Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 518 A Man Who Understands Manners Should Be More Proactive

Chapter 518 A Man Who Understands Manners Should Be More Proactive

Luke stretched out his hand as well, and the brawny baldie grabbed it and gave him a half-bear hug as he patted Luke’s back with his other hand. “Thank you.”

His grat.i.tude was clear.

Luke said with a smile, “You’re welcome.”

Dominic looked at him again for a moment before he waved his hand. “Let’s go look for cars. Vanessa, you can take off your own.”

With that, the brawny baldie left with his crew.

Among them, Han was the only person who could control himself. He had already seen Luke yesterday afternoon, and could just about contain his curiosity.

But everybody turned their heads to look this “Skywalker” up and down as they walked away.

After all, this man was probably the only person in the entire city who was capable of grabbing Hernan and slapping him in the face.

But after observing Luke, their biggest impression was that he was young and very gentle-looking, and nowhere near as muscular and ferocious as they had imagined.

What they didn’t know was that Luke was wearing makeup, and he looked thirty percent different from his actual appearance.

When he had rescued Vanessa yesterday, she wouldn’t have recognized him if he hadn’t mentioned it.

That was because Luke’s youthful face had left a deep impression on her.

Luke didn’t pay any mind to their looks.

It was unlikely he would see them again when things here were over.

After seeing the nuisances off, he looked at Vanessa with a smile. “I still need to buy a


Vanessa took out her phone and said, “Tell me the model, or what you need.”

Luke replied, “Low-key, st.u.r.dy, powerful, and preferably bulletproof.”

Vanessa raised an eyebrow and glanced at him with her electric eyes again, as if to say, “You’re still pretending.”

His requirements, just like when he had asked for the Hummer previously, were obviously for something big.

After sending a text message, she stuck out her lip. “Go hide there. Guadano isn’t a friend to Hernan, but he might sell you out for money.”

Luke shrugged and took out a black plastic bag from his knapsack for her. He then hid to one side.

Soon, the same shorty drove over in a car.

Looking at the specs which Vanessa sent to him after she examined the car, Luke gave an affirmative reply.

Vanessa took out several wads of cash from the black plastic bag and pocketed them. She then waved her hand at the shorty in dismissal.

The shorty was used to her treatment. He simply shrugged and left.

Vanessa drove the car over to Luke and opened the door on the pa.s.senger’s side.

Luke got into the car.

With a roar of the engine, the newly-acquired car quickly sped up and rushed forward on the seaside road.

Feeling the wind that whistled by, Luke couldn’t help but raise his voice. “Where are we going?”

Vanessa glanced at him with a vague smile before swiftly looking away. “Where do you want to go?”

Her voice wasn’t loud, and Luke had to strain to hear her.

Looking at the speedometer which read more than 120 kph, Luke preferred not to take any risks. He ventured, “The beach?”

As he expected, she rolled her electric eyes at him again.

After speeding along for ten minutes, the two of them finally stopped next to a beach.

The view here wasn’t great, and there was no sand here either. Thus, there were few streetlights or pa.s.sers-by.

After pulling over and turning off the engine, Vanessa undid her safety belt and got out. She leaned against the engine hood.

Luke followed her out and stood next to her. “Well, this place looks nice.”

Vanessa burst out laughing. “This place has held the t.i.tle of Rio’s worst scenic spot for years. There aren’t even any lights here. What’s there to see?”

Luke shrugged. “All that matters when you’re sightseeing is whom you travel with. If I went to Ipanema Beach with Dominic, I dare say the scenery there would be awful.”

Vanessa heaved a sigh and grabbed his hand. After walking for ten meters, she opened a door to a house.

After the lights were turned on, Luke looked around and asked curiously, “This is… a dorm?”

Vanessa hummed in response and led him to a room. She pointed at the couch and said, “Have a seat.”

She then went to the side and opened the fridge. “There’s only water here. Do you want any?”

Luke hesitated a moment before he said, “There’s juice in my backpack. Would you like some?”

With a swoosh, a bottle of cold water was thrown at him. “Why are you so talkative?”

Luke picked up the water and said with a smile, “Because I have manners.”

Holding a bottle of water in her hand, Vanessa had a few mouthfuls and went over to him. She looked down at him and said, “If you have manners, you should be more proactive instead of making me do everything. Do you understand?”

Luke: “Huh? You…”

Outside the window, the waves undulated soundlessly.

When it was almost dawn, Luke woke Vanessa. “Time to get up.” Vanessa grunted. “Stop. Let me sleep a little longer.”

Luke chuckled. “Early to bed, early to rise. You can take another shower before I drive you back.”

Vanessa had already stretched out her hands to pinch his back hard. “You… It’s only six o’clock. When do you expect to drive me back?”

Luke tilted his head and thought for a moment. “An hour should be enough.”

Her hands on his back clenched even harder. “You beast…”

Luke actually hadn’t gone all out.

Because of Dominic’s big operation today, they had slept early last night, and Vanessa had slept for almost eight hours.

In the morning, they fooled around for only half an hour before they used the rest of the time to shower and get dressed.

After Luke came out of the shower, he looked at Vanessa, who was tidying up. Thinking for a moment, he warned her, “I need to tell you something.”

Vanessa turned to look at him with her captivating eyes. “What is it?’ Luke said, “Be careful about Hernan’s trump card.”

Vanessa was curious. “What trump card?”

Luke said, “My source tells me that Hernan already sent the notice last night for something called ‘Hedgehog’ to come back. It could be a person, a secret army troop, or a weapon.”

Vanessa frowned. “How did you… Never mind. I’ll warn Dominic and the others.”

They left the house, and Luke drove her to the abandoned factory before leaving right away.

Looking at the car driving off in the distance, Vanessa sighed, but then suddenly smiled. “Forget it. This guy is pretty considerate. He’s much better than those clingy men.”

Luke eavesdropped on the abandoned factory for several minutes before he sighed and called it a day.

Dominic’s team had adjusted their plan again. Today, they would modify their new cars and make final preparations.

It was a peaceful day, except for the fact that many police officers and criminals were turning the city upside down for a young white man with and fat cheeks.

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