Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 659 We’re Just Helping Him Move

Chapter 659 We’re Just Helping Him Move

“Here, you will…” La.s.sad suddenly forgot his lines.

An instructor sitting in the front soundlessly mouthed the words. La.s.sad finally remembered. “… undergo fourteen weeks of training, including but not limited to learning the use of weapons, due procedure, local legislation…”

Luke sweated and thanked Daddy System again.

He had never officially learned any of these. He had taught himself, mostly when dealing with bigshot gang leaders and corrupt lawyers who were especially creative when it came to taking advantage of the law and loopholes.

Luke liked these sorts of creative b*stards the best.

After watching for a moment, Luke walked to the parking lot.

After a brief opening speech, the students would be a.s.signed to different and dorms. Their training wouldn’t start until the next day, so Luke didn’t have to waste time here.

He gave Selina a call, but she was the only one waiting for him at the parking lot when he got there.

He found that odd. “Where’s Claire?”

Selina chuckled and pointed at the training ground. “She signed up for the student training.”

“What?” Luke was shocked. “Isn’t she here for college?”

Selina shrugged. “The requirements for the students are really low. Even those who are only seventeen and a half can sign up. She said she wanted to experience what our lives are


Luke rolled his eyes. “I’ve never studied at the police academy before! Everything that she’ll experience here has nothing to do with my life…”

Even if he said that, he wasn’t too bothered, and simply left with Selina.

There were still two months to go before the end of Claire’s vacation. She could pa.s.s the training before the start of college.

He would be popping into the police academy frequently during this period, so it was fine if the naughty monkey wanted to have some fun.

She was a girl born and raised in Texas. Even though she wasn’t familiar with the laws and legislation, she was no stranger to fighting or shooting; this would be something like advanced military training for her.

Luke didn’t really care if it would be a waste of the police academy’s resources.

He had gotten enough donations for LAPD to train hundreds of police officers; his sister was definitely justified in using some of that.

While the police academy was busy recruiting students, Los Angeles was still a complete mess.

Soon after they entered the city, they were caught in a traffic jam again.

Looking at the image on the surveillance camera, Selina asked, “Time to get to work?”

Looking at the hoodlums who were moving stuff from a truck, Luke heaved a sigh. “Let’s. Otherwise, we’ll be stuck here forever.”

The two of them got out, and Luke grabbed two hoodlums by the back of their necks, one with each hand.

Selina then tackled a young man who was about to pick up a TV and pressed him to the floor of the truck. “LAPD. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law…”

A hoodlum who was moving a fridge inside the truck was stupefied.

Luke stared at him and said, “Get out, keep your hands behind your head and stand still Name, license number, and address.”

The young man blankly got out of the truck and did as he was told, before he finally said, “Officers, what are you doing?”

Luke: “We’re working, just like you.”

The young man was confused. “But we’re only helping our friend move. This isn’t work.”

Luke and Selina couldn’t help but look at each other. Eventually, Luke asked, “You’re moving? Whose place?”

The three young men all looked at their pitiful friend whose face was stuck to the floor of the truck. “His.”

Luke cursed inwardly before he coughed lightly. “Then why are you moving stuff in the fast lane?”

Also, look at what you’re wearing. You look just like criminals robbing a truck, Luke secretly scolded.

Selina finally relaxed her grip on the unlucky man’s head, and he explained, almost in tears, “Officer, my new place is right up ahead. It’s even more jammed there. I borrowed this truck from my friend, and I have to return it in the afternoon. So, I can only unload the furniture by the side of the road first before I move them into my place…”

Both Luke and Selina were lost for words.

Ten minutes later, Luke and Selina got into their car silently as the four young men nodded at them respectfully and fawningly. “Officers, thank you for your help.”

Luke heaved a sigh and patted the dust off his sleeves. “Alright, at least we can go home now.”

Selina, however, suddenly burst out laughing. “It’s good enough that they didn’t file a complaint. Helping them move is nothing. You’re strong, anyway.” Luke smiled bitterly.

Looks could really be deceiving!

Although these four were dressed like criminals, they really were moving to a new place, and not helping other people move “for free.”

Luke could only warn them that it was a violation to unload stuff on the fast lane.

However, considering the traffic jam, their behavior was understandable, and the two detectives were lenient enough to let it go.

Luke even gave them a hand and helped them move the stuff from the truck to the side of the road.

He also confirmed with Sharp Nose that the stuff belonged to the young man, who hadn’t stolen anything. After that little mishap, Luke and Selina finally returned to the city amidst the traffic congestion.

At that moment, a lot of the secret departments and agencies had already come up with a preliminary plan for handling Batman.

The overwhelming majority had clandestine intentions. They used different wording, but the meaning was more or less the same.

Batman probably had a genetic mutation that boosted his physique, but not by very much. People with this sort of extraordinary ability weren’t rare in this world. Batman’s strength mostly had to do with his rope darts and combat tricks as well as his special bulletproof suit. Cultivating high combat ability through long-term rigorous training had long been the systematic approach in various agencies; they had no need for Batman’s “working-cla.s.s” training method.

Batman wasn’t valuable enough to these departments and agencies in terms of research or propaganda.

They basically chose to keep an eye on him and try to catch him if they had a chance, but they weren’t in a hurry to make a move against him.

On the other hand, several of the departments and agencies that were more interested in Batman wanted to employ this super warrior to fight for them.

They had their own men to do that, but a lot went into training them.

Batman was a self-taught “finished product” which didn’t require further investments. He was also an idiot who was dedicated and had a sense of justice. Certain bigshots liked that more than anything else. But they weren’t in a rush either, since they had yet to discover Batman’s real ident.i.ty for now.

Even if they roped in Batman, he would only be a contractor outside their system.

They weren’t in a hurry to obtain this free tool and potential scapegoat. They could take their time.

No matter how many bigshots there were who had thoughts about him, Luke, who was now known as Batman to all the major departments, was going about his daily life as usual.

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