Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1904: Monster Love Affair, Waiting for an Opportunity

Chapter 1904: Monster Love Affair, Waiting for an Opportunity

Translator: Henyee Translations  Editor: Henyee Translations

As they were talking, Luke suddenly stopped and looked southeast.

There was a faint sense of danger coming from the ocean, and it was becoming increasingly distinct.

Luke said, “The target is here. 50 kilometers or so southeast over the water. Everybody, get ready.”

A moment later, there was a very faint rumble.

It was the sound of an enormous object cras.h.i.+ng into the water dozens of kilometers away.


Luke said, “The bat monster might have entered the water.”

He then looked at the Mark suit next to him. “I’m going to take a look. Are you using this suit?”

Tony had shown off this armor before, so Luke knew that it was a special type that was suitable for deep sea operations.

Tony said, “Of course. It’ll take me a few minutes to get there. Don’t kill it too soon.”

Luke said, “…You’re overthinking it.”

Given the monster’s size, it wouldn’t die that easily.

The octopus baby in the first drawing had been near-invincible, and Luke had to rely on the Ancient One to deal with it.

This monster wasn’t some sort of nuclear weapon. If Luke could kill it instantly, it wouldn’t be qualified to show up in a Foresight Drawing at all.

The two of them flew out over the ocean.

The deep sea androids that had been lurking around the Golden Gate Bridge were already on the move and acted as Luke’s eyes underwater.

Ten seconds into the flight, Tony suddenly cursed and his suit suddenly fell.

Looking at the warnings that popped up non-stop inside the suit, Luke’s expression wasn’t great either. “Your EMP calculations are only half of this.”

But there shouldn’t be such a disparity in Tony’s calculations; it could only be that there was an unexpected factor.

The Chitauri’s mental remote control technology was indeed good, but a lot of electronic equipment would be required in order to implement it on Earth.

Currently, the two of them hadn’t lost control of their suits, but they couldn’t use many of the support functions. The detection and remote control functions were practically paralyzed, and their combat efficiency was reduced by at least 30%.

Grimly, Luke drew out the pair of katanas from his back.

The most reliable thing right now was cold weapons.

Unfortunately, the katanas were just durable and sharp, and nothing more than that.

The truly powerful thing was still the Mjölnir hammer, which was a combo of matter and magic.

If Thor were here, he would be able to beat the c.r.a.p out of the bat monster.

EMP or whatever would be dog sh*t to him – when the crown prince charged forward, he was a hammer/lightning heavyweight.

An heir with a capable father was really awesome. Feeling envious, Luke steered his suit down into the water.

Tony’s deep sea suit also staggered and fell into the water.

Soon, Tony exclaimed, “WTF?!”

Luke didn’t say anything, but he also cursed in his heart.

That was because not far away, two monsters were whispering sweet nothings to each other.

Even monsters fooled around everywhere nowadays! It was crazy.

Mouth to mouth, the smaller monster spat out something for the bigger monster.

No wonder the EMP readings here were doubled; it turned out that there were two giant monsters.

What was even more terrifying was that the 70-meter-tall bat-winged monster was the smaller one.

The bigger one was over 100 meters tall, but it didn’t have any bat wings, which was good news.

Apart from the lack of wings, the two behemoths were basically the same in every other aspect, except for the bigger one’s stomach.

Looking at the big monster’s huge belly, Luke couldn’t help but think of a terrifying possibility. “The big one is probably female, and pregnant.”

Tony was silent for a moment as he tried to discern what was going on through the spotty feed that he was getting. Finally, he replied, “It’s very likely. The one with wings just regurgitated nuclear fuel from the power plant. It’s close to 1,500 millisieverts in your position.”

Luke understood what he meant.

Ordinary people who got within 1,000 meters of the two monsters would be subject to a high dose of nuclear radiation.

In Luke’s current position, which was 300 meters away, an ordinary person would suffer severe radiation sickness in a matter of minutes.

So, it was best not to let them enter San Francisco.

Thankfully, the two monsters didn’t seem to have any intention of approaching San Francisco.

Luke and the others still had time to tell the San Francisco residents to evacuate; half the morning would be enough.

During this period of time, they had to fend off these two bat-headed monsters.

After a brief discussion, Luke and Tony split up.

This wasn’t their first rodeo.

Tony had already reported the situation to the government, and used his connections to mobilize the media in San Francisco to spread word of the emergency.

Luke also sent out a bunch of photos online as he warned that two monsters were lurking near San Francisco, and people should temporarily evacuate as soon as possible.

Iron Man and the Bat Squad were about to work together to beat up the monsters.

At that moment, Tony arrived in his Veronica suit, but he stopped on the Golden Gate Bridge.

Rather than enter the range of the monster’s EMP, it was better to wait on the periphery.

San Francisco suddenly exploded with activity.

The older people who didn’t believe the ‘rumors’ on the Internet would see it for themselves on TV.

Tony had looked for the TV stations with the highest viewers.h.i.+p in San Francisco, which played the ten-second warning video which he had just recorded.

After confirming that it was true, countless people panicked, and packed up and left.

The smartest people just grabbed their wallets and keys and drove off.

But many people weren’t that smart, and packed up a bunch of things as if they were moving.

By the time they left, they realized that the streets were filled with traffic, and it was impossible for them to leave right away.

The members of the Bat Squad were all using regular robots with engineering gear which never stopped ‘directing’ traffic — anyone who didn’t move on the road was thrown to the side.

It had already been verified in Sokovia that this ‘manual’ method was absolutely efficient.

While there were no New s.h.i.+ELD agents here to help out, the San Francisco Police Department was much more helpful than the Sokovian police.

Additionally, both the police and civilians trusted Iron Man and the Bat Squad far more than the Sokovians had.

The only exceptions were Wanda and Pietro.

Pietro’s ability to move quickly didn’t allow him to wear armor, which would tire him out quickly.

It wouldn’t be able to keep up with his speed, and would just hamper his performance.

Thus, he only wore a nanosuit.

He would use his ability when it was necessary, but in all other situations, the Flying Legs boots were enough.

Wanda’s role was mainly to break up any fights that happened when people got angry as they ran for their lives.

As for the criminals who took advantage of the chaos to injure and rob others, the team members simply knocked them out and tossed them to the side.

Anybody who would do something like this in an emergency basically wouldn’t be anything good. If they weren’t light red, they were bright red in the system. It would serve them right if they really died here.

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