Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 2050 - 2050 Rise to Owner of a Planet, Unbelievable Start to a s.p.a.ce Journey

Chapter 2050 - 2050 Rise to Owner of a Planet, Unbelievable Start to a s.p.a.ce Journey

2050 Rise to Owner of a Planet, Unbelievable Start to a s.p.a.ce Journey

Also, the contribution rate was only 7%? Why did it feel like he had missed out on tens of billions? Despite his grumbles, Luke was actually already very pleased.

He had only spent over 200,000 faith points and 100,000 credit points, and had earned ten billion experience and credit points in return.

This was already a 30,000-fold return on his investment; how could he not be pleased?

After that, Luke began to think about the problem of making the s.p.a.ces.h.i.+ps.


Having a factory on Earth would be very inconvenient.

Testing the s.p.a.ces.h.i.+ps would cause quite a stir. He thought of the barren planet which the Inhuman ‘Hive’ had been banished to.

There had been some intelligent lifeforms on that planet, but destroying lives was inherent to Hive’s nature, and there was no way to control the impulse.

In the end, after Hive was exiled, it quickly devoured the intelligent lifeforms on the planet and turned it barren.

After killing Hive, this planet naturally became Luke’s.

There were few living creatures on this barren planet, but it did have air, and the mining of minerals wouldn’t have an impact on it; it was very suitable for building a fully automated factory for manufacturing s.p.a.ces.h.i.+ps.

Luke was already the ‘owner’ of a planet.

With a large arc reactor to provide energy, along with mature robot technology, mining and manufacturing costs would be dozens of times cheaper than on Earth.

Mining and processing the basic raw materials alone would be enough to cause the mineral market on Earth to collapse.

With this, he basically didn’t need to buy the required raw materials on Earth to make a s.p.a.ces.h.i.+p, and could be self-sufficient.

All this was possible because he had found the ‘Monolith’ in Malick’s collection.

The Monolith was a huge black rock.

When it vibrated at a special frequency, it would soften and turn into liquid.

This liquid created a portal which led to that barren planet.

Also, Malick discovered that activating the Monolith didn’t necessarily require the entire irregularly-shaped rock that was more than two meters tall and one meter in diameter.

With just three 30-cm blocks of black stone cut off the original, he could create a portal that was five meters in diameter.

After placing a small cube of the black rock on a special metal ‘plate’ and making it vibrate, a portable portal would be created.

The Monolith could hence be broken down into dozens of portable portals.

However, Luke only prepared the stone fragments required for two portals; the rest of the Monolith was put away in his inventory.

The barren planet was just a mining and manufacturing base. Basically, only his clones would go there. There was no need to let the whole team know about it.

It was enough to use it as a logistics base and an emergency escape route.

In any case, the important supplies were delivered through the public s.p.a.ce storage, and n.o.body knew where they came from.

Furthermore, compared with the Dark Elves’ fighter planes, it took a lot longer to understand and repurpose the cross-shaped battles.h.i.+ps.

It was unrealistic to think this could be done in a year or two; it would take three to five years just to work out the underlying principles. Eight to ten years would be considered a normal time frame, and even ten to 20 years was within Luke’s calculations.

He wasn’t in a hurry to build a battles.h.i.+p, and his days were the same as ever.

He trained as well as a.n.a.lyzed his abilities for eight hours a day, studied the battles.h.i.+p and various equipment for eight hours, and slept, ate, rested and had fun for eight hours.

The Trail s.h.i.+p had a stealth system that couldn’t be detected by any country on Earth. Using it to travel and rest made it very easy for the Level 1 clone to move around the world.

The Level 3 clone continued to guard America.

The half-crippled Level 2 clone, on the other hand, went on a business trip to the barren planet first. After a few months, it completed the first phase of the construction of the mining and manufacturing base.

The base could be gradually refurbished and expanded once operations stabilized.

Then, the Level 2 clone took a more advanced Trail s.h.i.+p and used the star map Luke had obtained from the Chitauri and the Dark Elves to head into the vast universe.

To move on a large scale in this universe, one had to go through a jump point.

The Trail s.h.i.+p was much slower than the Dark Elves’ battles.h.i.+p, and a lot more vulnerable while it made its way to a jump point. It was safest for Luke’s clone to take action.

He had his inventory, equipment, and supplies, and could take out another s.h.i.+p if this one was destroyed; he also wasn’t afraid that his clone would starve to death in s.p.a.ce.

This way, the Level 2 clone would be able to reach the nearest jump point in a few months at most and head for the nearest lawless planet on the star map.

Why not go to an orderly planet first? Wouldn’t that be a waste of Luke’s talent in ‘chivalry’?

Three months later, there was a pained expression on the face of Luke’s Level 2 clone.

The broken Trail s.h.i.+p floated through the void of s.p.a.ce, but Luke wasn’t inclined to immediately switch s.h.i.+ps.

It was ridiculous!

Halfway on his journey, two parties appeared out of nowhere on a chase through s.p.a.ce.

They whooshed past him and caused an explosion on Luke’s s.h.i.+p, sending it flying.

What was even more outrageous was that his s.h.i.+p then hit an abnormal gravity field. After pa.s.sing through it, he wound up in an unfamiliar galaxy that was not marked on the star maps from the Chitauri or the Dark Elves.

Where the h.e.l.l should he go?

This was like an ordinary person walking around on Earth in ancient times; they might not be able to find anyone even after walking for a few years, or might fall into some dire situation before then.

Activating the distress signal, Luke simply lay down and closed his eyes, and focused on the research that his main body was carrying out.

He would test his chances of running into a good Samaritan.

If things really didn’t work out, the only thing he could do was recall his Level 2 clone.

In any case, a Level 2 clone was only worth a million credit points, which wasn’t a lot for Luke.

But if a good Samaritan came to his rescue, there was a high chance he could go straight to the nearest orderly planet.

Who knew, the other party might even take the initiative to ‘give’ him a s.p.a.ces.h.i.+p or whatever form of currency was used in s.p.a.ce. That would be perfect.

After drifting through s.p.a.ce for three days, Luke was ready to give up on this clone.

He decided that after the fourth day pa.s.sed, he would recall the clone.

Suddenly, a communication request rang out in the damaged s.h.i.+p.

Stunned for a moment, Luke then picked up the call.

There was no image, only a voice. “Were you calling for help? How’s the situation? Can you hold on?”

This person was speaking in the language of the Nova Empire.

Not revealing their face? Interesting. Luke’s eyes flashed as he replied, “I’m a citizen of the Nova Empire. I was caught up in a battle between two unknown forces. My s.p.a.ces.h.i.+p was destroyed and I can’t move.”

After a few seconds of silence, another question came through on the communication channel. “Are you alone?”

Thinking quickly, Luke replied, “It’s just me. If you take me to the Nova Empire, I’m willing to reward you generously.”

The other party fell silent again. Half a minute later, a reply came. “Alright. Please stay quiet and don’t wander around or interfere with our rescue operation.”

Luke said, “No problem. Thank you very much.”

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