Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 451 Reluctant to Part With Bobby?

Chapter 451 Reluctant to Part With Bobby?

Less than two minutes after they left, Luke came out as well.

Looking at everybody, Luke said, “It’s getting late. Let’s drop Kris home first. Nancy, you…”

Nancy and Quentin looked at each other and said, “We’ll stay at Kris’s tonight. The couch is fine.”

Luke simply nodded with a smile. “Let’s go.”

Nothing happened that night.

Luke and Selina didn’t sleep as they stayed awake and watched over everyone else.

It wasn’t until ten in the next morning, when Luke and Selina were having breakfast, that the four sleepers finally woke up.

Nancy and Quentin thanked Luke and said goodbye to Kris before they left.

After they left, Luke took Kris in his car to the supermarket to restock the food and other things which they had used.

Kris said that it was unnecessary, but Luke simply explained, “It’s best to keep our visit and the incident last night a secret. You’ll only spread panic and make people think you’re crazy if you talk about it. So, it’s better to put things back the way they were.”

Kris had nothing to say.

Put this way, it really wasn’t a matter of money.

After Luke put away the items which they had bought throughout the house, Kris was amazed to see that it was pretty much the same as before Luke and the others came last night.

“How did you manage that?” she mumbled.

Luke smiled. “We’re police detectives, we’re trained in all sorts of aspects. Remember, don’t mention that name to anyone, not even to Quentin or Nancy. Just consider it a dream. If you ever meet him again, call me.”

Kris accepted Luke’s official name card and carefully put it away before she saw Luke and Selina off.

Watching their car disappear at the end of the road, she sighed and felt a little despondent.

Maybe she should ask her mother to transfer her to another school far away from Springwood? The idea popped up in her heart.

Luke and Selina set off, followed by Bobby. They went to the No. 37 Middle School campsite and met Jeff’s twin daughters again.

Luke warned them not to spread the rumor about Springwood again and also not to be so paranoid, but the twins just looked at him suspiciously.

Luke and Selina looked at each other, lost for words. This expression… was just like Karen’s.

“Something did happen, but that’s police business. Why are you so enthusiastic about spreading gruesome news like this in camp? To scare your cla.s.smates witless and drive your teachers crazy?” asked Luke.

The twins were struck speechless, until Susinna, the elder sister, mumbled, “We… just want to know the truth.”

Luke nodded cheerfully. “Then you can study hard, and after you graduate from university, come work as police detectives. The old homicide cases in downtown L.A. alone can fill a 200-square-meter archive room, and they keep piling up every year.” Dark lines covered the twins’ heads. Did that have anything to do with them?

Luke continued ruthlessly, “Also, the police investigation team which specializes in old cases are always short of manpower. They cracked three old cases last year, which is an all-time high. Now, there’s just several thousand more cases to go, which I’m sure will amply fulfill your desire to uncover the truth.”

The twins: “…”

Luke still wasn’t rea.s.sured after using this method to curb the twins’ gossipy spirits.

Taking advantage of their jittery states, Luke activated Mental Communication and instilled a mental suggestion in them.

But he wasn’t too hopeful that this suggestion would be very effective.

These twins were as paranoid as their mother; it was in their nature.

Mental Communication wasn’t powerful enough to brainwash them, but there was nothing else Luke could do for the time being.

The crucial point was that Freddy wasn’t dead yet.

If the twins spread word of Freddy’s “fame” again, that guy might be summoned once more very quickly. Luke still had no idea how to eliminate Freddy yet, and wasn’t interested in chopping up this weakling and burning him again.

After dealing with the twins, he went to say hi to Juliet and described what happened in Springwood in vague terms before stating that the case was closed.

Unfortunately, poor Will Rollins still wasn’t allowed to take part in the rest of the camp.

After leaving his contact with Juliet, Luke returned to L.A. with Selina and Bobby.

Luke walked Bobby upstairs to the apartment which Bobby was still living in. A moment later, Luke returned to the car and sighed helplessly.

Selina found that odd. “Why do I get the feeling that you don’t want to part with Bobby?”

After a brief silence, Luke shook his head. “I really hope they’ll be able to excavate the gold mine soon.”

The mines in Boom Town were still shut.

When Luke asked Captain Wales for news, he found out that those fake FBI agents would be leaving in a week, which was a lot earlier than the projected one month.

Bobby had nothing to do over there for now, so he would stay in L.A. for a couple of days.

What Luke was truly reluctant to part with was Bobby’s Mental Communication.

Just now, he had played two more rounds of blackjack with Bobby and lost.

Bobby’s ability on the list had turned gray and become temporarily unavailable.

That guy was really unlucky to be dragged into Freddy’s nightmare twice last night.

Who knew if a reaction between Bobby’s Mental Communication and Freddy’s Dream Invasion might somehow bring Freddy back?

Luke didn’t dare let the guy’s bad luck continue, which might get him killed.

Now, Luke could only wait for the gold mines to be excavated; maybe Bobby would feel

ful to Luke then for helping him make a fortune.

If the guy still didn’t feel grateful then, Luke could only continue to gamble with him. After wrapping up the Springwood incident as quickly as possible, Luke and Selina went straight back to the police department, and Elsa was surprised to see them. “What happened?”

“It’s done,” said Luke simply.

Elsa didn’t ask any more questions.

When they were on personal a.s.signments, she only needed to know where they were and wouldn’t ask for details.Otherwise, if there was trouble, she wouldn’t be able to pretend to be ignorant if Internal Affairs came knocking.

“So why are you here?” asked Elsa.

Luke chuckled and said, “For cases. If there are any urgent ones, I can work on those first.”

Elsa asked suspiciously, “Don’t you still have several cases on hand?”

Luke said, “I’m very efficient; I can do more.”

Elsa gave him a strange look but dug out a bunch of case files that were on her table. “Take these.”

Luke and Selina had always been diligent, but why the heck did they keep asking for cases?

Luke gave the case files to Selina and said, “You take a look at them first. I need to talk to the boss.”

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