Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 652 Super Ability Versus Pegasus Meteor Fist

Chapter 652 Super Ability Versus Pegasus Meteor Fist

As this unusual phenomenon appeared, the middle-aged ringleader became a vague, demon-like figure in the sand.

Arms crossed in front of him, Luke wasn’t surprised at all. His blood-red eyes flashed as he observed this ability which looked like a special effect in a movie.

“Ahhhhh!” The middle-aged ringleader rushed at Luke with his hands stretched out to grab him.

Luke raised his eyebrows and let the man grab his arms. “Die!” the middle-aged ringleader roared with delight. And then… nothing happened. He couldn’t believe it. “Impossible! Why aren’t you turning into sand? Die!” But… still nothing happened. Except for two gray handprints left by the middle-aged ringleader on Luke’s battle suit, there was nothing wrong with it. The middle-aged ringleader finally realized that his ability couldn’t deal with this battle suit or hurt the person wearing it. His expression changed sharply, and he turned around and tried to run.

But a giant hand grabbed the back of his neck the moment he turned around. “What a shame. Your ability is a lot weaker than I imagined!”

Of course, Luke hadn’t been worried at all when the ringleader touched the battle suit.

He was only 1.88 meters tall, while the battle suit was 2.1 meters tall. It wasn’t hard to imagine how many layers of protection there were in between.

Besides, the Batman suit also had an ejection mechanism and some of the plug-in parts could be offloaded.

Suddenly, the middle-aged ringleader’s nape softened, and Luke felt like he was grabbing quicksand, which slipped away.

He was finally a little interested. “So, this ability is actually for lifesaving purposes? Check this out — Pegasus Meteor Fist[1]!”

Before the middle-aged ringleader could make sense of this Pegasus whatever, punches rained down on him.

He yelled like crazy and roared inwardly, You’re just throwing blind punches!

That was right! Luke had pressed the middle-aged ringleader to the ground and was punching him heavily without any finesse; anybody who had watched UFC could imagine the situation.

The middle-aged ringleader couldn’t handle the rain of fists at all. Furthermore, his ability wasn’t very strong, and he had to concentrate to use it.

In the blink of an eye, Luke’s fists had broken most of the bones in his upper torso, except for his head and neck.

Five seconds later, Luke drew back his fists, stood up, and tossed the middle-aged ringleader to the side.

He made a round of the warehouse, broke all the criminals’ legs, and kicked all their guns to the side; he didn’t even spare the few men whom he tied up at the beginning.

The only lucky dog was the scared baldie who dropped his pistol at the start.

As the person who dropped his gun first and who trembled the whole time without doing anything, the bald man was unscathed.

Many criminals were already staring at the traitor with hate!

The lucky baldie, however, yelled inwardly, I wasn’t surrendering; I was just… so scared I dropped the gun!

However, watching as all his comrades got their legs broken and his boss got beaten into a pulp, the baldie rejoiced. Serve you right for usually laughing at me for being a coward.

Suddenly, Luke was standing in front of the baldie, who began to tremble violently as he was overshadowed by the 2.1-meter-tall stranger. Luke made a few gestures, and the baldie obediently lay down and put his hands behind his back.

Next… he was tied up and thrown to the side.

In less than five minutes, all the criminals were trussed up.

Luke finally walked back to the middle-aged ringleader and took out a coin. “Let’s play a game. Heads or tails?”

The middle-aged ringleader gnashed his teeth. “What do I get if I win?”

Luke: “I’ll give you ten chances. As long as you can win three times, I’ll spare your bottom half. If you don’t want to play, I’ll crush your d*ck; let’s see if you can regrow that.”

The middle-aged ringleader trembled and lost the will to resist. There was no way he could fix his d*ck with his ability.

Hatred and fear flashed across his face, and he gritted his teeth. “Okay.”

He swore that he would kill this G.o.dd.a.m.n Batman.

The silver coin flipped in the air, and ten rounds of the game went by. Luke silently stood up.

The middle-aged ringleader was full of despair. He had lost seven times, which was four more than three.

He cried out fearfully, “No, I have money. Don’t…” But a giant foot had already been raised, and it stomped down again and again, like an ordinary person trying to kill a c.o.c.kroach.

Crack! Crack! Crack! Crack!

“Ahhhhhh!” The middle-aged ringleader screamed, but could only writhe on the floor like a worm.

Looking at how wretched the man was, Luke thought for a moment before he finally took out a syringe and gave the man a shot. The middle-aged ringleader’s cries quickly stopped, and he pa.s.sed out.

It was a powerful dose of anesthetic.

The middle-aged ringleader might be screaming miserably now, but once he started to fix his body with his ability, it was still possible for him to recover and run.

The safest approach was to make him pa.s.s out.

System: You have defeated Barkley Williams and received a list of his abilities.

Barkley Williams’ Abilities: Basic Combat, Basic Firearms… Elementary Sand Transformation (Unavailable)

Luke had won the coin toss, but found that he couldn’t use the guy’s ability. Naturally, he wasn’t in the mood to bother with him anymore.

Leaving the warehouse, Luke took a running leap and then glided away in the night sky.

In a black SUV, two FBI agents were quietly monitoring the end of a street.

The man who was lying in the backseat sat up and yawned. “Okay, you can take a break in two minutes.”

The driver hummed a response as he kept an eye on their surroundings.

As he stretched, the agent complained, “When will this be over? My wife and son were frightened by the earthquake, but I still have to work overtime. She’ll definitely divorce me if things go on like this.”

The driver finally sighed since his own situation wasn’t any better.

“That can’t be helped. You have to blame the son of a b*tch who put out that reward!” He consoled his partner, as well as himself. “The CIA, the DEA, and our boss all want to catch more fish, but those fish aren’t stupid. As long as we catch some of the more reckless ones, there should be fewer people who’ll try something, and we won’t have to work overtime anymore.”

Muttering under his breath, his partner crawled into the front pa.s.senger seat.

s.h.i.+fting around with a rustle until he found a comfortable position, he took out a cigarette. “Want one?”

The driver shook his head. “Your smoke is enough to wake me up. Open the window for some fresh air.”

This naturally wasn’t standard surveillance behavior, but they hadn’t sensed anything unusual in the last two days. In their fidgety state, they didn’t really care about this minor transgression.

His partner chuckled and rolled the pa.s.senger window five centimeters down. Lighting the cigarette, he took a deep puff and said, “If my wife leaves me and takes my son with her, I’ll have n.o.body but you, old friend.”

The driver scoffed. “Smoke less if you want to live longer. Otherwise, your wife and son will still be someone else’s after you die.”

[1] From the series Saint Seiya

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