Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 585 This Is America, This is Our World

Chapter 585 This Is America, This is Our World

Sonia’s expression was a little strange. She looked like she wanted to laugh, but she managed to hold it in. “Fine, my explanation wasn’t accurate. Actually, the shortest ‘limb’ wasn’t broken, but swollen.”

Luke couldn’t help scratching his head. “So brutal?”

Sonia finally chuckled in a low voice. “These people were all attempting rape when they ran into this ‘vigilante.’ The other party kicked them in the groin from the back, and then broke their four limbs.”

Luke inwardly smiled bitterly, but his face didn’t change. “To be honest, I would do the same. Are there any clues on this Mr. Vigilante?”

Sonia shook her head. “Not really. The victims are all hoodlums who like to get into fights. There’s no proof that they were injured by the same person. Also, you know that the D.A. and the judges are strongly requesting that we ease up…”

Luke smacked his lips. “Then fine. Let’s treat this Mr. Vigilante like he doesn’t exist. What about the other thing?”

Sonia: “Did you hear the news yesterday? Three hoodlums were hung on a ferris wheel in a playground on the east side.”

Luke nodded. “I did. Was ‘Mr. Vigilante’ part of that as well?”

Sonia shook her head. “Not really. It was just that the incident blew up today. I’m afraid that the D.A. and the judges will be even busier after this.”

Luke raised his eyebrow. “A lot of people died? Or were caught?”

Sonia: “According to the information in the police department this morning, a lawyer, a D.A., and a recently-retired criminal court judge died yesterday and today.” Luke frowned. “Hate crime?”

Sonia nodded. “The lawyer was found drowned in his own swimming pool. The D.A.’s home was set on fire with him in it. The retired judge’s home was blown up; there weren’t even enough body parts to fill up one evidence bag.”

Luke tapped the table.

That was really brutal. The way that the judge died, in particular, indicated strong hate. Burning a house to the ground, on the other hand, wasn’t really surprising, since it was a common tactic which gangs used to destroy the crime scene.

Sonia looked around carefully before she s.h.i.+fted closer to Luke and whispered, “It’s said that the three dead men were related to a case from five years ago, and the only surviving victim from that case has come back.”

Luke sighed. “So after all that, you’re here for the face-slapping, aren’t you?” Sonia was blank. “What are you talking about?”

Luke spread his hands. “You said yourself, a Mr. Vigilante is helping to beat up gangsters and a victim is getting revenge on some corrupt officials; it’s like we law enforcers are the villains.”

Sonia’s lips moved, but she realized there was nothing she could say. Put that way, it really seemed like it.

She got up angrily to leave with the two lunch bags. “This is America! This is our world! What can I do?”

Luke, however, let out a “hey,” and smiled after she turned around. “Thanks for the info.”

Sonia’s face froze for a moment, before she couldn’t help smiling as she raised the bags in her hand. “Didn’t you already pay for it? Goodbye.”

Watching Sonia go, Luke mulled over the first piece of information.

The second thing would undoubtedly be a major L.A. case, but it happened on the east side, which wasn’t his jurisdiction.

More importantly, the deaths of a lawyer, a D.A., and a judge meant that corruption and bribery might have been involved. He wasn’t interested in avenging people who no longer had boundaries.

As for the first piece of information…

Luke narrowed his eyes and looked at the time.

It was already twenty past nine, but his partner still hadn’t arrived.

But even after she showed up, he couldn’t ask her any questions here, so he wasn’t in a hurry at all.

At that moment, he received a call from another number. He looked at the number, which didn’t look familiar.

He picked up the phone and casually said, “h.e.l.lo, who are you looking for?”

A dry and hoa.r.s.e voice came from the other end. “It’s me, Tony Stark. Where did you get the stuff you gave me yesterday?”

Luke couldn’t help but sit up straight as he smiled. “Do you think it’s alright to talk about it over the phone?”

After a brief silence, Stark said, “I’ll send a car to pick you up at ten.”

Luke: “Okay. I’m at the police department.”

The call was cut off.

Luke scratched his chin and chuckled. Doing this good turn was really hard.

While he was pondering how to interact with this bigshot, his phone rang again.

He picked up his phone, only to see that it was yet another number he didn’t recognize. Also, it was a South American number.

Still, Luke answered the phone. “h.e.l.lo, who are you looking for?” “Luke?” It was a woman’s voice.

Thoughts flashed through Luke’s mind. “If you mean the Luke who bought you a drink, then yes, it’s me.”

The woman was silent for a moment. “Fine, the guarana and the raspberry juice actually weren’t bad.”

Luke was amused. “How can I help you?”

It was Rebecca.

He didn’t think that she would call him for no good reason.

The Fraternity should still be hunting her, and she should avoid communication as much as possible.

A moment later, he hung up with a strange expression. “Seriously? I have to get involved in this too?”

Taking out a chocolate lollipop, he slowly unwrapped it and put it in his mouth as he contemplated the information he had just received and what kind of benefits he could get out of it.

Helping out was one thing, but what he could get from it was another.

As a man who never had enough experience and credit points, he was already good at earning more and spending less, and it was a good habit he planned to keep.

At that moment, there was the sound of footsteps, and someone rummaged around in the food box on the desk.

Luke didn’t even bother to raise his eyes. He simply asked, “You didn’t have breakfast?”

“You have to ask Elizabeth about that.” It was Selina’s voice.

Luke turned his head. “So you didn’t have breakfast either?”

Elizabeth smiled awkwardly while holding the paper bag which Selina had just given to her. “Not yet.”

Gobbling up the crab sandwich and giving one to an expectant Dollar, Selina complained, “There’s nothing in her fridge except a few bottles of soda water. There isn’t even a slice of cheese.”Elizabeth felt a little awkward, but not too embarra.s.sed.

She was too familiar with these two people.

Luke: “She lives by herself, and she often works late and gets up early. Isn’t it perfectly normal for her not to have any food in her place?”

Selina thought for a moment and realized that it made sense.

Few people liked to stock up on ingredients the way Luke did.

Of course, there were also few like Elizabeth who didn’t have ready-made food at home.

Very soon, Elizabeth fled with her crab sandwiches.

When it came to cooking, she felt that she needed to study more. For now, she still wasn’t qualified to join such a high-level culinary discussion.

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