Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 2018: You’re Just Greedy For My Credit

Chapter 2018: You’re Just Greedy For My Credit

Putting aside the preset message and the matter of graduating at level 50, Luke decided to take a few days off and take it easy.

Putting everything else aside, how to spend almost 30 billion credit points in the system was a problem — it was too much.

So much so that he had to give himself ten minutes to make his cheerful mood less obvious, before he dared share his happiness with Selina and the dog head.

He also gave Director Selina a week off in pa.s.sing.


With such a huge harvest, it didn’t matter if she played for a week.

After he obtained 100 Mental Strength, there would be few people on Earth who would be able to withstand Real Dream.

From today onward, whether or not Director Selina’s subordinates were a little more or less efficient wouldn’t affect Luke’s foundation.

Besides, there was Jennifer and Mindy to take care of things. At most, Luke would give them some special bonuses — like medical treatment or cosmetic surgery without side effects.

Life 1? That was what men were mainly after.

Compared with men who on the whole pursued strong and robust bodies, the first priority for women was looks.

In a situation where they were healthy, it was better to offer them small non-invasive surgeries to make them more beautiful rather than reward them with Life 1.

Luke, Selina and the dog head slipped out of the research inst.i.tute through a hidden pa.s.sage with spare BBQ equipment and food ingredients.

Two people and one dog found a spot by the sea in Na.s.sau County and started an outdoor barbecue.

As they chatted, Selina mentioned off-handedly that the dog head needed a freezer with more convenient storage.

Luke, who was enjoying the barbecue, agreed casually and smiled at Selina’s impatience even as she repeated the dog head’s exact specifications for the new freezer.

Suddenly, he remembered a thought that had flashed through his mind when he was worrying about how to spend his credit points. That was right. As long as he had the credit points, the volume of his inventory could be upgraded again.

He had spent ten million credit points to upgrade the volume of his inventory last time; with 100 million, and then a billion credit points, he could completely turn it into a small world.

He didn’t stop grilling meat even as he looked at the system description of the inventory in his mind. Sure enough, he discovered a new world.

Apart from an increase in volume, there were other options.

After a rough look, Luke was both surprised and delighted.

He was glad because even the inventory functions were now more flexible.

For example, with a new ‘settings’ function, s.p.a.ce 2 could automatically operate on its own.

In the past, Luke had to deal with moving daily necessities, air circulation and sewage disposal.

Even if it was just replacing the daily essentials, oxygen tanks, and garbage and sewage containers, he still had to do it himself.

As long as he activated the ‘settings’ option and set up the process, he would be automatically sent a notification about these miscellaneous tasks in s.p.a.ce 2, and he just needed to agree or refuse.

To make it even easier, he could install settings for agreeing or refusing, and he would just need to check the operation logs every now and then.

All Luke needed to do was prepare all sorts of supplies in s.p.a.ce 1 to prevent the supply to s.p.a.ce 2 from being cut off.

However, such a considerate system function naturally wouldn’t be free.

After Alfred set up the operating procedure, the system estimated that it would cost one to two credit points a day per person in s.p.a.ce 2.

This didn’t include how much the various experimental projects consumed, which was too big a variable to calculate.

There was also a ‘s.p.a.ce separation’ function, which could set apart a ‘subs.p.a.ce’ in s.p.a.ce 1 for other people to use.

This ‘subs.p.a.ce’ could be bound to an item.

A ring, a necklace, a bracelet, a belt,, underwear and so on weren’t a problem. A car, a plane or a building could also be used.

As the maker, Luke had full authority over this subs.p.a.ce, and could even take it back.

As for other people, they only had access to the subs.p.a.ce.

To put it simply, someone else using the subs.p.a.ce for storage was equivalent to them putting their things in Luke’s hands.

Whether Luke took the things or not was completely up to him.

However, creating this sort of subs.p.a.ce wasn’t cheap, and for Luke, it was 100-fold.

One cubic meter was worth a million credit points, and 100 cubic meters… was 100 million.

Even though Luke had just made a fortune, he couldn’t help but grind his teeth when he saw the price. It was too expensive.

A moment ago, he had wanted to give his friends and family 100 cubic meters of s.p.a.ce storage. Now, he decisively changed his mind. Working out how much each person should get was too tiring!

For example, Selina and the dog head in front of him – naturally, Selina would need 100 cubic meters to store her and the dog head’s equipment and necessities.

The dog head? It was good enough if it had an exclusive s.p.a.ce that was one cubic meter in size to store snacks and toys!

Even people who had undergone the compulsory nine years of schooling might calculate the volume wrong – this dog + alien symbiote combo would definitely get it wrong.

The others were the same.

For example, if Robert had 100 cubic meters of s.p.a.ce at home, which was enough for the entire family, Catherine would only need one cubic meter.

The Bat Squad could have 100 cubic meters for common use, which would be under the care of whoever was watching the Bat Cave.

There was no need to worry about this thing being lost or stolen.

The team members would only be allowed to purchase one cubic meter of s.p.a.ce storage, and it would have to be at an astronomical price in order for Luke to earn back the one million credit points.

Also, he never forced anyone to take on missions if they weren’t willing.

There was no need for people who didn’t do missions to be equipped with such ‘divine support.’

Credit wasn’t money – it was far more precious. He still had to control how much he spent.

After making up his mind, he instantly gave Selina a s.p.a.ce necklace and the dog head a s.p.a.ce… collar.

Not to its liking? He could just switch to something else.

Watching Selina and the dog happily put on their new accessories, he sent Selina a secret voice transmission and warned her not to let the dog head notice the difference between the size of their s.p.a.ces.

Selina chuckled and nudged him hard with her shoulder. She murmured, “Don’t worry. In any case, it’s not good at math. It definitely won’t be able to tell.”

The dog’s ears twitched, and it turned its head suspiciously. Looking at the two of them gazing meaningfully at each other, it felt that something was wrong. “Huh?”

Luke and Selina looked at it calmly.

Luke asked, “What?”

The dog head whined.

Selina said, “I’m not talking about you. Go gnaw your bone.”

The dog head looked between the two of them several times before it gave up and continued gnawing on a pork rib.

Luke smiled but didn’t say anything as he watched the dog head being suppressed.

Suddenly, a thought flashed through his mind. Wait! That wasn’t right. Why did he have to pay for Daddy System’s main functions this time? And each one was more expensive than the last.

So, this really was a scam. System, you just want my credit points, right? Luke couldn’t help but interrogate the system.

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