Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 551 Best Hamburger, and Takagi Again

Chapter 551 Best Hamburger, and Takagi Again

Stark Industries was a large and powerful corporation, but it would be difficult to find the culprit since it had too many enemies.

It was hard to guess who the mastermind behind the kidnapping was if their motive was unclear.

And even if they revealed their motive, it was still possible that this was a setup by someone else to take advantage of the mess. Mulling over this matter, Luke wandered around the Stark Industrial Park on the east side of Los Angeles with Selina.

There were many abandoned factories in this area.

This was where Stark’s first manufacturing base of operations was set up, until they relocated to a less costly site.

As a corporation that wasn’t short of money, however, they kept the original base, and some of the R&D and production departments were still here.

At the same time, this place served as a site for all sorts of large-scale activities by Stark Industries.

Thanks to the company’s affluence, this second-tier research and manufacturing site was clean and tidy, and had the best environment in the neighborhood.

The greenery, landscape, streets and facilities were even better than those in the city center.

This place was also pretty safe. The Eastside police department had deployed a large police force here, which came down hard on criminal activity in this area.

Coupled with Stark Industries’ own security, this place was almost like… a white lotus flower in a swamp of mud.

Luke couldn’t help but laugh when he thought that.

Selina was puzzled. “What’s up?”

Smiling, Luke told her what he was thinking, but Selina didn’t laugh. She asked strangely, “I think it’s an accurate description. What’s so funny?”

Luke was amused.

Only he knew what an insult the phrase “white lotus flower[1]” had become in his previous life.

He didn’t bother to explain, and drove straight to the restaurant not far away from the venue of the expo. “I’m going to buy lunch. The usual?”

Selina said, “An extra ice cream today.”

Gold Nugget immediately whined from the backseat. That was Gold Nugget saying, “What about me?”

Luke said with a smile, “Okay, two large ice creams, right?” Gold Nugget let out a bark.

Luke and Selina got out and entered the fast food restaurant. They soon returned with a huge stack of food.

Thankfully, neither of them nor the dog was picky about food. Although Luke was fond of cooking his own food, he didn’t mind buying out every now and then. He was okay with fast food like hamburgers, sandwiches and fried chicken.

Gold Nugget didn’t complain as long as it had the same food as they did. They had just come out, when they saw a Rolls-Royce Phantom stop in front of the fast food restaurant, and a fat security guard got out.

Luke didn’t greet him when he saw him. He simply went to his car.

The fat security guard’s expression changed when he saw Luke and Selina, but he didn’t greet them either.

They pa.s.sed by a few meters from each other.

Luke and Selina got into the car and went to a park not far away.

This park was directly opposite the main building complex in the industrial park, and faced the entrance.

There were many short trees in the park that didn’t block the view but could still provide visitors sporadic shade.

It was almost noon. The L.A. sky was clear and cloudless. Nothing but the boundless blue sky could be seen.

Two people and one dog hid in a large shady spot under a tree, and took out the food.

Selina specifically reminded Gold Nugget to eat more slowly.

They were in public right now, and the dog couldn’t eat dozens of kilograms at one go.

Gold Nugget had already grown used to it, but it could suppress Dollar’s urge to wolf down its food so that it finished every hamburger in three mouthfuls, which was really hard. Luke took out a hamburger and had a bite before he raised an eyebrow. “This hamburger is definitely worth it.”

Although the hamburger, which was fifty dollars apiece, was pretty expensive, he tasted a lot of ingredients in it.

Both the bread and the meat in the hamburger were of top quality, and the portion was generous.

The cheese in the hamburger tasted great too. No wonder it sold for such a high price.

Although there were pizzas that cost two hundred dollars apiece, they were made of caviar, black truffle foie gras and edible gold.

They were expensive, but might not be as delicious.

This hamburger, on the other hand, used high-quality ingredients, but wasn’t as costly as a “golden pizza.” It was definitely worth it.

It was the most expensive thing on that restaurant’s menu and there was only a limited amount of it.

According to the waiter, the hamburger could only be bought before the lunch rush every day if you didn’t want to lose out.

When Luke asked why, the waiter pointed at the Stark Industries building with a smile.

Luke vaguely remembered that it seemed a certain playboy was obsessed with hamburgers. After saving the world, the one thing he wanted was a hamburger. No wonder this restaurant’s hamburger was so well-known and pricey despite the lack of a gimmick.

Tony Stark didn’t care about caviar, black truffle foie gras or edible gold at all; it just had to be the tastiest cheeseburger ever.

Selina ate very happily on the side and didn’t complain at all, which was quite unusual.

Usually, she would complain that most fast food was pig swill, even including what she made herself.

She also infected Gold Nugget with this notion, but the dog was enjoying the food today as well.

Two people and one dog enjoyed their peaceful lunch.

Suddenly, a car pulled over not far away, and an old man followed by three other men got out.

When Luke noticed him, he found it a little odd, but got up with a smile to greet him. “h.e.l.lo, Mr. Takagi.”

The old man turned out to be Takagi, the president of Nakatomi Corporation, whom Luke hadn’t seen in a while.

Luke voluntarily stretched out his hand, as he couldn’t take the old man’s solemn bowing.

Takagi was free to bow, but Luke didn’t quite like it.

After they shook hands, Takagi spoke in his typical serious manner. “Detective Luke, you must forgive me for never visiting you in person.”It would be a pain if you did come! Luke murmured inwardly, but he said with a smile, “You’re too kind, Mr. Takagi. Thank you for understanding that I’m busy with work, and thank you for your gifts.”

Though they never met again after the robbery in Nakatomi Plaza, Takagi had sent Luke special and expensive food ingredients as gifts every major festival.

Other gifts might get Luke into trouble, but food ingredients were fine.

Takagi was definitely considerate and courteous.

Because of his politeness, Luke couldn’t ignore him.

As they chatted, Luke learned that Takagi was here to attend the expo as well.

However, he wasn’t here to purchase anything; he was just accompanying a major client. The client wasn’t here yet, and Mr. Takagi saw Luke on his way here, so he stopped to say hi.

[1] Vicious women who pretend to be innocent

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