Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 2059 - 2059 Let the Show Begin

Chapter 2059 - 2059 Let the Show Begin

2059 Let the Show Begin

Luke’s voice came through Gamora’s earpiece. “I’m going to give you a location. Charge out and in 200 meters, turn left. Rocket will be waiting for you there with disguises.”

Gamora exulted. “Quill, run!”

With a bang, Quill was sent flying dozens of meters again, and he sped up in a panic. “Cough, cough, got it.”

They didn’t waste any more time as they charged out of the opening in the hills that Luke had pointed out. In front of them was a flat wasteland covered in snow.


They suddenly turned left and charged toward Rocket, who was 200 meters away.

Before they could say anything, they heard a huge explosion behind them.

The shock wave sent them flying dozens of meters, and they almost flew over Rocket’s head.

It was Drax who grabbed them and pulled them to the ground.

Rocket, who had been ready and waiting, hit them each with a Thousand Faces System.

Quill: “What’s this…”

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

There was a series of explosions on the other side of the hill next to them, and the ground shook and dust filled the sky.

Caught off guard, the mercenaries in the front were swept up by the shock wave and fell in all directions over the last hill.

Rocket covered his head with his hands and shouted excitedly, “Big Spoon, C4 is really fun. Give me some to play with when we get back.”

“No problem,” Luke replied casually. “There are still 300 to 400 pursuers behind us. They’ve surrounded us. Split up and pretend you don’t know each other.”

Rocket hurriedly signaled to Quill and Gamora to play along, and got Drax to follow them, before he flew some distance away on the flier with Mantis.

At that moment, the Thousand Faces System had turned Quill into a dark-skinned uncle, and Gamora into a hot girl with brown-colored skin.

From their race to their skin color, all the Guardians now looked completely different.

Although Luke could get rid of the hundreds of pursuers, he would just attract more mercenaries and bandits.

At that time, if he didn’t kill thousands of these guys who wanted to make a fortune in one go, it would be tough to fend them off.

At that time, the Ravagers might have to deal with him, in case rumors spread that this planet deliberately eliminated ‘clients.’

For landowners, reason and the truth weren’t worth mentioning – it was benefits that were the most important.

A few seconds later, the noisy pursuers crossed the last hill.

They were from different factions, and naturally weren’t under one unified command.

When the dust settled, the pursuers in the air and on the ground sensed that something wasn’t right. F*ck, where were the targets?

Quill’s appearance, which could just barely be considered good-looking, and Gamora’s green skin were very eye-catching.

In this interstellar age, a pair of goggles or a flier would have an automatic lock-on function, but there was no target right now.

Of course, it was clear to many people that the Guardians were wearing some sort of interference equipment to hide from scans.

But many mercenaries also had the same equipment — they, too, didn’t want to be targeted.

The lack of order among the pursuers was once again exposed, and the situation fell into chaos for the time being.

Luke, however, noticed that several large teams of more than 20 people had moved to the periphery at the same time as they watched the people in the center.

Clearly, there were smart people among these s.p.a.ce mercenaries who were battle veterans.

They were all here to make a fortune. If anyone suddenly broke away when the target was missing, they would definitely be a major suspect.

Quill warned everyone on the team channel, “Pay attention to those people on the fringe. They were the ones who watched us earlier and kept dragging things out, letting the others die.”

Sure enough, there were talented people everywhere in the universe, and it was the same with bad guys.

Right after Quill’s reminder, it seemed those teams reached an agreement. A loudspeaker was turned on from the fliers. “Everybody, pay attention and don’t leave the scene. The targets have changed their appearance. They’re hiding in the middle and are prepared to escape at any time.”

At this reminder, the people in the center gradually got it.

People who knew each other cl.u.s.tered together and looked suspiciously at the strangers around them.

Thankfully, most of them were strangers to begin with, so Luke and the others could still hang around.

“What should we do?” Looking at how things were settling down, Gamora knew that the situation was about to go south.

There were almost 500 people present, and only 100 or 200 of them were truly suspicious.

As long as the mercenaries went through their surveillance footage and carried out a process of elimination, it would be impossible for unfamiliar faces that had just appeared to hide.

Luke said, “Then cry wolf! Rocket, you tell them that I’m an accomplice of the Guardians.”

The Guardians were dumbfounded. “Huh?”

Luke explained how the rest of the performance would go. “Then, I’ll try to silence you, and take advantage of the opportunity to kill the people on the fringe. During the chaos, look for an opportunity to escape.”

Rocket: “What about you?”

Luke chuckled. “If you guys weren’t here, I would’ve returned to the city earlier on. They don’t dare bombard the city. You can just go back and wait for me.”

This felt like they were abandoning a friend. Quill said, “How about I stay behind to pick you up?”

Luke could only tell the truth. “They don’t know my face! If you dare show your faces, you’ll be blamed for the deaths today.”

Everybody naturally understood.

As long as they didn’t appear, the casualties could later be attributed to a gang fight, and the Guardians wouldn’t cop the biggest blame.

Luke waited a few seconds for everyone to get it, before he urged, “Okay, Rocket, hurry up and start your performance.”

Rocket reacted quickly; in particular, when it came to cursing someone out, his mouth was faster than his brain.

“D*mn, that guy’s with the Guardians. I saw him with them.” A dwarf suddenly jumped up and down and pointed at Luke, who was floating in the air in his flight suit.

Everybody subconsciously turned their attention to him, their eyes glowing. “Who?”

“That purple-skinned baldie!” The dwarf seemed extremely anxious as he stomped his foot.

The purple-skinned man’s face changed. “B*stard, are you trying to frame me? Go to h.e.l.l!”

He dashed to a small flier not far away and knocked off the three people on it before he grabbed the wheel.


The flier sent out a spray of energy bullets which hit… the people next to Rocket.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The dozen or so unlucky b*stards around Rocket were instantly sent flying.

Before anyone could react, Luke made a sharp turn and charged into the sky. “B*stards, you must’ve egged on that shorty. Go to h.e.l.l!”

His target was none other than one of the three teams that were controlling the situation from the air, and it was the team with the most people.

In the face of a surprise attack, the team demonstrated excellent tactical skills. They immediately turned their guns and fired at Luke’s flier.

Their reaction was quick and correct, but they had chosen the wrong opponent.

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