Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 664 Is This How You Examine the Students?

Chapter 664 Is This How You Examine the Students?

Luke chuckled. “I’m not here to examine the female students. I’m here to examine the male students, like the one outside the bathroom window.”

Selina was even more shocked. “You’re just letting him watch?” Luke shrugged. “He just arrived. I haven’t had time to stop him yet.”

Selina said disdainfully, “If you stopped him, you would have no reason to hang around here yourself, right?”

Luke shook his head with a smile. “I called his instructor.”

Selina was suspicious. “Really?”

Luke pouted. “Look, his instructor is here.”

The two of them looked down the slope. Instructor Harry came around a corner, slowly approached a man who was leaning against the railing, and tapped him on the shoulder with a stick.

The man turned around and was stunned to see Harry.

Instructor Harry reached out and took the drink bottle that he was holding, giving him a dead-eyed glare.

The man silently turned around and left, giving up the best viewing spot.

Watching the guy walk away, Instructor Harry wiped the rim of the bottle with his sleeve and took a sip. Then, he turned around leisurely and leaned against the railing himself.

“Ahhh!” A woman’s sharp cry rang out from the bas.e.m.e.nt room not far from the railing.

Instructor Harry jerked at the shock and he turned here and there, not knowing what to


Another series of screams rang out. “There’s someone outside the bathroom!”

“An old pervert’s peeping through the back window!”

“Find the instructor!”

Drenched in sweat, Harry threw away the drink in his hand and forced himself to calm down as he quickly walked away.

After taking a few steps, he broke into a sprint and disappeared down the path.

Selina’s eyes widened. “He peeped into the women’s bathroom? Is he also an instructor?”

Luke sighed. “That’s right. He’s that toady lackey instructor I told you about. He’s in charge of Claire’s cla.s.s.”

Selina was lost for words for a moment. “He’s even more shameless than that student.”

Luke shrugged. “He’s just a bootlicker. If he cared about dignity, he wouldn’t have come here.”

He took out two lollipops from his bag and gave one to her.

Gold Nugget whined, and Luke could only stuff his lollipop into its mouth and take out another one.

Selina mumbled around her lollipop, “Aren’t we leaving?”

Luke leaned lazily against a tree and sucked on his lollipop. “Claire is still getting ready. It’ll be at least another ten minutes. We can continue to examine the students here.”

Selina narrowed her eyes and observed him for a moment, before her lips twitched. “So, you’re even more shameless than the other two, right? You’re staring at the girls’ dormitory.”

Luke chuckled and put his arm around her shoulders. He raised his hand and pointed. “Look over there. That’s the first candidate on my list.”

Selina looked at the window of a building twenty meters away. A moment later, her eyes widened in shock. “Is that a man?”

Luke sucked unhurriedly on his lollipop. “On the first day of school, this candidate number one was sent here by his four girlfriends. Hm, those two female students aren’t any of his four girlfriends.”

“Holy sh*t!” Selina couldn’t help swearing.

Looking at the man whose wig and bathrobe had just been taken off by two female students, Luke said with a smile, “George Martin is best at seducing women. He claims to have mixed blood, but his accent is clearly fake.”

Selina could only admire him. The speed at which he hooked up with girls could absolutely help to deal with women when he worked cases.

A sweet mouth was also a profound skill.

Selina’s interest was piqued. Her gaze s.h.i.+fted further to the right and exclaimed, “This woman seems pretty good. Looking at her body and muscles, she must work out a lot, right?”

Looking at the athletic woman in white underwear and who was working out with dumbbells, Luke shook his head. “Debbie Callahan is another of Claire’s instructors.”

Selina immediately lost interest. She looked at the hallway outside the male students’ bathroom on the first floor of the building next door.

The male students were laughing and joking around. One of them was holding a razor, and the sound of a saw rang out.

Selina listened for a moment and asked, “Did that sound come out of his mouth?”

Luke said, “Candidate number eight: Lavell Jones, beatboxer extraordinaire. He can mimic animals, machines, men, and women.”

Selina clicked her tongue. “Then why does he want to be a police officer? Isn’t it better to be a talk show host or something?”

Luke shrugged. “It’s not like we became pro wrestlers either.”

Selina laughed when a person with a dejected face walked through the hallway. “Who’s this guy?”

This was the person whom Instructor Harry had chased away earlier.

Luke said, “Cary Mahoney, number five. He’s bold, thick-skinned, and smart. He’s the most suitable candidate to be a detective.”

Shamelessness was very important for a detective. Someone who was too thin-skinned and who was bound by the rules wouldn’t make a good L.A. detective.

A few people greeted Mahoney. He clearly had a good relations.h.i.+p with the male students.

There was only one guy who was standing with his legs apart and laughing loudly like he was gearing up for a performance. A fatty walked past and was stopped. “Barbara, come, hit me!”

Barbara’s eyes widened. “What?”

The man continued, “That’s right. Hit me hard.”

Barbara was surprised. “Really?” The man said, “That’s right. Come on! Do it now.”

Barbara waved his hands. “No, no, I can’t…”

The man said, “I told you to hit…” At a loss, Barbara subconsciously raised his hand and swung.


The room fell silent.

Barbara smiled bashfully. “How was that? Was that alright?”

The man slowly turned his head and said despondently, “Yes, very good.” Relieved, Barbara went to the bathroom to wash up.

Selina finally laughed out loud. “My G.o.d, that’s the first time I’ve heard someone make such a request. Hahahaha! Hit me? Hahahaha! Is his face swollen?”

Luke shook his head with a smile. “Eugene Tigerbelly, candidate number six. He’s a military and firearms fan. He was going to show that he could take a blow to the stomach, and didn’t think that he would be slapped in the face.”

When he saw the male students laughing in the hallway, Luke couldn’t help but laugh himself. “Of course, he didn’t say anything about not hitting the face.”

At that moment, Claire called.

Luke picked up the call and made a couple of sounds of acknowledgement before he said, “Let’s go. The monkey is ready. We’ll pick her and her cla.s.smates up.”

Luke and Selina drove to another dormitory and picked up Claire and four of her cla.s.smates.

Claire and two of her cla.s.smates got into Selina’s car, and Luke picked up the other two.

When the two girls got into the car, one of them was stunned when she saw Luke. “You…”

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