Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 508 What Did You Just Say?

Chapter 508 What Did You Just Say?

By the time Luke put Lisa Feng in his Hummer, the gunfight in the stronghold behind him had become very fierce.

He scratched his head. “What are you doing? There’s a big camp of a hundred people on the other side.”

Heaving a sigh, he retrieved an AK as well as two clips that he had gotten off Pedro. “These should be enough.”

He then got into the car and stepped on the pedal, and the Hummer roared toward the stronghold.

After driving a hundred meters, he honked and attracted the attention of the soldiers who were fighting and retreating. “It’s that unknown. Why is he still here?” asked the sergeant. The captain frowned. He fired his rifle at the thugs as he said, “He’s here to pick us up.”

“Sh*t!” The sergeant cursed, feeling that this stranger was here to hold them back.

With their squad’s combat ability, there was no way that the thugs could catch up with them once they retreated.

As he thought this, a series of headlights appeared in the near distance as cars came over on small roads from multiple directions to surround them.

The sergeant said, “F*ck! The guys from the camp are here!”

“Get in the car,” the captain ordered curtly.

Everybody remained silent, but moved more quickly. Currently, their target had already been rescued by the person in the Hummer, and if they didn’t want their mission to fail, the best they could do was get this guy away.

The six people covered each other as they retreated to the Hummer next to the road.

When they approached the Hummer, Luke waved at them. “Get in. I’ll take you out of here.”

The captain simply opened the car and got in. “Quick, retreat.”

He didn’t think it was necessary to waste more time here, not when there were already several cars coming over to surround them.

All the six soldiers quickly got in. They were all relieved to see Lisa Feng lying in the backseat with her hands already tended to. The target was still alive, so the driver of this car had been here to save her too; it was unlikely that he was an enemy.

Luke said casually, “Sit wherever you want. Someone can shoot from the sunroof, but I suggest you stay inside the car, since it can withstand bullets.”

As he spoke, the Hummer swiftly swung around.

In the pa.s.senger seat, the captain, who had been aiming at the thugs chasing them, felt his head spin as the enemy vanished from his view.

He couldn’t help but yell, “I’m f*cking aiming!”

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! He was interrupted by gunshots.

After turning the car around, the side of the Hummer was facing their pursuers.

The moment the Hummer swung around, the first car was within Luke’s line of fire, and he stuck the AK out his car window and let loose ferociously.

The winds.h.i.+elds of the two pickups that had just emerged on the trail were instantly riddled with bullet holes, and blood splattered everywhere inside the cars as they crashed into the trees.

Luke put the AK back and sped up, before he turned around and looked at the captain. “What did you just say?”

The captain: “…”

The soldiers: “…”

That was a real cheat!

The car was silent for a moment as everyone looked at the man in the helmet, but the captain suddenly said, “Don’t take the main road. They have a stronghold at the mountain pa.s.s, and the people here will have told them to block the main road.”

Luke didn’t consider it a big deal. “Then we’ll just get off at the mountain pa.s.s.” We’ll be able to cross once we kill everyone blocking the road, right? he secretly added in his heart.

After a moment of silence, the captain said, “Take a left turn to the river. We have a Plan


Luke raised an eyebrow and turned the wheel so that the Hummer got onto a small road on the side.

It instantly became a b.u.mpy ride.

As the captain continued to guide Luke, he grew increasingly amazed.

He had already thought it was nuts when Luke instantly killed two cars of people with an AK in one hand.

But sitting in the Hummer, he realized that this person was as good at driving as he was at shooting.

On this rugged, complicated trail, one could accidentally fall into a pit or hit a tree or rock in the slightest moment of carelessness.

But the Hummer was able to narrowly escape all these dangers.

The sniper, who was scouting out their surroundings from the sunroof, suddenly said, “They’re closing in.”

The captain knew it was inevitable.

Since it was impossible to take the main road, they could only take the escape route which they had arranged beforehand — the river.

But to get to the river, they had to get past the enemy chasing them. “Get ready!” he shouted.

All the soldiers stuck their guns out the sunroof and the windows.

In the next moment, two pickups appeared not far away on the road.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

The soldiers were much better trained than the thugs. They attacked the moment they encountered the enemy.

Luke only fired his AK twice before he stopped.

Blood exploded from the drivers of the two pickups as Luke shot them dead.

The other thugs on the two pickups panicked as the vehicles swerved off the road, and the Hummer swept past them like the wind.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! The soldiers fired relentlessly, and blood sprayed on the pickups once again.

The captain had just sighed in relief, when another pickup suddenly appeared in front of them.

The thug standing on the back of the pickup had something propped up on his shoulder, and the captain’s expression changed as he bellowed “RPG!” and subconsciously crouched down in his seat. All the soldiers in the car more or less did the same.

Face to face with an RPG on such a narrow road, they could only pray that this modified Hummer was st.u.r.dy enough.

It was impossible for them to send the enemy flying. The two cars faced each other at a distance of just ten to twenty meters and would meet head-on in two seconds. Luke curled his lip and stuck the AK in his left hand out the window.

Thanks to how fast the car was moving on the b.u.mpy road, he couldn’t control his shooting, so he just emptied his clip in one go.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! The thug who was holding the RPG was shot in the thigh. He instantly bent forward in pain, but in his agony, he pulled the trigger.


Just like that, the RPG warhead hit the back of the unfortunate driver through the window and blew up his head, before it smashed into the pickup’s dashboard.


With the sound of an explosion, the pickup stopped as its rear end flipped up.

Luke had already turned the car onto the trail on the side, and he drove past the pickup.

He threw the AK to the pa.s.senger seat along with a clip. “If you’re free, reload the gun for


Stunned for a moment, the captain then grabbed both items and reloaded.

Turning his head and looking at the remains of the pickup outside the window, he said, “This…”

Luke said, “He’s a c.r.a.p shooter. He shot the RPG into his own car.”

The captain: “…” The soldiers: “…”

Are you f*cking kidding me? Such sh*t technique and you still dare play with an RPG? Fine! It wasn’t like the captain hadn’t seen someone kill themself before like this.

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