Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1942: Baby Mount’s First Kill and a.s.sistance

Chapter 1942: Baby Mount’s First Kill and a.s.sistance

Translator: Henyee Translations  Editor: Henyee Translations

The team members in the command center were dumbfounded. “We sent out the helicopter because of the tsunami warning.”

It was this commander who demanded that their cellphones be left in their lockers on the grounds that they interfered with work efficiency.

There were landlines here; it wasn’t like they couldn’t contact anyone.

In the end, what happened tonight was so sudden, and everyone had received a text warning, but the Coast Guard didn’t know, so they simply sent out a helicopter.

The commander fell silent. He also remembered that it was his own rule that no phones were allowed at work.


It was very likely that the two team members on the helicopter had died in the line of duty. He had mixed feelings.

While the team was feeling low, the two team members on the helicopter looked down with dumbfounded expressions, and their minds went blank.

Just now, when the helicopter was spinning and falling, it suddenly jerked to a stop.

Then, the helicopter descended steadily and quickly.

Terrified, the two craned their necks and looked down, only to see a dome-like object glowing with a hazy yellow light on the ocean below them, and a huge black ribbon-like object which stretched all the way to the helicopter.

As the helicopter descended, they saw… a person sitting on the yellow dome.

When the helicopter was on the same level as the man, the two team members looked at him from ten meters away.

It was an old man in his fifties. He was wearing a black suit and a bowler hat, and had a cane.

When he turned his head, there was a glint in his left eye.

The two team members were lost for words. Am I crazy? Am I hallucinating? Why is an old man here?

At that moment, the old man nodded at them and waved his hand. “The helicopter can no longer fly. We’ll give you a ride back.”

The two team members: ???

Then, the helicopter doors creaked open, and the safety buckles on the two team members popped open.

They screamed in fear.

A tentacle reached in, and they screamed as they were swept out of the helicopter. Suddenly, they landed on something soft.

The huge tentacle let go of them and drew back.

The old man’s voice rang out again. “You should put on the safety belts now, or you won’t get a chance later.”

The two team members, who were focused on the rubber boat under them, came back to their senses.

Looking at each other, they put on the safety belts without hesitation.

As soon as they started moving, they heard a m.u.f.fled violent roar in the distance followed by heavy thuds, which made their hearts jump.

Their hands shook a little, but they weren’t ordinary civilians, and buckled themselves in firmly.

The low rumbling gradually drew closer. They grabbed the handles on both sides of the rubber boat and stared in the direction of the sound.

The water in front of them rose, getting taller and taller until it turned into a huge wave dozens of meters tall that crashed down like a landslide.

The two team members turned pale and gritted their teeth.

Luke waved his hand, and the rubber boat charged up the huge wave before coming down on the other side.

Now that they had avoided this first wave, the two team members were pretty much safe.

Luke turned his attention back to the projection on his monocle.

The deep ocean to the west was sending out an electromagnetic signal every few minutes, and it was getting stronger and stronger.

Luke instructed the big baby under his feet with Mental Communication, “You can dive now. Remember that you have to lock onto your opponent on the first try.”

Brother Octopus’s small tentacles tapped in front of Luke a few times to indicate that it would be fine.

The yellow light faded and the huge body turned gray as it quickly dove into the ocean.

A few kilometers away, a female Muto was fighting G.o.dzilla. It kept moving east toward Honolulu, kicking up huge waves.

Deep in the ocean, Luke raised his head and calculated the average speed of the two beasts. He then looked at the estimated time on the virtual screen.

He shook his head. He would wait another minute. If the male Muto coming from the west didn’t arrive by then, he would have to get rid of it by ‘shrinking’ it.

Doing so would be a waste of the male Muto’s body, but Luke couldn’t ignore the lives of the civilians in Hawaii.

Besides, there was still the female Muto.

The female’s body was bigger, and would be enough to use for a while.

As he thought about the aftermath, his wait was soon over.

A huge shadow swooped down from the sky and aimed its long legs at G.o.dzilla’s head.

At Luke’s warning, G.o.dzilla suddenly lunged forward and tackled the female Muto.

The male Muto that had swooped down missed and crashed into the ocean before it could change its trajectory.

It subconsciously spread its wings to swiftly neutralize the impact.

When its long legs touched the ocean floor, it immediately wanted to kick out and return to the surface.

At that moment, however, it suddenly saw numerous yellowish-orange eyes that looked like lightbulbs light up and stare at it.

The male Muto was stunned. Before it could react, eight huge shadows wrapped around it.

It roared angrily and kicked its long legs.

But resistance was futile.

The eight tentacles were slippery, soft and bouncy, and easily deflected the ma.s.sive strikes.

After all, the Muto’s long legs were smooth!

With a terrified roar, the male Muto was wrapped up in eight tentacles and dragged toward Brother Octopus.

The huge and fierce Muto was like a fly that had fallen into a flytrap. It was weak, helpless, and pitiful.

Luke poked the surface under him. “Okay, Shriek, get to work.”

Shriek immediately controlled the tentacles on Brother Octopus’s head and stretched them out. They slithered toward the male Muto’s mouth and stuck a few metal rods inside, preventing it from closing its mouth.

Then, a small yellow tentacle wrapped around Luke’s large katana and entered the Muto’s body through its mouth.

The male Muto struggled for a moment before it went limp.

Only then did Shriek draw back with the katana that had just pierced the male Muto’s heart.

The octopus let go of the body and immediately headed toward the female Muto.

The female Muto sensed the danger, but couldn’t escape G.o.dzilla.

In terms of raw strength, G.o.dzilla was one to two times stronger.

If it wasn’t for the fact that the Mutos usually moved in pairs, they really couldn’t fight G.o.dzilla.

Now, the female Muto had nowhere to go.

When Brother Octopus was 100 meters away, its tentacles stretched out from the ocean and wrapped around the Muto’s six long legs, making it hard for it to move.

Seeing G.o.dzilla lunge at it, the female Muto opened its mouth in desperation.

G.o.dzilla opened its mouth, and a blue light lit up in the depths of his throat. “He~ tui~”


The female Muto was beheaded and died with its eyes wide open.

G.o.dzilla roared in excitement. Only then did it remember the male Muto, and it looked around.

It saw the body of the other Muto bobbing on the surface of the ocean.

It grabbed the body and, after confirming that it was cold, tossed it aside in disdain.

Returning to the female Muto, G.o.dzilla reached out with two claws to crush the big belly and the eggs inside, and finally completed the entire process of eliminating the enemy.

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