Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 417 Unprofessional Kill

Chapter 417 Unprofessional Kill

They quickly geared up before taking a car each.

Luke set off in the secondhand Ford first, and Selina followed Jeff and his wife in the police car.

“Jeff and Karen are out,” Selina reported. “Tim and Karen are following them.”

Luke hummed a response and continued driving

He wasn’t that far ahead of Jeff.

He calculated that he would arrive at the old warehouse, which belonged to MBI, one or two minutes in advance.

Twenty minutes later, Luke parked the car on a corner and looked at the old warehouse two hundred meters away. “Wow. This really is a great place to kill someone.”

Not far away, the MBI sign on the warehouse gate was faded and almost indiscernible if you didn’t read it carefully.

The warehouse was surrounded by barbed wire, and stubborn weeds had proliferated inside.

The warehouse was made up of a circle of old buildings which were dusty and clearly hadn’t been in use for a long time.

It was just that an RV was parked in one corner of the warehouse, and a white fatty was busy doing something.

Luke got off and sent out a small drone.

As the drone hovered above the warehouse, Luke looked at the feed and scratched his chin. “Killing people the old-fas.h.i.+oned way and without any traps — is this security manager going to do everything himself?”

The security manager of a major corporation, as someone else’s informant, was going to kill an employee who had detected the anomaly in a remote location – it was a predictable plot.

But what was with this security manager? Did he have to wear pajamas, or hang out his laundry to dry when he was planning to kill somebody? Wasn’t this too good an act?

Luke was utterly befuddled.

As he mulled over this, Jeff’s blue Chevrolet arrived at the warehouse.

A moment later, the signal from the police car came online, which meant that Selina had arrived too.

According to their plan, she would hide some distance away and feed Luke intel via the cameras. She would also take over the drone and scout their surroundings for any traps.

Quickly verifying the plan, the two of them got to work.

While Selina kept an eye on everything, Luke focused his attention on the layout of the old warehouse terrain.

The place was very s.p.a.cious.

There were a lot of wide, empty areas both around the old warehouse buildings and near the RV.

Thinking for a moment, Luke took out an M4A1 and climbed up to the highest vantage point in the place, which was the roof of an abandoned factory.

Hiding in the shadow of a broken skylight, he unhurriedly installed a scope on the M4A1, before aiming it at the warehouse in the distance.

Only after he did a sweep of locations where things were most likely to go wrong did Luke ask, “What are Tim and his wife doing?”

Selina immediately replied, “Pretty much what we’re doing; they’ve parked their car not far away, and seem to be waiting too.”

Hearing that, Luke could only silently wish Jeff and his wife good fortune.

Selina suddenly warned him, “Two cars are coming from the east… They’re getting out. Eight of them, all armed with automatic rifles… They’re approaching from the rear…”

Luke said, “Got it.”

In the meantime, he heard the conversation between Jeff and Carl through his other earpiece.

“Carl, this is…” Jeff looked around in huge surprise.

Clothes and sheets were hanging on a few lines nearby, and Carl and Jeff were standing between the clothes and the RV.

There was a small table as well as a few folding chairs.

Carl accepted the takeout coffee which Karen had bought and asked them to sit down.

After they sat down, Carl had a mouthful of the coffee before he said helplessly, “I just got divorced. My wife… well, my ex-wife, Mary, took the house, the children, everything. I only got this RV.”

Jeff and Karen: “…”

“So, I’m living here for now, which is why I can only ask you to come here. At least, n.o.body can monitor us here, and the air is clean, right?” Carl tried to stay positive.

Jeff and Karen looked at the wasteland around them which didn’t even have a ghost, and admitted that the air here was indeed clean.

Carl continued, “But the news you gave me is very useful. I may be promoted and get a pay rise, so I can move out of his sh*thole and back into a regular house. Okay. Are you ready? This is a cla.s.sified level 4 doc.u.ment of our company…”

Looking at Carl, Karen suddenly interjected, “Carl, why is there a red dot on your forehead?”

Stumped, Carl touched his forehead and smiled embarra.s.sedly. “Maybe my system is out of whack from lack of sleep.”

Jeff shook his head quickly. “No, no. Carl, it’s not a pimple, but a red dot of light…” Bang! Bang! Bang! All the three of them were surprised by sudden gunshots.

Carl got up abruptly and narrowed his eyes at something behind Jeff and Karen. “Does that person have a gun?”

Jeff and Karen turned around, only to see a man in black fall dozens of meters over the side of a warehouse building.

The couple nodded. “That does look like a


Carl said, “d.a.m.n it, someone must’ve found out that you reported to me. They’re here to kill us.”

Karen was stunned. “But why didn’t they shoot us?”

Carl dashed into the RV and shouted, “d.a.m.n it! Hide in here if you don’t want to be killed! How would I know why they didn’t shoot us? I’m not them!”

Not far away, both Tim and Natalie traded dismayed looks and said in unison, “Who are these people?”

Their mission objective this time wasn’t clear yet. They had only been told to get in touch with Jeff and his wife, so they didn’t have any sort of backup.Then who had fired just now?

Scanning the area through his scope, Luke grumbled, “Jeff, Karen, can you move faster? Carl is already hiding in the car.”

Thankfully, although Carl had chosen a s.p.a.cious area, they had been sitting in between the hanging laundry, and the line of sight was blocked by the RV.

The shooters behind the warehouse couldn’t attack until they got up close to the area between the clothes and the RV.

The shooter who had run out had been a live target for Luke, who took down the brave fellow without any hesitation.

But after he fired, the shooters around the warehouse also started to attack.

Carl, Jeff and Karen had already run into the RV, and were planning to speed off.

Given that Carl had been the first target the shooters had aimed at, this security manager clearly wasn’t a traitor, but the first informant that had to be eliminated. However, there was still no telling who had betrayed him.

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