Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 2082 - 2082 Making Arrangements for Tony

Chapter 2082 - 2082 Making Arrangements for Tony

2082 Making Arrangements for Tony

Of course, that didn’t mean that Tony could already fight Luke to a draw with this nano armor.

But Luke would have to display his real strength then, which wasn’t what this test was about.

Tony had just wanted to throw a punch or two at Luke’s face while the latter was still unfamiliar with the nano armor.

This was more a symbolic than practical act.

Luke was too lazy to quibble over that. In any case, Tony had nanotechnology, which was equivalent to him having nanotechnology.


Also, he had been in Wakanda for half a year, and could mix in some of the nanotech for the Black Panther suit.

Luke was happy to give the tyc.o.o.n some preferential treatment for helping him refresh his abilities.

They stopped and returned to New York.

Tony had been busy finis.h.i.+ng up on the nano armor, and had neglected his daughter, Morgan, for many days.

Pepper? She was already used to it.

In any case, she had to deal with work every day, and couldn’t spend too much time with Tony.

When they arrived at Tony’s lakeside villa in New York, little Morgan, who was playing outside, cheered when she saw her father.

The father and daughter cuddled for a long while before the little girl finally focused on Luke and called out, “Bruce.”

That was Luke’s request – he didn’t want Morgan to call him old.

After all, thinking of little Morgan in the future still calling him uncle when she was 60 to 70 years old and he still was in his twenties left a strange taste in his mouth.

After Luke returned little Morgan to a jealous Tony, the tyc.o.o.n couldn’t help but mutter, “This doesn’t make sense. Morgan’s outgoing, but she’s not close to many people. She’s not this happy even when Rhodes comes often.”

Luke flicked his wrist in Tony’s blind spot and made various sweets and toys dance in his hand to tease Morgan.

Little Morgan’s eyes widened as she watched the items jump around Luke’s fingers like little fairies.

When it came to teasing kids, especially little girls, who could compare with Luke?

He had raised Claire, and he now had a little sister, Cindy, who was amusing to play with.

In comparison, little Morgan was still too obedient, or rather, too cultured.

Little Cindy, who was spirited, strong and overly curious, had demolished houses at three, buildings at five, and cars at eight.

This was the result of Luke doing his best to educate and guide her.

Otherwise, the gifted Cindy would’ve torn down their place in Shackelford dozens of times over.

Of course, little Morgan had her own strengths.

At the very least, she had inherited her father’s high IQ and was quite smart.

Cindy, Luke’s little sister, wasn’t stupid, but she liked to fight.

In the future, it might become normal for big sister Cindy to protect little sister Morgan.

After complaining, Tony got down to business. “You told me to come up with the nano armor before 2018 and a large s.p.a.ces.h.i.+p with vibranium tech. I’ve already finished the first, and the second has entered the test stage. It’s about time you tell me what this is for, right?”

Luke said calmly, “You’ve read the file on the Hong Kong Sanctum incident the day before yesterday, right?”

Tony nodded, then frowned. “Are you saying that we’ll run into another enemy like that?”

Luke took out black tea and poured some for himself and Tony.

Seeing little Morgan staring at him, he gave her a cup of hot cocoa.

Little Morgan’s eyes curved into crescents, and she didn’t forget to say, “Thank you, Bruce.”

“Alright, stop beating around the bush. Tell me.” Tony took a sip of his black tea angrily and didn’t forget to complain, “This black tea isn’t from last year, is it? It doesn’t taste good.”

Ignoring Tony, who was in ‘jealous father’ mode, Luke sipped his black tea and said unhurriedly, “Technically speaking, that’s the responsibility of the Sorcerer Supreme. It basically has nothing to do with us.”

Tony asked, “Then?”

Luke said, “But sometimes, we will still need Strange’s help in a crisis.”

Tony thought for a moment, before his expression turned ugly. “Will we run into an enemy stronger than what happened in Hong Kong?”

Luke hummed and said, “It’s possible, so it won’t hurt to be more prepared.”

In terms of absolute strength, Thanos wasn’t as strong as Dormammu, but he couldn’t be dealt with as easily as Dormammu.

For Thanos, who had one or two Infinity Stones, destroying the humans on Earth with a full army would be easy.

It could only be said that Earth’s basic strength was only at the level of the planet itself; it was still far from a galactic level.

The difference with a galactic tyrant was too big.

In a situation like this, Luke and the others could only meet Thanos head-on.

Otherwise, as long as some of Thanos’s loyal troops were left behind to wreak havoc on Earth, the losses would be huge.

Seeing that Tony’s expression wasn’t good, Luke explained, “There aren’t many monsters in the galaxy like the one in Hong Kong, and there won’t be many dangers that truly can’t be avoided. The sooner you can complete the s.p.a.ces.h.i.+p, the safer Pepper and little Morgan will be.”

Tony nodded slowly, but he still looked a little worried.

Luke shook his head and leaned back in his chair. “Train a few more promising young people. Leave these things to them to worry about in the future. Speaking of which, Wanda and Pietro can take over your position well enough in battle. Can’t you stay at home and do research and keep your wife and daughter company?”

Tony lowered his head and looked at Morgan, who was playing with his palm. He took a deep breath. “That will have to wait until the enemy you’re guarding against is killed.”

Looking at the warm scene in front of him, Luke smiled. “That’s right. We have to make a way for our young people.”

After taking care of Tony, Luke began to make preparations.

The Stone which had been removed from Vision was supposed to be left to Thor, but this guy hadn’t returned since he left last time.

Directly contact Asgard? Sorry, Earthlings didn’t have this privilege.

Luke’s plan to pa.s.s this hot potato on to Asgard hence fell through, and he could only come up with a backup plan.

On the day Thanos appeared, Luke would activate the Monolith and chuck the sealed Mind Stone onto that barren planet.

Although it was still in the Milky Way, it was in a region which currently didn’t have a confirmed jump point.

As long as Luke put away the Monolith and Thanos didn’t know where the barren planet was, the other party’s plan to gather the six Stones would fail.

If Thanos didn’t have all six Stones, he actually wasn’t that dangerous.

After all, Earth had Captain Marvel.

If Thanos really dared to play with his ‘kill half of them’ rule on Earth, Captain Marvel would definitely fly back and blow up his entire side.

Luke wasn’t doing all this to use Earth to earn points.

He just wanted to do his best to preserve the main plot so that he could catch Thanos off guard.

This was something he had only thought of after he went to 2023.

Looking for Nick Fury right away to get Captain Marvel to go and kill Thanos could be considered solving the problem.

But what about after that?

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