Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 500 I’ve Let You Go

Chapter 500 I’ve Let You Go

After her revenge, Rebecca immediately fled to Brazil.

She had planned to wait until the Fraternity’s search efforts died down a little, then change her ident.i.ty and live elsewhere.

But the Fraternity was as powerful as she remembered. Mr. X had tracked her down in less than a month. Her feelings for the Fraternity were more complicated than her feelings toward William Johnson and Wolf Elsworth, who had been the direct cause of her sister’s death.

If I die now, I won’t need to worry about fighting them, right? Thinking that, she closed her eyes.

With her eyes closed, she naturally didn’t see the head that quietly emerged at the edge of the roof, followed by an entire body. The person climbed onto the rooftop softly and quickly without alerting them. Confident of his victory, Mr. X’s indifferent face finally showed excitement. “You’re ready to die now? How boring. Let me offer you a piece of information for free: Your birth parents, who died in a car accident — actually, I was the one who killed them.”

Rebecca’s eyes suddenly widened. “What?”

Shocked, she stared in complete disbelief at Mr. X… or at what was behind him.

Mr. X wasn’t surprised at her reaction. He grinned maliciously. “It was because of you! You showed the makings of an official when you were little, but your parents were stupid enough to keep looking for you even after you went missing for a year. So, I had to hit them with a car and put a drunken man in the driver’s seat.” Rebecca gnashed her teeth. “I’ll kill you!” Mr. X heaved a sigh. “I’ve been watching you since you were little. You’re my last masterpiece. I was waiting for a chance to do you, but you became hard to control too quickly and I didn’t get one! Forget it. It’s a shame you’ve never been with any man, but it’s time to go to h.e.l.l!”

Saying that, he aimed the gun he had taken from Rebecca at her chin. “There’s one last bullet. This is G.o.d’s will.”

Rebecca, however, suddenly laughed in disdain. “Yes, this is G.o.d’s will.”

Mr. X suddenly felt a cold breeze on the back of his neck.

Someone was breathing behind him. His hair all stood up, and he was about to lunge forward and then turn around.

However, a huge hand had already clamped down on the back of his neck, and he was lifted in the air.

“Didn’t G.o.d tell you never to talk too much before you kill someone? Hm, he probably hasn’t.” A young, teasing voice rang out.

Mr. X’s grip loosened and Rebecca fell to the ground in a crouch, gasping for breath.

She struggled to raise her head. Her expression was odd, as if she didn’t know what to say.

Behind Mr. X was the face of a person she just met earlier. It was none other than Luke, the bearded young man. As he mocked Mr. X, Luke kicked him. After two cracks, Mr. X’s knees were broken. He then threw Mr. X to the ground and took out a set of poker cards from his backpack. “Here’s a chance for you. Play ten games of blackjack with me. I’ll let you go if you win five of them.”

Mr. X gnashed his teeth. “Who are you?”

Luke rolled his eyes and punched him in his left shoulder.


Mr. X cried in pain.

“Do you want to or not? This is your only chance.” Luke waved the poker cards in his hand.

Mr. X gritted his teeth. “Let’s do it.” Less than two minutes later, Mr. X shouted in anger and shock. “This is only game six. You only won four games.”

Luke, however, shook his head, picked up the poker cards, and stood up. “Let’s just say that you won five games. I’ll let you go.” Mr. X: “Huh?”

Rebecca: “What?”

Luke, however, gave another kick, and Mr. X’s right arm, which was his last intact limb, shattered with a crack. “I’ve let you go, but it’s none of my business whether or not she does.” “You want to finish him off yourself, don’t you?” He gave Rebecca’s Safari Arms Matchmaster back to her and said, “There’s one last bullet in it. This seems to be G.o.d’s will.”

Mr. X had already begun to throw profanities around.

Rebecca accepted the gun but shook her head. “This is too easy for him.”

Luke hummed and tilted his head. Thinking for a moment, he put his hand into his backpack and then took out a towel and a butane flamethrower. “Will this be enough?”

Mr. X’s swearing suddenly stopped, and he gazed at Luke, dumbfounded.

Rebecca had just been about to reach for the backup clips at her waist. After a brief silence, she said, “Yes.”

With that, she walked over and stuffed the towel into Mr. X’s mouth before he started cursing again. “Can you give me some privacy?” She turned around and looked at Luke.

Luke shrugged and jumped nimbly off the roof.

Dull moans and screams then came from the rooftop, which ended more than ten minutes later after a gunshot.

A moment later, Rebecca jumped off and said, “Let’s go.”

Luke pointed up. “You’re going to leave him there?”

Rebecca scoffed. “If the Fraternity wants to come after me, so be it.”

Luke asked, “Are you sure?”

After a moment of hesitation, Rebecca finally shook her head. “If it’ll be troublesome for you, you can dispose of him.”

Luke thought for a moment, and then climbed up to put Mr. X’s body and the various other items into his inventory.

He wasn’t really worried about trouble. He had worn a pair of thin gloves when he handed over the towel and the butane flamethrower. He hadn’t left any traces behind.

However, turning Mr. X into Mr. Missing would make it harder for the Fraternity to track Rebecca down.

This was more important for Rebecca, who had betrayed the Fraternity and was on her own.

A moment later, he jumped off and said, “Let’s


Rebecca nodded silently and took the lead.

After taking just a few steps, she lost strength in her legs, and fell to her knees.

At that moment, an arm stopped her from falling and helped her back to her feet. “Just tell me if you’re feeling weak. I don’t mind helping you. But where are we going?”

Rebecca caught her breath for a moment as she leaned on Luke’s arm. “Let’s go to the sea. I want to enjoy the wind.” Luke threw her onto his back and carried her to the seaside.

As he moved, he checked the system notifications.

System: Kill Mr. X, an important member of the Fraternity. Completed.

Total experience: 500. Total credit: 500.

Contribution rate: 70%. EXP +350. Credit +350.

System: Rescue Rebecca. Completed.Total experience: 100. Total credit: 100.

Contribution rate: 100%. EXP +100. Credit +100.

Well, it seemed it hadn’t been the wrong decision to kill Mr. X or save Rebecca.

He earned a hundred experience and credit points for saving her, so the system must’ve acknowledged her as a good person.

Luke had a rough idea about who counted as a good person.

For example, a righteous, kindhearted and promising young man like himself was deemed an extremely good person by Daddy System.

He had enjoyed a show, killed one person, and saved another.

Tonight had truly been colorful and he had reaped a considerable profit. What a great day, a certain good person thought to himself as he swiftly made for the beach.

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