Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 553 A Sudden Attack

Chapter 553 A Sudden Attack

But why had Weyland Corporation sent a bus of people here at noon? To bask in the sun? Very quickly, however, Luke frowned. Something was wrong with the way these people were acting. They were too professional! They looked more like well-trained soldiers than employees of a telecommunications company.

Furrowing his brow, Luke patted Selina and said, “Let’s go and see what those people are up to.”

Selina instantly got up and closed the insulation box. “Dollar, grab the box.”

Dollar quickly swallowed the food in its mouth and gripped the handle of the box with its teeth, before it trotted after Luke and Selina.

They struggled to squeeze through the crowd in the square and reached their car on the roadside not far away.

As plain clothes officers on duty, they had registered their car with Stark Industries’ security so that they could park their car here.

Luke and Selina quickly put on their bulletproof vests in the car, and Dollar put the insulation box in the backseat.

Both Luke and Selina also put on peaked caps and big

Only then did the two people and one dog get out of the car and go around the square toward the building Luke frowned when he pa.s.sed by the building entrance.

He had already activated his Sharp Nose to detect traces of the scents of the thirty men from the bus.

To his surprise, they weren’t carrying any weapons, bombs, or other dangerous items on them.

However, they had done a lot of shooting recently, as they clearly reeked of gunpowder.

A company had sent over a busload of weapon enthusiasts? Well, that did seem possible.

After all, the entire expo was a carnival for anyone who was crazy about weapons.

Thinking that, he gestured to Selina, and they split up. Luke went ahead, while Selina and Gold Nugget were a dozen meters behind him.

On the other side, the thirty men had pa.s.sed the security checkpoint, entered the building, and disappeared down a hallway.

Luke moved quickly and showed his badge to the guard at the security checkpoint. “Why are so many men from Weyland Corporation here?”

The guard didn’t think much of it. “Their telecommunications R&D department arranged for a tour.”

Luke frowned. “They have an appointment?”

The guard replied, “Yes. Why else would we let them through?”

Luke asked, “Can I see the guest list?”

The guard quickly refused. “I’m sorry, but that’s cla.s.sified information.”

Luke promptly gave up wrangling with the guard and gestured to Selina, and they directly went through the security checkpoint for police.

They didn’t take the Stark Industries’ security checkpoint since they would be stopped because of the guns and the bulletproof vests on them, and they wouldn’t be let through until they answered a bunch of questions.

That was all standard procedure. Stark Industries couldn’t be faulted for it.

Thankfully, the checkpoint specially set up by the police department for their officers was right next to it. The names of the officers on duty were all on file, and they only needed to swipe their police badges to get through.

That was very typical of Stark Industries. They would rather create this ha.s.sle than fully cooperate with the police. In my house, you follow my rules. That was the pride of a major corporation.

Luke also didn’t say anything to the officer at the police’s security checkpoint. The men from Weyland Corporation had pa.s.sed the checkpoint without issue and weren’t carrying any suspicious items on them.

If he suddenly sounded a major alarm but failed to catch them doing anything wrong, he would be held responsible.

Sounding an alarm might trigger chaos, and the reinforcements might not be as efficient as Selina.

With Gold Nugget by her side, Selina was far more awesome than dozens of regular police officers.

Luke followed the men from Weyland Corporation while Selina stayed in the lobby to keep an eye out for anything unusual.

As he ran, Luke reminded Selina via his earpiece, “Stay vigilant. Something isn’t right about those people.” He had already discovered something strange about these people – they were all headed for the toilet.

After entering the main building in the bustling park, the first thing they did was go to the toilet together, which was strange no matter how you looked at it.

When elementary school kids went out on a spring excursion, their teacher would say, “Everyone, please use the toilet before we leave so that you don’t need to go halfway.” The employees of Weyland Corporation should certainly be more mature than that.

Suddenly, Luke’s face changed. He sped up and put on his badge while he gestured to Selina with his other hand.

Selina’s movements promptly turned cautious. She retreated to the security checkpoint near the entrance and took out a walkie-talkie. “This is Westside Squad B52. We suspect that a large group of armed men have appeared on the first floor of the Stark Industrial Park’s main building on the east side…”

With his Sharp Nose, Luke had already detected the smell of a huge amount of guns in the two dustbins outside the toilets which the Weyland Corporation people had just come out of.

Even worse, he smelled bombs.

To bring this into the main building, this wasn’t a small-scale ruckus.

If the goal wasn’t to kill a lot of people, then it was to steal something big.

The only difference between the two would be the number of casualties involved, but the consequences would be just as terrible.

Did Tony Stark sleep with the wrong woman again? Luke couldn’t help but mumble to himself.

When it was so hard for other people to dig holes for Tony Stark, he had a history of digging them for himself.

While he was thinking this, Luke moved swiftly.

However, the guys from Weyland Corporation were clearly prepared and familiar with the territory.

When Luke started to run, the criminals who were already armed had circled round to charge out of a hallway on the other side without hesitation.

Luke’s heart turned heavy. He knew he was too late.

These criminals had already burst into the lobby, where there were more than a hundred people. Twenty of them were police officers and security guards, and the rest were all regular visitors.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Gunshots rang out, followed by shrieks and screams. Luke frowned. He took off his peaked cap and in the hallway and put on a mask.

He put on the again and stuffed the hat into his pocket.

He was prepared to go on a killing spree, so he had to cover his face properly. He didn’t want to see his face splashed all over the front of L.A. newspapers tomorrow.

“Selina, how’s it going?” he asked softly in the earpiece.

Selina replied in a loud voice, “They’ve already opened fire. Several security guards are dead. The police officers are helping, but they won’t last much longer. No, I have to back them up now!”

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Hearing the gunshots, Luke’s expression turned solemn.

By then, he reached a corner in the hallway. He stopped and raised his Glock. Taking a short breath, he suddenly stuck his head out. Pa! Pa! Pa! Pa! Pa! Pa!

From left to right, six criminals were shot through the heart in quick succession from behind.

The criminals reacted very swiftly. Immediately, three of them who were keeping an eye out at the back returned fire.

They also yelled, “Someone’s attacking us from the hallway in the back!”

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