Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 469 I Gave You A Chance But You Didn’t Take It!

Chapter 469 I Gave You A Chance But You Didn’t Take It!

The burly man in command in the driver’s seat didn’t have time to react before his upper torso blew up.

Luke swept the barrel of the machine gun past Dito and didn’t stop firing.

He had no idea that he had just killed the linchpin of the reinforcements, and was completely immersed in his domineering firepower. This fierce metallic storm didn’t stop as gunfire continued to ring out. In less than ten seconds, Luke plowed through these criminals.

Except for the handful of people who had sharp eyes and quick movements, and crawled away fast enough, the other forty or so criminals were turned into pulp by this fierce barrage.

The terrible gunfire finally came to an end.

The convoy was a complete mess. The driver’s seats had all been shot through, and only the bottom half of the guy manning the machine gun was left. n.o.body hiding behind the cars survived either.

That handful of traumatized criminals who hadn’t been killed cried and crawled away, b.l.o.o.d.y and broken.

Clang! The heavy M2 fell to the ground with a dull thump.

Luke let out a soundless laugh and rolled his wrists. In his heart, however, he yelled, F*cking amazing!

Ten minutes to load and ten seconds to shoot!

The machine gun really was a weapon that brought joy.

After rotating his wrists, Luke casually drew out a looted M1911 from the holster on his leg. Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! The handful of criminals wailing and crawling away were all shot in the head.

Reloading the gun unhurriedly, Luke disappeared into the shadows of a nearby building.

On the opposite side, Martin’s and Roger’s eyes were close to falling out.

That was an M2 Browning, which weighed almost forty kilograms even when unloaded! Even just holding it steady was hard for a regular person.

Opening fire while holding the gun in the hand? Only bored gun fanatics would try that.

Even if they wore a sling so that their body would take most of the gun’s weight, they would be knocked off balance after a couple of shots.

It was impossible to deal with the recoil of such a heavy weapon.

To be able to use up an ammo belt and still hold the gun steady like what they had just seen, that person absolutely wasn’t human.

Martin suddenly felt that there was something wrong with this world.

He was confident in his shooting skills, but had lost when it came to heavy machine guns… As if!

That was a f*cking vehicle-mounted machine gun that wasn’t designed to be held by hand.

At that moment, Roger finally picked his jaw up from the ground. He mumbled, “That guy’s my fan.”

Martin: “Huh?”

“That line he said just now, he clearly learned it from me,” said Roger.

Martin said, “…You’re right. Who knows, he might also be black.”

Roger asked, “Are you dissing the color of my skin?”

Martin said, “I’m praising the magnificent strength all of you have, to be able to hold and shoot a heavy machine gun.”

Roger said, “…Please don’t. I can’t even hold an M249. I’m an old man.”

As they bantered, they finally calmed down from the shock.

n.o.body dared to get close anymore. The image of the heavy machine gun clearing the scene just now was too horrible.

The truth was that the burly man in the SUV whom Luke had killed was the military instructor for the armed men under Dito’s command. He was an American and a retired Marine.

He had come here for money, and because of money, would remain here forever.

It was a universal truth that the pursuit of wealth was the greatest cause of death.

Taking down Dito’s last ray of hope, Luke carried out a final clean-up inside the stronghold.

He simply shot anyone who ran past him. As for those who got away, he didn’t chase them but simply reminded Selina over the comms, “Be careful of the criminals who are running; don’t let them ambush you.’

Selina had the car, and the fleeing criminals might try to steal it.

“Relax, I found a good place to hide in,” Selina said. “But are you sure we shouldn’t leave soon?”

Chuckling, Luke raised his hand and fired twice, killing two criminals who just ran past him.

Entering the building behind him, he walked through the hall and kicked open the back door, which hit the face of a criminal who was shuddering behind it. He said, “Believe in the Mexican police. I guarantee that they won’t arrive before we leave.”

Selina: “…”

Seizing this opportunity, Luke entered the armoury once more and looted the ammunition that he was interested in, like the boxes of stacked ammo belts.

The thrill he got from the barrage just now wasn’t something he could get from an a.s.sault rifle.

With his extraordinary strength, both rifles and pistols felt light to him and barely had a recoil.

In contrast, the M2 just now reminded him what it felt like to first use a gun.

Besides the ammo belts, he also swept clean the ammo for RPGs.

Finally, he set a plastic explosive inside the armoury and left. “What are Martin and Roger doing?” Luke asked.

Selina replied, “They’re… fighting? It seems they’re arguing over Dito.”

Luke found that odd. “What do you mean?”

Selina said, “I don’t know, but I think Roger wants to bring Dito back.”

Luke chuckled. “What a wily old man.”

If they brought Dito back, what he had would give Martin and Roger leverage.

Just for this guy’s money alone, there would be people willing to protect Martin and Roger.

The two of them had really kicked a hornet’s nest this time. Roger had probably taken this into consideration.

But Dito had killed Martin’s wife and baby, and Martin wasn’t willing to let his arch-enemy go.

It couldn’t be said that Roger wasn’t a good friend.

He was an old man who had followed his partner to Mexico to chase and hunt down dozens of criminals. He was definitely a loyal friend.

Luke found the drug warehouse and poured oil around in it. He then flicked a lighter and tossed it out before he turned around and left.

Behind him, flames burst out and swallowed the warehouse full of weed.

“Luke, it seems that Roger has convinced Martin. Martin’s gone back to the car, and Dito… is still alive.”

Luke shook his head, lost for words. After running a dozen meters, he saw Roger and Martin about thirty meters away.

He saw Roger with his back to him as the latter handcuffed Dito Flores.

Seeing that, Luke couldn’t help but murmur, “Martin, I gave you a chance!”.

He drew out the M1911 from his holster, and with a flick of his wrist, used Curve Shooting!


Roger, who had put handcuffs on Dito in relief, saw blood burst out of Dito’s temples, and the man collapsed like a puppet whose strings had been cut.

Roger was dumbfounded. “What the h.e.l.l?”

Hearing the gunshot, Martin immediately got out of the car.

Looking at the shocked Roger and the dead Dito, he had complicated feelings.

He was angry, happy and relieved, but also a little regretful and disappointed.

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