Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 549 Stay True to Your Heart, and Flegg’s Intervention

Chapter 549 Stay True to Your Heart, and Flegg’s Intervention

Luke had never done anything like that in his career.

He had killed lots of criminals and suspects, but only armed ones at crime scenes; he was very clean in his usual work.

In the Major Crimes Division, he and Selina received the least complaints, and even then the complaints were the most minor ones.

Otherwise, Dustin and Elsa wouldn’t be so unyielding in the face of pressure from the Internal Affairs Division.

Selina and Billy came out of the observation room.

Billy gave a silent thumbs up as well.

Selina wasn’t impressed at all. She was too familiar with the routine.

When Luke had split them up just now, she already knew that he was going to kill two birds with one stone by recording the statements and teaching his students at the same time.

When they escorted Crystal over just now, Selina explained how Luke and Elizabeth cooperated with each other to Billy in the observation room.

For example, when Luke picked up the gun, he had given Elizabeth a subtle hint.

Pretending to be surprised, Elizabeth blinked her eyes, which was a signal for “OK.”

There were a lot of little details, and Selina roughly explained all of them.

Luke wasn’t the only teacher; Selina was also half a teacher to Elizabeth and Billy, who also respected her very much.

A moment later, Billy finally opened the door and took Crystal away as if nothing had happened. Then, Elizabeth returned to the interrogation room and looked at George, who was fuming over his silly teammate.

With Crystal around, his confession wouldn’t really matter.

A confession couldn’t be used as direct evidence to convict a criminal, but it might influence the judge’s sentencing.

The smartest thing he should have done was to confess sooner and blame the crime on Crystal, or he would have to take the blame for the attempted kidnapping.

In less than an hour, both their statements were taken. Luke said something to Billy, who nodded quickly and left.

Luke also played a few rounds of blackjack with the two kidnappers in pa.s.sing. It took him less than two minutes to win a game against each of them.

Billy returned with shackles that were used for felons. Those shackles bound the hands and feet together, which prevented a prisoner from moving fast.

At Luke’s deliberate reminder, Billy brought the heaviest shackles for the two kidnappers. After Billy shackled them, Luke checked the shackles one more time before they brought both suspects to the holding cells.

George and Crystal were put in separate cells. Luke specifically warned the guards to pay special attention to these two guys. When everything was done, it was almost eleven.

Looking at Elizabeth and Billy, Luke said with a smile, “As usual, you can follow up on this case, unless you don’t want to.”

Naturally, the two of them had no objections.

This way, they could share the credit for this case, but that meant that they would be taking care of the tedious paperwork and formalities after this.

Ever since he got these two students, Luke slacked off on his own work this way.

Conversely, Elizabeth and Billy could no longer be called rookie detectives.

The number of cases they worked on and their achievements were enough for the senior detectives in their division to acknowledge them.

Helping Luke close cases meant that they saw a lot more and gained experience with cases that involved tricky criminals, which made them more capable.

Looking at their faces, Luke reminded them, “Don’t stay up tonight. Go home and get some rest. You can finish the work tomorrow.”

Since he had said that, Elizabeth and Billy acquiesced. They packed up, and everybody went to the parking lot.

In the parking lot, Billy said goodbye to everybody else and drove off first.

Elizabeth, who had stayed behind, said to Luke, “Luke, can we talk?”

Looking at Selina, she added, “It’s about Boom Town…”

Luke nodded. “Let’s go. We’ll drive you home. Let’s talk on the way.”

In fact, it wasn’t anything too complicated.

Sheriff Samantha, Elizabeth’s mother, was a shareholder and a supervisor for the new mining company. She didn’t forget to tell her daughter the good news.

Elizabeth had planned to go to Luke’s tonight, but felt that she might be too anxious to convey what she wanted to say, so had stayed back to calm down by working overtime with Billy.

In the end, Luke actually showed up at the police department that night and asked for help on a case.

Working at Luke’s familiar pace, her heart gradually calmed down.

Her mother Samantha only had a 5% share in the new mining company, but Luke had five times as much.

Luke had definitely learned the news earlier than she did, but had gone out to catch two suspects in the middle of the night. He didn’t seem impacted by news of the gold mine at all.

If that was the case, why was she letting her imagination run wild?

She even recalled the question Luke asked her a long time ago: If you suddenly got rich, would you still continue doing this job?

Her answer was the same now as it had been back then.

As long as she stayed true to her heart, she might be excited about getting rich, but there was no need to go overboard.

After they drove Elizabeth home, Selina watched her wave at them in the rearview mirror, and she sighed. “I thought you were joking back then, but she’s really rich now.”

Luke was amused. “Are you talking yourself up now?”

Selina thought for a moment, and admitted that could be the case.

Millions of dollars would be enough for most people to live the rest of their lives in luxury, as long as they didn’t lose control of themselves.

However, most people weren’t capable of that; it was very common for them to lose their heads once they suddenly became rich.

Luke was about to become a multi-millionaire at eighteen, but he still maintained more or less the same lifestyle as before, which subtly influenced Selina.

Selina now didn’t care too much about money. At most, it could give her parents an easier life and allow her siblings to receive a good education.

As for herself? She looked at Dollar who was sitting obediently in the backseat – instead, her dog was a doorway to a whole new world.

She fell silent, while Luke glanced at the system notifications.

He hadn’t gotten much experience and credit for catching the two kidnappers. The bank robberies and the kidnapping together were only worth five hundred points, which meant that those two men hadn’t really been up to anything big.What mattered more was the other two notifications.

System: You have defeated Crystal Vince and received a list of his abilities.

Crystal Vince’s abilities: Basic Combat, Basic Firearms… Elementary Roping (Prerequisites: 20 Strength, 20 Dexterity, 20 Mental Strength and 1,000 credit points), Elementary Special Rope Making (1000 credit points).

System: You have defeated George Huck and received a list of his abilities.

George Huck’s abilities: Basic Combat, Basic Firearm… Elementary Boomerang Throw (Prerequisites: 20 Strength, 20 Dexterity, 20 Mental Strength and 1,000 credit points), Elementary Boomerang Making (1000 credit points).

These two guys had interesting abilities, Luke thought to himself.

The next morning, Luke and Selina ran into an old acquaintance in the parking lot at the police department.

Luke raised an eyebrow and called out a greeting first. “Agent Flegg, those two men… come under your area?”

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