Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 366 “Drowning” Girls, and Murderous Kids

Chapter 366 “Drowning” Girls, and Murderous Kids

A moment later, the two girls finally came back to their senses and bowed to him. “SSorry, s- sir. We… We still have other things to do…” They quickly fled even before they finished speaking.

Using his ident.i.ty to suppress these kids was a great feeling. The two girls were naturally the unlucky students whom he had caught wanting to go for a swim on the first night.

They obviously remembered his voice, which was why they had come over to confirm it. As a safety training instructor, Luke had no authority over the students from No. 37 Middle School except during his lessons and when it was a matter of safety.

The safety training was already over, but Luke certainly had to keep an eye out for students trying to sneak out for a midnight swim; it could even be considered one of his main responsibilities in the camp.

The girls thus didn’t have the courage to pick a fight with him.

Of course, Luke was aware that the girls might not necessarily be here to complain; one of their goals was simply to talk to him.

As he ate leisurely, he noticed a bunch of girls chattering among themselves, and the two girls whom he had just scared off were questioned by their cla.s.smates.

He was amused by what he overheard.

The other night, the girls had clearly been about to undertake that timeless tradition of middle school camps — the test of courage.

The test was quite simple.

Whoever could sneak into the lake after hours and swim one round in it would win the challenge.

Basically, it was the same principle as elementary school kids making faces at the teacher’s back when the latter was writing on the blackboard.

But the students only had one shot during camp, since their parents would be contacted if they committed a second violation.

The girls were discussing the two players who failed the challenge as well as Luke’s ident.i.ty.

Luke didn’t keep his ident.i.ty a secret, but he didn’t wear his badge on his chest either, as that would be too eye-catching.


It was another quiet, tranquil night. Luke caught quite a few students who were going to try their luck at a midnight swim, but what left him speechless was that a number of girls ran over to the part of the lake that he was at, before heading toward the water.

What was even more of a pain was that some of the girls dawdled as they took off their clothes, and hardly moved when they got into the water.

Luke realized what the girls were doing, and didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

After two incidents, he simply called for Lily over the walkie-talkie and had her guard this place in exchange for taking her night patrol.

Lily was greatly moved.

But after Luke left and Lily caught a few groups of girls in a row, she finally realized that something was wrong. What was going on? Also, if Luke really was that considerate, shouldn’t he be accompanying her on her patrol?

After successfully s.h.i.+fting the responsibility to avoid the awkward situation, Luke leisurely did a few rounds before he returned to his tent, thanked the gloomy-faced Lily, then went to bed.

On the third day, there were a few more programs happening in camp. There was a lesson on knowing how to save oneself after falling into water in the wild, which could also be seen as a lesson on improving one’s swimming ability. The students were divided into various groups and led into the water like ducklings.

The training zone was a shallow area marked by buoys. Luke and a few other male teachers patrolled the sh.o.r.e to make sure that no students drowned or swam out of the designated area.

But for a period of time, a few girls almost “drowned” one after another.

Luke had no choice, and could only go into the lake to pull the girls with poor acting skills back to sh.o.r.e.

But it was very clear that these girls hadn’t swallowed any water at all. Instead, they simply stared with starry eyes at the manly body that was revealed by his wet clothes.

Two of them were even reluctant to let go of him when he got them back to sh.o.r.e, and he didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

What could he do?

In the end, he could only speak to Juliet, then stay far away. If he stayed here any longer, more girls would “drown.”

Luke spent the whole day at the campsite without leaving

When night fell, dark clouds covered the sky.

Luke looked at the sky and thought it was odd. “Is it going to rain?”

Lily, who was counting the students, said casually, “Yes, a storm’s coming in from the ocean. That’s right, the weather forecast did mention that there might be a thunderstorm.”

Luke hummed in response, and relaxed slightly.

With the thunder and rain, there would be a lot less kids out tonight. After all, few idiots would swim in the middle of a thunderstorm.

Lily thought of something and asked, “Won’t it be dangerous in your tent? How about I clean up a room for you?”

Luke quickly said, “Thanks, Lily, but that’s not necessary. I’ll look for a friend later, and ask Juliet for leave tonight.”

Lily was greatly disappointed.

Luke hurriedly slipped away.

He really couldn’t blame her for trying so hard.

Slightly after seven, Luke asked Juliet for leave and left the campsite.

In this weather, he would rather stay with Annie at Eden Lake Campsite.

It was already dark, and the trees swayed in the strong wind.

Nevertheless, Luke was in a good mood. He whistled as he climbed the mountain.

When he was a few hundred meters away from the campsite, his phone rang.

He took out the phone and smiled.

It was Eden Lake Campsite’s number. It had to be Annie.

He picked up the phone and said, “h.e.l.lo, is that you, Annie?”

On the other end of the phone, Annie said in a very soft voice, “Luke, come and save us. Those kids… They’re crazy… They’re killing people. Hurry! Ah, they’re coming…”


All Luke heard was the dial tone after that.

He frowned and started to run.

As he ran, he took out his equipment from his inventory. He put on his skintight bulletproof vest, and then a thick waterproof combat uniform. He also put on two holsters, and clipped the backup magazines to his uniform.

On his way, he looked up at the sky.

The storm was going to hit at any minute.

Conditions definitely weren’t favorable, and his Sharp Nose would be greatly affected by the storm.

It would be a lot harder to look for people later.

At that thought, he moved even faster.

Ten minutes later, he reached Eden Lake Campsite.

His heart became heavy when he looked at the dark cabins.

There was no light in the cabins at all when it was already dark, which was highly unusual.

He quickly approached the cabins, and was hugely relieved to discover that the blood he could smell belonged to a man and a dog instead of Annie.

Remembering what Annie said earlier, he could roughly guess what happened.

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