Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 2067 - 2067 Newbie and Bigshot, Wrapping Up the Show

Chapter 2067 - 2067 Newbie and Bigshot, Wrapping Up the Show

2067 Newbie and Bigshot, Wrapping Up the Show

Scott Lang, who had returned to his normal size, looked at Rhodes and waved. “Colonel, long time no see. You’ve gotten even more handsome.”

Rhodes: …Just you wait.

At that moment, people gathered on both sides.

On the left was Team Stark, with Tony, Rhodes, Spidey, Natasha, T’Challa and Vision.


On the right was Team Steve, with Steve, Bucky, Sam, Clint, Scott, and a middle-aged black man, Michael Collins.

This Michael Collins was from… New s.h.i.+ELD.

He had been used as a test subject, and Phil happened to save him. Later, he joined New s.h.i.+ELD, and could be considered Phil’s loyal subordinate.

Phil didn’t directly intervene in the Avengers’ internal conflict this time, but his actions made his stance clear.

Actually, this Death Soldier provided more symbolic than practical support.

Michael had removed his lethal weapons before he came, and Phil had told him not to get serious.

This was a tacit understanding between both sides.

It wasn’t like either side couldn’t find stronger candidates, but n.o.body was ‘safer’ than little Spidey and Scott, who had never taken lives.

Looking at the bigshots standing in a row opposite him, Peter swallowed. “Mr. Stark, are we really going to fight?”

Tony was lost for words.

It was Rhodes who said, “It’s fine. Do you see the guy who stole your s.h.i.+eld? He’s a temp helper. You can beat him black and blue, and I guarantee you’ll be fine.”

Peter said, “Oh, okay. Thanks, Colonel Rhodes.”

Rhodes smiled happily behind his mask. “Good luck, Spiderboy.”

Peter said, “It’s Spiderman, Colonel Rhodes.”

Rhodes: “Okay, boy!”

Peter: …Something doesn’t feel right, somehow.

Before he could figure out what it was, both parties charged forward and started a boring but necessary gang fight.

As Peter charged forward, he saw Scott suddenly shrink in size and disappear from sight, and a thought flashed through his mind: Holy sh*t! Wasn’t the other guy a ‘temp helper’ like him?

So, did the bigshots opposite also want to beat him black and blue? When he saw the group of superhero bigshots charge at him, he felt like shaking.

D*mn, he had seen all these ‘seniors’ in comics since he was young. Would he, Spiderman, be beaten into a pulp today?

But he was part of a team, and couldn’t act on his own.

A nervous Spidey didn’t have time to think anymore, and launched a flying kick at Bucky.

Everyone else had often been depicted in TV shows and comic books. Michael, the Death Soldier, was a stranger, but most of his body consisted of metal, and he didn’t look like someone to be trifled with.

Bucky was also a stranger. He only had one metal arm, and looked very weak.

Intimidated by the bigshots’ prowess, Spidey subconsciously started to pull back.

He wasn’t afraid of a one-on-one fight, but what Rhodes had just implied was too scary: If he acted out too much, he might be surrounded and beaten up by these bigshots!

That wasn’t a big deal. He was now physically strong enough to take it.

But would he be blacklisted by these bigshots in the future? That was a serious question.

Peter wouldn’t have thought so much at first, but after hanging out with Joseph for the past two years, he had become more cautious about certain things.

As Ursa Minor’s military advisor, Joseph had access to a lot of cla.s.sified information.

After years of studying psychology and speech, it really wasn’t hard to impart some basic knowledge to Peter.

Saving and helping people wasn’t a problem, but one had to be cautious when it came to internal matters, or it would be very easy to be stabbed in the back by the government or the bad guys.

Now on the alert, Spidey couldn’t be considered fierce in his attacks, but he never stopped talking as he praised Sam’s wings and Bucky’s cool arm.

Unable to take it anymore, Sam had his Redwing reconnaissance drone drag him away.

Bucky, who was trapped on the ground by the web, let out a breath. “You should’ve done that earlier.”

The battle on Spidey’s side wasn’t intense. After all, it was just a matter of using fists and feet.

Tony, Rhodes, Vision and Michael were the biggest vandals in the airport. Hot weapons and energy beams flew everywhere; it was a lively fight.

Luke and Selina, who were watching from a distance, calculated the damage. “Rhodes blew up a truck. 100,000 euros.”

“Steve damaged a boarding bridge. 200,000 euros.”

“Tony blew up a garbage truck. 150,000 euros.”

“Michael crashed a service truck. 100,000 euros.”

“Wow, Vision cut through the control tower. 500,000 euros.”

“Huh? Scott can still get even bigger?”

“It’s Dr. Pym’s new technology, right? Hm, this guy actually tore open a plane?”

“The airline company will need at least eight million euros, right?”

“Just write it off directly. It’s more worth it to switch to something newer for tens of millions of euros.”

The two of them leaned against the roof and discussed things like they were watching a movie.

Luke didn’t forget to share lollipops with Director Selina.

Vehicles, planes and buildings were damaged by both sides, but n.o.body was hurt.

Spidey was tricked by Steve, and he had no choice but to hold up the heavy boarding bridge.

Steve said with a smile, “Kid, you’ve got heart. Where are you from?”

Spidey’s arms shook, but he subconsciously replied, “Queens.”

Steve gave a friendly smile. “I’m from Brooklyn.” He then turned around and ran off.

Spidey: Sure enough, I’m still green!

After all the excitement, it was time to end the show.

With the others covering for them, Steve pulled Bucky onto the Quinjet which Tony and the others had flown here, and headed straight for the North Pole.

Tony captured the remaining members of Team Steve and informed Secretary of State Ross, putting an unsatisfactory end to this Avengers conflict.

Naturally, Ross wasn’t satisfied with this outcome.

But four of the six members of Steve’s team had been ‘caught,’ and he couldn’t publicly accuse Tony of not doing anything.

This was a fight among the Avengers.

If it were anyone else, they would be lucky if they could catch two or four of them.

Luke and Director Selina didn’t stick their heads out at all as they quietly slipped away.

However, the Level 3 clone had already followed Steve to the North Pole.

Two hours later, Steve and Bucky entered Hydra’s secret base in the North Pole.

This base had been secretly established by Hydra’s people in Russia.

The doors were clearly very old, but there was a gap in it, a clear sign that they had only been opened recently.

Steve and Bucky looked at each other and felt strange.

A few days ago, when the United Nations had been voting on the Sokovia Accords, an explosion happened outside the conference hall.

The suspect’s face was caught on camera, but Steve and Bucky both knew that it wasn’t him.

They were here to investigate the mysterious person who had framed Bucky and magnified the negative impacts of the Sokovia Accords.

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