Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 640 Who’s Stealing Our Job?

Chapter 640 Who’s Stealing Our Job?

At that moment, Luke suddenly decided to have some fun.

When he grabbed the women’s arms, he recalled the rope darts that were wrapped around the elevator and the one around his waist and put them back into his inventory.

Without the rope darts to hold it up, the elevator tilted even quicker and plummeted in the blink of an eye.

The two women whom Luke had grabbed shrieked even louder when they realized that the distance between them and the elevator wasn’t growing wider – they were falling too!

As the dark ground rushed up to meet them, the women stopped screaming.

Air filled their wide open mouths as they fell, and they were too anxious to make any more noise.

Resigned to their fates, the women were already starting to pray to G.o.d before this last sprint to heaven.

What they didn’t notice was that Luke had gripped them firmly under their arms. Then, his broad cape unfolded and changed shape before it turned rigid.

They suddenly stopped falling as their rapid descent turned into a glide. Stunned, the women turned their heads, only to see two enormous black wings above their heads as the three of them glided forward.

Luke even had the strength to turn around and take them back to the entrance of the plaza.

Landing with a few quick steps, he put down the two women who had been hanging off him. “Ladies, just now… hm?”

His lips twitched under his helmet. He pushed them into the building before saying, “Goodbye.”

He had to slip off now. He had already seen a suspicious stain on one of the women’s clothes. His Sharp Nose also told him that he had probably gone too far with his joke.

But they’re safe and sound. It’s definitely better than getting killed by the fall! Whatever the case, I saved their lives! While trying to convince himself, he began to run.

After taking a few steps, he heard a shaky yell behind him. “Who are you?”

It was from the woman who hadn’t p.i.s.sed herself. Clearly, she had more guts.

Luke didn’t turn around. An electronic voice rang out. “I’m… Batman!”

The woman muttered the name several times before she finally came back to her senses, and turned to her partner in concern. “Jennifer, are you alright?”

The other woman was trembling as she said, “Can, can I borrow your shawl?”

Both of them couldn’t help but look at her lower half. The first woman silently took off her shawl and tied it around the second woman’s waist.

Luke had had his bit of fun with that sky-high rescue and practical joke, and now focused on saving people.

As he rescued more and more people, the police intercom started to explode with reports. “Operator, there’s a guy all in black and wearing a black cape…”

“Same here, he’s saving people…” “He’s in the central district. He just rescued a family of five trapped in an apartment building…”

“He took down a few drug dealers who engaged with police officers…” “He ran into an apartment building that was on fire and saved two little girls…”

“My G.o.d, is he really human? He punched a hole in the wall on the second floor and created an escape route for people caught in the fire…”

“G.o.d, is he an angel that you sent us?”

“Rubbish, would an angel wear all black?”

“The color outside doesn’t represent the inside…”

“Dudes, you have no idea what I just filmed! The guy flew into the sky and caught a woman falling from Stark Tower. Then… he flew down with her! My G.o.d, that’s unbelievable.”

“I saw it too. He has bat wings on his back…”

“Rubbish, only devils would have those sorts of wings. He isn’t a devil at all. He’s a hero…”

At HQ, the director who had rushed over to supervise the situation was dumbfounded by the report from the head of the intelligence department. “What the f*ck?”

The head of intelligence smiled bitterly. “It’s true. Our comms are bursting with similar news.”

The director covered his forehead. “So you’re saying that a mysterious guy in black and who has wings is rescuing citizens before we can?”

The head of intelligence: “Yes.”

After a brief silence, the director roared, “Then what are our officers doing? Watching him grab the limelight? Do you have any idea how many media outlets will mock the police for not being able to compare with some guy in black?”

The head of intelligence sighed. “By a rough estimate, not including civilians, he has already saved Pepper Potts, Mr. Stark’s PA; some members of a Hollywood film crew, which include the famous director Scott Jones and the stars Jennifer Perry and Sheerah; and Jonathan Hans and his son, who were having dinner.”

The director sucked in a cold breath of air. “Are you kidding me?”

The head of intelligence shook his head. “No. And that’s just what we have confirmed. He moves very fast, and… he can also fly. Most of the people he rescued weren’t spotted by our officers.”

The director: “Are you saying that he might have saved even more VIPs?”

The head of intelligence: “He’s active in the city center, which is where the celebrities of L.A. or even the whole world are gathered. It won’t be surprising if he saves dozens of bigshots and stars tonight.”

The director’s head started to hurt. d.a.m.n it. What statement could he make tomorrow, with this guy in black saving so many bigshots and civilians? Should this “angel” with black wings be given a medal for his bravery?

Then what about LAPD? Were all the police officers useless small fry? Luke had no idea that he had just given LAPD a serious problem. He was too busy roaming downtown.

He helped anyone who was in need and racked up experience and credit points.

It wasn’t like he was deliberately rescuing the bigshots. It was just that apart from the regular citizens in the apartment buildings, most of the people who were still out and about downtown this late were the celebs and bigshots at various gatherings.

The earlier earthquake had caused the buildings to sway like they were dancing, so parties held on the higher levels would definitely suffer.

Unlike what the director thought, Luke was too busy to save all of them.

He only helped out in an emergency, or when the situation was too tricky for the police and firefighters to resolve.

In any case, he wasn’t a firefighter, and wasn’t afraid of complaints.

He just needed to relocate the people in danger to a safe area. Whether or not they p.i.s.sed their pants in the process was none of his concern.

Initially, he could’ve rescued more people.

But four to five helicopters soon flew swiftly through the night sky to surround and film Luke even as he was jumping down from a building on fire with a couple.

It was still late at night.

To film him clearly, the helicopters’ lights lit up Luke’s position. It was nothing for Luke. His helmet completely covered his head and his lenses automatically filtered the strong light.

But the couple he was holding were scared witless.

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