Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1887: Individual Preferences, 60 Dexterity

Chapter 1887: Individual Preferences, 60 Dexterity

Translator: Henyee Translations  Editor: Henyee Translations

Luke waved his hand. “I was the one who introduced you and Pietro to the Justice League; there’s no need to be so reserved. We don’t have that many restrictions. As long as you don’t do anything wrong, you can do whatever you want.”

Wanda was finally interested. “But I was told to avoid using my powers.”

Luke said, “You shouldn’t just think about using your powers to solve everything. For example, if you’re driving and someone does a hit and run, you could send the other party and their car flying with a wave of your hand – of course, you shouldn’t.”

Wanda was a little unhappy. “I wouldn’t do that.”

Luke said, “It’s just an example. Humans are creatures of habit. I choose to have everyone form good habits first.”


Wanda asked, “What if someone takes out a gun?”

Luke glanced at her with a smile. “Always prioritize your own safety. It’s fine to kill all of them if necessary.”

Wanda was stunned. “Wait, I thought you didn’t kill people?”

Luke took a sip of his beer. “It’s my personal choice not to kill anyone. It has nothing to do with anyone else. For example, that person likes to kill people, but he’s my most trusted teammate.”

Following his gaze, Wanda looked at Big Dipper, and was lost for words.

She had read up on a lot of basic intelligence in the last two days. Big Dipper could be considered the number one killer in the Bat Squad.

After a brief silence, Wanda finally asked in a low voice, “Um, why can’t I sense what you’re thinking?”

As soon as she said that, she felt that it didn’t sound right, and she quickly added, “It’s a pa.s.sive ability; I can’t control it. As long as I’m close to someone, I can sense their thoughts.”

Luke nodded. “It’s like an active or pa.s.sive radar. I get it.”

Wanda was at a loss. “What radar?”

Luke said, “…Hm, I’ll send you some information after this. You can try getting a handle on it; it might boost your pa.s.sive ability.”

Wanda nodded, then remembered her question. “Then, my question…”

Luke chuckled. “It’s a secret in our team, but I can show you. Look over there.”

He gestured in Big Dipper’s direction.

Next to him, Wanda heard Luke say in a low voice, “Big Dipper, Mental Resistance.”

20 meters away, Big Dipper, who was at the window, seemed to have heard him. He looked over and then casually pointed as he continued chatting.

On the other side, Wanda sensed an obvious thought wave being transmitted from Big Dipper to Knight.

Knight’s mental fluctuations went from calm to near silence.

Wanda was surprised. “Is this a mental ability? It seems targeted at my powers…”

Luke said, “Sort of. Strictly speaking, it can protect the recipient and increase their mental resistance for a day or so.”

At that point, he suddenly changed the topic. “So, Big Dipper and I aren’t related or anything, understand?”

Wanda subconsciously nodded. “Got it…”

As soon as she said that, her fair face suddenly turned red.

It wasn’t bashfulness, but pure embarra.s.sment.

For some reason, she had felt that Knight and Big Dipper were a little similar.

It didn’t have anything to do with appearance, mental fluctuations, temperament, or manner of speech; it was just an intuition.

Her intuition usually wasn’t wrong, which was why she had some guesses about them.

Now that Luke had called her out on it, she felt pretty embarra.s.sed. So, it was because of this ‘Mental Resistance’ that the two of them felt similar! That made sense.

Luke’s expression didn’t change, but he felt a little helpless.

It seemed that he had to watch the witch closely for now. At the very least, he had to clearly work out the effects of her mental powers, or the Bat Squad would have to stay far away from her.

He took note of Wanda’s interest in Big Dipper.

Knowledge was power.

Even though mental abilities had practically no effect on Wanda, Luke could infer a lot of things from her subtle expressions.

So far, it seemed that the witch had a good impression of Big Dipper for some reason, but it wasn’t like a crush or anything.

With Knight, she was just an ordinary ‘face-con’ – at most, she just had some respect for him.

Luke didn’t know what to say.

At the very beginning, he had thought that given Master Wayne’s looks and reputation, he should be very popular with women.

In the end, after they got to know him, all these men and women wanted to treat him like a G.o.d.

Conversely, girls wanted to get close to the bearded, older Big Dipper.

This was similar to what Natasha felt, that Batman didn’t dally with women.

And this was a super female agent who played mind games with men!

Forget it! Some people said that great superheroes didn’t need women, so Batman deserved to be single forever!

It was fine as long as private investigator Luke had a girlfriend.

After fulfilling Dr. Helen Cho’s wish to get close to Thor, Luke was finally able to wrangle this female scientist, who was a top researcher.

He also promised that unless circ.u.mstances didn’t permit it, he would do his best to let her know if there were other gatherings Thor would be attending.

From what Luke could sense, Dr. Cho’s thinking was: As long as she could meet Thor, it didn’t matter which side she joined.

It didn’t matter whether it was Iron Man’s team or Batman’s team.

From this, one could see how lofty this beautiful doctor’s goal was.

Except for the fact that she was a Thor fangirl, Dr. Cho was normal in every other aspect.

The research funding and treatment which she received were based on her status and abilities, and she didn’t have any bizarre quirks.

Compared with the evil doctors in s.p.a.ce 2 who shouted every day for live test subjects, Dr. Cho was as kind and harmless as a rabbit.

After the party, Luke finally took the time to increase his Dexterity to 60.

At 60 Strength, it was as if all his muscles were being twisted up and melting.

At 60 Mental Strength, his head didn’t just hurt like h.e.l.l, his consciousness even felt like it had exploded.

How miserable would 60 Dexterity be? Luke himself had no idea, and he didn’t tell Selina and Gold Nugget about it.

He had gotten Selina to hang around for 60 Mental Strength because he had been worried about losing consciousness and being unable to save herself.

With 60 Dexterity… The most likely possibility was that he would cry like a baby and lose control of his body.

It had to be pointed out that the biggest sensation in making a breakthrough with Dexterity was — an itch.

It was an itch that couldn’t be alleviated or controlled, which could drive an ordinary person crazy.

He definitely wouldn’t go crazy, but he would definitely lose control over his body.

Letting Selina see that was the same as letting the dog head see it – where would his dignity as the fiend be then?

In the bas.e.m.e.nt of New Hope Research Inst.i.tute, Luke clicked on the ‘+’ sign for Dexterity, and he suddenly sucked in his breath and opened his eyes wide.

A minute later, he got up from where he had been twitching on the bed.

He closed his eyes and raised his head; the itch inside his body was still bearable. He suddenly smiled. “Should I give that dude in Afterlife a huge bonus?”

Learning the stretchy ability of that middle-aged man in Afterlife reduced the sensation of pain by 50%, and this also applied to itchiness.

Luke hadn’t known it would be useful for when he upgraded his Dexterity.

At that moment, he finally confirmed how amazing this ability was. Upgrading to 60 Dexterity didn’t feel as bad as when he had upgraded to 40 Dexterity. This… could be considered a magical effect.

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