Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1846: Don’t Do Anything

Chapter 1846: Don’t Do Anything

Translator: Henyee Translations  Editor: Henyee Translations

Inside the building, the Baroness and the other three quickly got into the black Hummer and sped off.

The alarm had distracted them from the empty front desk; the four warheads that had been activated were much more important than the mysterious disappearance of the security guards.

As soon as the black Hummer left, a silver-gray Renault van stopped in front of the building, and the side door opened.

In the pa.s.senger seat of the van was a man in a black combat uniform. He looked around and suddenly pointed at a side street. “That’s their black Hummer. Chase it.”

The driver was about to do as he was told, when he heard a soft voice behind him. “I think it’s better for you to stay here.”


Alarmed, six people subconsciously looked in the direction of the voice.

At some point, a white figure had entered through the side door. He pressed down on the two men in silver armor who were in the back row.

The six people in the van looked at the man.

The man was wearing pure white armor and a pair of bluish-purple lenses. There were two longswords on his back.

At first glance, it looked very similar to the black armor of the person in the pa.s.senger seat, and the difference in color was stark.

“White Shadow?” One of the men in silver subconsciously cried out. He and his comrade swung at the man in the white armor at the same time.

Duang! Duang!

There were two dull thuds as the man in white armor was. .h.i.t in the face with a fist and jabbed in the ribs with an elbow.

However, the man in white armor continued sitting upright in the back row, as if he wasn’t injured at all. “Your aim’s pretty good; what a pity your strength is lacking.”

The man in the pa.s.senger seat had already pushed the door open. Gripping the edge of the car roof firmly, he swung around and through the side door, and headed straight for the man in white armor.

Bang! Bang!

The legs of the man in black collided with one of the legs of the man in white, and the man in black was sent flying back out of the side door. He flipped in the air to land on the ground.

The two men in silver armor had already seized the opportunity to launch a fierce attack. Silver fists and white palms collided nonstop, as clanging sounds rang out in the car.

The man in white didn’t even move as he blocked the attacks from the two men in silver.

The man in black found an opportunity to draw his longsword and thrust it forward like lightning.

The man in white grabbed one of the hands of the man in silver on the right and used it to deflect the attack.

A red-haired woman sitting in front of the men in silver held her breath as she watched punches fly and the sword flash. She reached for her gun.

However, she somehow felt that there was something familiar about this man in white armor who had suddenly appeared.

When she touched her gun, she suddenly paused and exclaimed, “Wait, don’t move.”

Hearing that, the two men in silver slowed down, and the man in white pressed down on their arms.

The man in black hesitated for a moment. He was poised to attack again, but didn’t.

The red-haired woman observed the man in white for a moment before she asked hesitantly, “You’re… the Angel of Judgment who killed Dukhovich at The Hague?”

Luke smiled. He raised an eyebrow. “It seems you know me. Let me officially introduce myself: I am White Wolf.”

As he spoke, he stretched out one hand to the red-haired woman.

Stunned, the red-haired woman shook his hand, then came back to herself. “Why… Why did you stop us?”

Luke said, “Because I don’t want you to fight Cobra on the streets and accidentally injure innocent people.”

Everybody in the van looked at each other silently.

A moment later, the man in silver on Luke’s right couldn’t help but mutter, “Are we going to watch other people do bad things without doing anything? Won’t more people die then?”

Tilting his head to look at the African-American man, Luke patted his shoulder and said, “Bro, don’t let your capability limit your imagination. Since I’m here, I naturally have a way to deal with them.”

The man’s face darkened. Are you saying that I’m not capable enough?

Luke waved at the man in black combat uniform who was outside the van. “Get in. Let’s follow them.”

The man in black hesitated for a moment, but still got back into the pa.s.senger seat.

Luke closed the door and patted the driver’s seat. “Dude, let’s go.”

The man looked at the red-haired woman and the man in black for a moment. When they nodded, he turned around and drove off.

Luke activated the armor’s projection system and placed it in front of the big guy up front. “The red dot is the Hummer, and the blue dot is us. Don’t get too close, or you’ll easily be discovered.”

Everybody in the van was silent for a moment – this really was premeditated. He had even placed a tracker on Cobra’s car.

It was the red-haired woman who broke the silence first. “Mr. White Wolf, the other party stole from us important technology which belongs to the French government. We have to get it back.”

Crossing his arms, Luke leaned back. “Then, you have authorization from the French government to take action?”

The red-haired woman was stumped when she heard that. She and her team were in a hurry to prevent the situation from deteriorating. Who the h.e.l.l had the time to get authorization?!

But she immediately added, “We’re in the process of getting it. It’ll be issued in ten minutes, tops.”

Luke shrugged. “Sorry, but I’m not pinning my hopes on these youngsters.”

Saying that, he patted the shoulders of the two men in silver – he was really asking for a beating with that tone.

“Besides, it was an insider at MARS Industries who leaked information on the warheads.” Luke continued, “It’s still unclear how many people in NATO are involved in this. I don’t have time to guess at their att.i.tude. So, I’ll take care of everything.”

Everybody in the van couldn’t help but curse inwardly. If you take care of everything and wrap it up, then what are we youngsters supposed to do?

Unwilling to give up, the red-haired woman tried saying a few more words, but seeing that White Wolf wasn’t convinced, she decisively gave up and started to introduce her group to him.

The big driver was called Heavy Duty, the man in black who looked like a ninja was called Snake Eyes, and the red-haired woman was called… Scarlett. Next to her was a middle-aged man with black half-rimmed, who was called Breaker.

The two men in silver armor were the ones who had been leading the convoy transporting the warheads – they were Duke and Ripcord.

Except for Duke and Ripcord, who had been serving in the US military up until a few days ago, the rest of them were part of a covert unit which operated primarily in Europe, but helped out in Asia and Africa.

When Scarlett called Luke the Angel of Judgment, and looking at his appearance, they recalled what happened a few years ago.

After all, the Angel of Judgment was the first famous superhero in Europe!

However, the White Wolf Armor looked a little similar to what their enemy, White Shadow, wore; it was just that White Shadow wore a mask, not a helmet, and the blades on his back were white.

Luke had appeared too suddenly, and Snake Eyes and the two fellows in silver armor couldn’t help but attack.

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