Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1917: You’re Talented, Learn From Me…

Chapter 1917: You’re Talented, Learn From Me…

Translator: Henyee Translations  Editor: Henyee Translations

Susan was stunned. That fierce?

But recalling Sasha’s expression earlier, she had nothing to say.

Even G.o.d had said, “An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.” It was hence unrealistic to expect ordinary people to be magnanimous.

Everybody talked in low voices as they watched the show, and didn’t mention Sasha and her partner again.

But half an hour later, after the stage turned dark for a moment, a spotlight turned on to reveal Sasha and her partner, Reed.


As the music rang out, Sasha picked up the microphone and started singing.

After listening for a while, Luke had to admit that this C-list singer was pretty good.

The lyrics and Sasha’s movements made it easy for people to understand the story behind the song.

It was probably love at first sight, but both parties were in other relations.h.i.+ps. However, they couldn’t resist true love (l.u.s.t) and slept together.

Claire didn’t forget to tell Luke in a low voice that this song was basically an embellished version of how Sasha and Reed had hooked up.

Naturally, no one mentioned how they had cheated on their exes, but everyone in the entertainment circle was well aware of it.

It wasn’t rare in the entertainment circle, but it was definitely rare to write a song about it.

On stage tonight, it was as if Sasha and her partner were performing a short musical as they came together and broke apart again and again, like a foolish man and a resentful woman.

When it was time to perform an argument, Sasha raised her hand and gave Reed a slap as per the script.

Reed was instantly stunned.

The slap was real, and his left cheek burned. Clearly, she had used a lot of strength.

Before he could react, Sasha’s other hand swung out as well.


His right cheek couldn’t escape the same fate.

Reed was genuinely stunned. Wait, that wasn’t in the script!

Actually, the first hit should’ve been fake, and didn’t need to touch his face.

Sasha, however, was very excited.

She had smoked some weed backstage earlier, and felt good.

Her anger at Claire and the young man earlier was vented with these two slaps.

Also, she had been arguing with Reed recently about his ambiguous relations.h.i.+ps with some little b*tches.

The two of them had a lot of fights, which occasionally turned physical.

However, they had to keep up their ‘true love’ image and use their story to promote themselves, so they didn’t dare be too ruthless.

But Sasha had once hidden at home for three days, afraid that someone would see the handprints on her.

Reed had to claim that the scratches on his face were from a pet cat.

After the performance started, Sasha somehow saw herself as the party who was being cheated on. Thinking about how Reed was fooling around outside, her mood suddenly changed.

Only a few people in the audience could tell that something was wrong with the two people on stage. After all, not many people were focused on the performance.

But ten seconds later, when Reed was supposed to reject Sasha when she clung to him, he suddenly pushed her.

Sasha’s voice wobbled as she suddenly stumbled back five meters and fell on her b.u.t.t.

Then, she made a second sound.

This sound was especially distinct, even without the microphone, and everyone in the hall turned to look.

Two staff members ran over and helped Sasha up. She could only yell, “It hurts! It hurts!”

When everybody took a closer look, they realized that there seemed to be a dark circle on her b.u.t.t that was slowly expanding.

Claire covered her mouth in surprise, then craned her neck and whispered in Luke’s ear, “Is it her period?”

Luke shook his head with a smile.

Claire’s mind whirled, and she then said in shock, “A miscarriage?”

Luke rolled his eyes and pushed her head away. “What are you thinking? It’s on her b.u.t.t. She was just p.r.i.c.ked by something.”

He wasn’t crazy enough to use a miscarriage to deal with a woman.

In fact, Luke had only induced Sasha and Reed a little into expressing their emotions more straightforwardly.

Sasha had gotten high before she got on stage. She slapped Reed, who then pushed her as they expressed their true emotions.

A more level-headed person would only feel on edge for ten minutes at most, and wouldn’t attack anyone.

Luke had just added the straw that broke the camel’s back.

As the saying went, you reap what you sow.

After a few minutes of clamor on the stage, Sasha, whose b.u.t.t was bleeding, and a confused Reed got off.

The host walked up with a calm smile and said a few witty words before announcing that the show would go on.

In any case, this show wasn’t being streamed live, and only a recording of it would go on sale.

What happened earlier wasn’t anything out of the ordinary in the entertainment circle.

There were partners who got drunk before going on stage, and sang blindly.

There were bands who only realized that their members were high just as they were about to go on stage.

These were all common occurrences.

Singers fell flat on their faces on stage after their shoelaces were tampered with, or microphones were s.n.a.t.c.hed away to mock winners for not being worthy of their victory.

There were a lot of these sorts of spectacles.

That was how the entertainment industry worked.

Too many people were blinded by fame and fortune, and lost themselves.

When the next performance started, Susan suddenly turned around and said to Luke, “You’re very talented. How about learning fortune-telling from me?”

Stumped for a moment, Luke shook his head with a smile, but still took out his card and handed it to her. “I have a job, but if I have the time, I’m happy to do consults.”

Susan took the card and looked at it. “Er, alright, I think we can set up some sort of partners.h.i.+p.”

Luke chuckled. “I don’t do things like look for lost pets.”

Susan shrugged. “Actually, most of my cases are about searching for people. You get it, right?”

Luke nodded. “Yeah.”

A fortune teller could be called a psycho or a psychic.

The most common commissions out there were for communicating with the dead or searching for missing people. Many fortune-tellers relied on these to make a living.

But a partners.h.i.+p or whatever was just a casual suggestion – if something like this really came knocking, Luke wouldn’t actually take it on.

On the other hand, Susan’s fortune-telling ability was interesting, and needed to be verified.

After watching the farce, Luke spoke with Claire, then he and Selina left first.

Everyone else would hang around after the performance to network – this was one of the partic.i.p.ants’ most important goals.

Claire, however, had no such need.

Both she and her family felt that P!nk was too popular.

Her fans were mostly young and enthusiastic, and often went overboard in chasing celebrities.

Claire wasn’t afraid of stalkers, but she was afraid that these people would treat their own lives like nothing.

When Claire left, Susan left with her.

She had joined the industry by a fluke, and didn’t necessarily want to make a career out of it.

Besides, after the botched performance and a pleasant chat with Luke tonight, she realized that she still preferred fortune-telling.

Movie star? Whatever.

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