Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 628 Want Some Candy? Tell Me If You Do

Chapter 628 Want Some Candy? Tell Me If You Do

But the rest of the trip was quiet, and they didn’t encounter anything else before they reached the county prison.

It also proved that Harrison’s first escort mission during the day had been necessary.

The hooded man in the car just now was the real Alex Montell, the person who put up the reward of a hundred million dollars.

The person whom the police convoy delivered to the prison in the afternoon was a SWAT member stand-in.

Since Alex’s face was covered during the escort, n.o.body really knew if it was him.

The escort team in the afternoon weren’t Harrison’s direct subordinates either. His men had been standing by at HQ the entire time.

Only Harrison and a bigshot at HQ knew of his plan. None of the others knew anything.

The bigshot at HQ had made the arrangements beforehand and locked the stand-in in a separate room. n.o.body was allowed to visit him.

Until the real Alex was delivered to the prison, the outside world had to be duped into thinking that he was already in prison so that there would be less obstacles during the real escort mission at night.

As things turned out, the plan basically worked.

First of all, even though some criminals were still suspicious, they would only think that they were too late as time went by, and HQ went back to normal.

The ma.s.sive fight between the police and the criminals was already on TV. The news was broadcast again and again precisely to create this impression.

After all, the criminals weren’t the police. Even if they had doubts, they couldn’t do a search to confirm their suspicions.

Secondly, a hundred unmarked cars had left HQ after work. It was impossible for the criminals to monitor all of them.

Harrison had also controlled the rate at which the cars left the parking lot so that several unmarked cars left together more than ten times, which would also be a blow to the confidence of these ambitious people.

Who knew if Alex Montell was in one of those cars and had already left.

Lastly, the escort route at night wasn’t as straightforward as during the day, and they took a circuitous route instead.

They had deliberately chosen a fast route after peak hour traffic. The whole operation took less than forty minutes, and barely gave the criminals any time to react.

Except for the two young girls next to Luke, all the other criminals had been tricked.

Luke also remembered that the twins had been in the group of dancing kids in the afternoon. They had even gotten close to the police car carrying the suspect.

There was no telling how they figured out that the person was a stand-in, but they didn’t take action back then and decided to collect their reward at night.

Only one last question remained: How had they predicted the route that the cars would take for the night escort mission?

Looking at the current situation, they didn’t get help from an ordinary person; this wasn’t something that was easy to pull off.

As everybody else got out and escorted the hooded man to the prison cell, Luke stayed in the car with the two girls. In fact, he was trying to make idle conversation, but the girls simply stared silently at him with their big blue eyes.

He sighed. “If you don’t tell me what happened, I’ll have to hand you over to the professionals, understand?”

Fear flashed in the twins’ eyes, but they didn’t say anything. Luke felt helpless. “You’re really not going to say anything? I may let you go if you tell me.”

Hesitation flashed in the twins’ eyes, but they remained silent.

Luke then stopped trying.

Who knew if the girls were too guarded against him or if they had a special resistance to mental abilities, but his beginner-level Mental Communication didn’t work on them at all.

He tried several times, but couldn’t even get their names out of them.

He didn’t want to torture them for answers either.

The truth was that he was being serious when he said he would release them.

They had exercised restraint in their abilities and behavior, and weren’t to violence.

Luke was quite sure of that.

A person who was contemptuous of life and whose hands were stained with blood would feel very different from ordinary people.

Luke himself relied on his public achievements to conceal his own anomaly, but he still couldn’t trick veterans such as Robert and Flegg

He didn’t think that the twins could trick him.

But they were keeping mum, and he hesitated.

Should he call Wales or Flegg? But that would be sending them into the tiger’s den.

Luke himself didn’t want to work under Wales. That place was just one gigantic trap.

There were also too many problems with Flegg’s agency. Considering the things they had taken in, they must have plenty of clandestine research projects. Frowning and thinking for a moment, Luke suddenly put away his gun. “Forget it. After we leave the prison, whatever you do is none of my business.”

Seeing his action, the two similar faces looked surprised and confused.

After making the decision, Luke relaxed as well.

He searched his pocket and found a chocolate lollipop. He unwrapped it and put it in his mouth.

Noticing the astonished gazes on him, he didn’t look at them, but searched his pocket again and stretched out his hand. “Want some candy? Tell me if you do.” The girls looked from his mouth to his hand. The short-haired girl’s hand had just moved, when the mushroom-haired girl stopped her.

Amused, Luke put two lollipops in the hand of the short-haired girl who had just been pulled back by her sister. “You can have them later.”

There was still a towel stuffed in the short-haired girl’s mouth at the moment.

Staring at the night sky, Luke couldn’t help but warn them, “Don’t use your abilities for illegal things like this anymore. It won’t be the police who will be waiting for you then.”

Harrison’s team came back and got into the


Seeing that the backseat was silent, Harrison didn’t think much of it and just had his teammate start the car.

After the cars left the prison, Harrison finally gave a long sigh of relief. “Thank G.o.d, it’s finally over now.”

Luke smiled but didn’t say anything.

Harrison looked back at the twins and asked, “What do we do with them?”

Luke pondered for a moment. “Put them in the custody center at HQ. After what we went through with the criminals today, don’t tell me we have to interrogate them too?”

Harrison pondered for a moment before he


As long as they got an order from the higher-ups, SWAT would carry it out without question.

But when it came to interrogation, they weren’t specialists like the detectives in the Major Crimes Division.

Of course, SWAT had their own “professional” means of interrogation as well.

However, when Harrison saw the young faces of the two girls in the rearview mirror, he promptly discarded these excessively ruthless methods.

In this world, men were all about looks, and Harrison was no exception.

He wouldn’t hesitate to kill a few armed criminals, but he couldn’t use “professional interrogation methods” on two girls who hadn’t reached adulthood yet.

Also, the SWAT members on this night mission were unharmed and they completed the mission successfully.

It was as if a burden had fallen off Harrison’s shoulders, and he didn’t want to bother with the girls.

Luke and Harrison pretty much thought the same in this regard. They were in such good moods that the world looked beautiful at the moment.

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