Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1842: Cooperation and the Start of the Ambush

Chapter 1842: Cooperation and the Start of the Ambush

Translator: Henyee Translations  Editor: Henyee Translations

That was enough to make anyone go crazy.

Just the fact it could close wounds and stop the bleeding made this nanomite technology a history-making technological product.

If it could achieve the ideal that this man was talking about, this thing would be even more unbelievable than Luke’s nanosuit.

A certain person with paranoia had always been invested in armor with cheats; MARS Industries’ nanomites, which could circulate in the human body, could completely become part of the human const.i.tution.

After being injected with nanomites, it would take just a thought for an ordinary person’s injuries to be healed inside out.

This could already be considered a poor man’s version of a Tempering + Self-Healing combo.

Used with ill intent, however, the nanomites just needed to block a small blood vessel in an important organ, and it would only take an ordinary person a matter of minutes to die.

Killing people this way required less than a gram of nanotechnology.

Luke asked the key question: “Can the technology be manufactured on a wide scale?”

Natasha shook her head. “I don’t know, but recently, MARS Industries has been delivering unknown goods to the French government. The most I have come up with is that it’s highly cla.s.sified.”

Luke was surprised. “Huh? Not to Hydra?”

Natasha smiled. “There are many international powers in MARS Industries, and the British and French have a lot of say – they definitely have to be the first to enjoy the results. However, I’m not the only one who knows about the goods. Hydra also received word from someone at MARS Industries.”

Luke got it. “So, Hydra can steal it, and the blame for losing the nanomites will have nothing to do with MARS Industries?”

Natasha said, “That’s probably the case. More importantly, the losses that will happen later will have nothing to do with MARS Industries. After seeing for themselves how powerful the nanomites are, the European countries might invest even more money in the tech, which would make things easier.”

Luke nodded. “Killing two birds with one stone. The gains will be huge if they succeed, but there won’t be any risks if they fail. Indeed, it’s a win-win situation. What’s your plan?”

Natasha chuckled. “If Hydra can steal from the French government, we can of course steal from Hydra.”

Luke smiled. “That’s true. The reason you looked for me definitely isn’t to talk reason with them.”

Hearing that, Natasha shook her head with a smile. “No, no, no. I’ve seen a lot of videos of how reasonable you can be. Actually, you can have a good chat with them.”

Most of the people who ‘spoke reason’ with Batman were either sent to the hospital or the police department, with very few exceptions.

That was because this person always spoke with his fists.

Luke thought nothing of it. “Then we need to come up with a plan to rob Hydra.”

Natasha smiled, but didn’t slow down as she quickly checked the information she had. “There are two possible storage locations for the finished nanomites from MARS Industries. One is the vault in the bas.e.m.e.nt at company HQ, and the other is the nanomite research inst.i.tute. Each person will have to keep an eye on one each…”

Luke chuckled inwardly. It was only because she couldn’t clone herself, and had to ensure that the operation was a success on both ends, that she didn’t carry it out herself.

As someone who had a huge debt with the bigshot, her current equipment wasn’t much worse than Phil’s.

The current Natasha could single-handedly take on ten Black Widows from a few years ago.

That was how ridiculously easy it was to crush someone with equipment.

This was also one of the reasons why Natasha had the guts to chase after Hydra on her own.

Luke wasn’t annoyed. Instead, he made an offer. “Let’s turn the mission this time into a collaboration – you provide news and intelligence upfront, and handle the follow-up. How does 50% sound?”

“Provisional?” Natasha was delighted, but she still had to ask.

Luke said, “It’s a 30-70 split at most based on actual contributions, provided that your contributions on this mission make up 70%.”

“Deal.” Natasha readily agreed.

A collaboration meant that she didn’t need to pay any credit points, and she could get 50% of everything.

It was like how movie investments were often split between several major companies.

It wasn’t that one company couldn’t invest that much, but split investments meant dividing the risks and pressure, and would increase the chances of success.

If Natasha worked on her own, she probably wouldn’t get anything; 100% of nothing was obviously meaningless.

Now, it was a 70%-30% split.

Would Batman return empty-handed? Of course not.

As long as Natasha partic.i.p.ated, this would be a collaboration between the Avengers and the Bat Squad. Whether it was the nanomites themselves or the technology, Tony would be qualified to take a share.

Even blood brothers would keep accounts.

Tony would have to give Natasha enough credit points for these benefits.

She might be able to repay the huge debt which she owed the bigshot. Borrow, pay back, then borrow again – that wasn’t hard!

Inside an armored truck, Captain Duke and his friend, Cord, were shooting the breeze.

Compared with his friend who nattered on without stopping, Duke was much more serious.

He kept his eyes on the dashboard and the situation outside, and listened to the comms.

This was a big job. If he completed it without a hitch, he would get at least two to three days of leave. If things didn’t go smoothly, he could just wait to be reeducated when he got back.

It was already night, and the convoy was 40 kilometers from the base. It would take at most 40 minutes for the goods to be delivered and to complete the mission.

Duke relaxed a little.

Suddenly, Cord looked at the dashboard and then out the window. He found it strange. “We’re 40 kilometers from the base, right?”

Duke hummed in acknowledgment.

Rick said, “Doesn’t the base have a patrol team on the 40-kilometer perimeter? You even got a checkpoint pa.s.s before we left. Whoa, we’re only 39 kilometers away now.”

Stumped for a moment, Duke then picked up the walkie-talkie. “Everybody, be vigilant. Something’s wrong. Chicken 1, Chicken 2, do you notice anything?”

After a moment, the two Apache helicopters above the convoy replied, “Negative.”

Duke frowned. “Contact the base and ask them where the patrol team is.”

As soon as he said that, he heard an urgent warning from the helicopter pilot on the comms. “Unknown flying object detected. It’s in front of us. It’s firing. Dodge~~”

There was a drawn-out roar, Duke saw two thick streaks of blue light in the night sky up ahead.


The voice of the pilot of Chicken 2 suddenly disappeared from the comms.

Then, the ground was lit up by the explosion in the sky.

What was left of the Apache rained down, the metal fragments. .h.i.t the armored truck with a clatter.

With a loud rumble, half of the wreckage smashed onto a hill on the side.

Duke roared into his walkie-talkie, “Hostile attack! Chicken 2 is under attack and has crashed. Attention, all units. If you encounter a suspicious target, open fire.”

Chicken 1 acted before Duke even finished giving the order. Two short-range Sidewinder missiles whooshed out.

The machine gun under the helicopter also fired at the strange fighter plane hundreds of meters away.

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