Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 422 Acting Separately, and Jeff Exposed

Chapter 422 Acting Separately, and Jeff Exposed

Luke shrugged and said, “I’ve spoken to Tim. Jeff and Karen only need to give the fake files to Tyrannosaur and then leave with the money. The arrest won’t happen until after they’re gone.”

Selina immediately got it.

In other words, this was a fis.h.i.+ng operation, and Jeff and Karen were just throwing out the bait; they wouldn’t be the ones to reel in the line.

They didn’t need to do or think anything else.

This sort of operation was still dangerous, but you didn’t have to be a super pro; it was fine for Jeff and Karen to look a little nervous.

As a regular couple that was about to sell MBI company secrets, they had every reason to be nervous.

When Luke and Selina got to the hotel, they parked and leisurely made their way up through the underground carpark. Selina casually asked, “Why are we going up from here?”

Luke said, “Tim and Natalie are on the hotel roof, so naturally, we can only enter through the carpark.”

Selina nodded. “Oh, that’s true.”

Luke said, “Also, Tim’s colleagues are already here. Mind what you say later, so that no one notices anything unusual.”

Selina nodded, then switched to asking about the specialties here, and Luke replied with the information he had read before.

Just like regular customers who were here to eat, they talked and laughed as they walked into V Restaurant.

After giving their names, they were taken to a table by the window. Below, on the other side of the window, was an indoor swimming pool, and plenty of people were idling around it.

In high spirits, Selina began to order food.

What about Jeff and Karen? They were still at home. It was only 8.20pm; there were forty minutes to go before the deal. Luke and Selina had enough time for a nice dinner.

In the meantime, a small drone on autopilot mode was hovering above the hotel and monitoring the surroundings.

At the table, Luke and Selina laughed and talked in low voices as they relaxed and enjoyed dinner.

Half an hour later, Selina had finished the meal and was scooping up pink strawberry ice cream, which she stuck into Luke’s mouth every now and then.

Luke wasn’t particularly fond of ice cream, but he didn’t hate it either.

Thus, he couldn’t say anything about Selina sharing it with him.

The pink strawberry ice cream was a little girly, but it was fine since he wasn’t the one who ordered it.

Many other customers looked at this scene with envy and admiration, and some couples began to copy them.

On the roof, Tim and Natalie cuddled together near the edge as they enjoyed the breeze and the night view.

They had been frank with each other earlier, which undid the knots in their hearts.

“They’re here,” said Natalie.

“They’re here.” Luke glanced at the couple who had just entered the reception hall. The two looked a little strange. They only took a few steps, before they actually embraced right in the middle of the reception hall and kissed each other pa.s.sionately. Luke could practically hear the moist sound effects in his head, and he found it strange; these two usually weren’t so unrestrained.

A moment later, the middle-aged couple entered the restaurant, and Luke watched out of the corner of his eye as a waiter took them upstairs.

Withdrawing his gaze, Luke whispered to Selina, who was still savoring the ice cream, “Let’s get to work.”


Selina had one last mouthful of ice cream before she stood up. “The ice cream’s not bad. I’ll order it again next time.”

They got up and took action separately.

Selina quickly entered a building diagonally across the street. She put down her big backpack and took out an M4A1 and a black cylinder.

She inserted the cylinder into a launcher under the barrel of the gun, and Luke’s voice sounded in her earpiece. “Third floor, room 305.”

Selina said, “I see it.”

Pu! Swoos.h.!.+

The black cylinder shot out and abruptly unfurled into a round shape in the air before it hit and stuck to the upper edge of the window of that room.

Several seconds later, Selina heard the conversation in her left earpiece. “Mr. Rick Forrest, is this your wife? It’s very nice to meet you.”

The cylinder which Selina had shot out and stuck to the window was naturally a bug.

They couldn’t interfere with whatever Tim and Natalie had planted on Jeff and Karen, so they could only plant a bug of their own outside the room.

Listening to the conversation in her earpiece, Selina murmured, “It seems that Jeff and Karen are quite calm. There shouldn’t be any problems with this operation.”

That was indeed the case.

Neither of the two parties in the room wasted time. Jeff and Karen wanted to give away the fake files as soon as possible, and Tyrannosaur wanted to leave with the files just as quickly.

Tyrannosaur had noticed that Tim was tracking him down. As his sense of crisis grew stronger, he could only close this deal as quickly as possible.

Because of that, he paid 50% more than he promised, increasing it from one million to one and a half million.

Clearly, Danny and his wife had wanted to get rich and retire in one go.

“Pay more attention. This is the moment when things can go wrong,” Luke warned Selina.

She hummed in response. She was already done checking her gun, and aimed it once more at the room.

She heard Jeff’s voice through the earpiece. “You look familiar. Have we met before?”

“No,” replied a short fatty who was only about 1.5 meters tall.

This short fatty was none other than Tyrannosaur. He was wearing a gray suit, under which was a round-collared T-s.h.i.+rt.

Even weirder was that there was an image of a pink cartoon tyrannosaur rex conquering Earth on it, which was almost… cute.

Luke had already snuck into the room next door. He was waiting by the window.

A few minutes later, the transaction was completed, and the two parties were saying goodbye.

“Wait. This is yours…” said the short fatty, a red stress ball in his hand.

This was something Jeff had been carrying on him and which had been confiscated when he was searched before entering the room.

Jeff didn’t think it was a big deal. “It’s fine, you can have it.”

The short fatty stared at the stress ball with the clear MBI logo on it.

Frowning for a moment, he suddenly said, “Stop them.”Jeff and Karen, who had just walked to the door, were stopped.

Jeff grew anxious. “What do you want?”

The short fatty searched his memory, and his expression turned ugly a moment later. “You’re that guy from HR!”

Jeff hurriedly denied it. “No, no, no. I’m a maintenance engineer.”

Karen also defended him. “He’s an engineer, with two doctorates.”

The short fatty shook his head and played with the stress ball. “No, no. You were right. We’ve met before.”

Jeff: “Huh?”

The short fatty smiled coldly. “I worked at Mcwell Bonn Incorporation from 1999 to 2001 as a non-essential mid-level manager. And you, you’re Jeff Gaffney.”

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