Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 694: I Admire Those With Backbone the Most

Chapter 694: I Admire Those With Backbone the Most

Pondering for a moment, Luke said, “White Wolf Armor, release.”

With a crack, the armor on his body automatically folded back into a flat white box.

Only then did he quickly run to the court to join the rescue operation.

On his way, he sighed inwardly.

There were a lot of people who were injured, but Luke chose to treat the ones who needed the most urgent attention. The others could wait for the paramedics from the hospital, most of whom were probably already en route.

Looking at the system, he had just earned more than two thousand experience and credit points, which meant that he had saved hundreds of lives.

But from what Luke had just heard in the court hearing, it didn’t matter whether Dukhovich confessed to this crime or not.

This was Dukhovich’s final madness.

There was a droning in the air as a red emergency helicopter flew over.

How efficient! Not bad! Luke thought to himself as he raised his head for a look.

The helicopter flew over his head and headed swiftly for the court building.

He frowned and looked at the helicopter again.

It seemed he saw someone in the helicopter just now holding a rifle. That wasn’t right.

The police had their own helicopter, and shouldn’t have taken the hospital’s rescue helicopter. Also, the person on the helicopter didn’t look like a police officer.

Sure enough, he heard gunshots from the top of the building. It was clearly the sound of a rifle opening fire.

Luke got up and rushed to the court building. He activated the White Wolf Armor and jumped up the building via the windows to reach the top floor.

Looking at the helicopter that was landing, Luke raised an eyebrow.

Two people were running toward the helicopter. One of them had recently become a hot topic in Europe — Dukhovich.

Luke unhurriedly drew his gun.


The mercenary protecting Dukhovich collapsed.

Pa! Pa!

The heads of the two mercenaries on the helicopter exploded.

Startled, Dukhovich turned around and raised his gun. Seeing Luke walk over, he pulled the trigger without hesitation.

Anyone who delayed his escape would die.

Pa! Pa! Pa! Pa!

The white figure dodged the bullets and sped toward Dukhovich, grabbing his gun and picking him up.

Dukhovich struggled, but to no avail.

He was going to kick Luke, but he missed as he was turned around.

Luke held Dukhovich out over the edge of the roof by his right hand before turning him back around to face him. “Tell me about the vampires and I’ll give you a quick death.”

Dukhovich was stunned. “What?”

Luke said, “Have you forgotten how much ‘food’ you gave them?” He then exerted force.

Duhovic screamed.

His right hand was crushed, and all his weight was hanging from it.

Luke picked up Duhovic’s left hand with his other hand. “If you speak any more nonsense, I’ll crush every bone in your body.”

Duhovic gritted his teeth and smiled. “No, you have to ask for their permission first.” He looked behind Luke.

Luke didn’t even need to turn around to know that the police had arrived.

The corners of his mouth twitched. Crack!

Dukhovich screamed again as his left hand was crushed.

Then, his world flipped as Luke hung him upside down by his right foot.

“Now, you still have two legs. How many bones do you think you’ll break before they save you?” A cold electronic voice rang out.

Dukhovich was sweating from the pain, but he yelled, “Save me! Save me!”

Behind Luke, the officer finally shouted, “Police, freeze!”

Luke didn’t turn around. He simply lowered his head. “Tell me. If you die, information on the vampire family will be worthless to you.”

Looking at the bluish-purple lenses, Dukhovich gritted his teeth and didn’t say anything.

Luke suddenly sighed and nodded. “Forget it. I admire those with backbone the most. I’ll let you go.”

Surprise flashed in Dukhovich’s eyes, but he suddenly felt weightless.

The bluish-purple lenses on the wolf mask seemed to flash mockingly as they gradually drew further away.

“No~” Dukhovich screamed in despair as he fell from the building.

Many people downstairs had already noticed the situation on the roof.

When Luke grabbed Dukhovich and hung him over the edge, he had deliberately chosen to face the crowd.

At that moment, there were at least two to three hundred people watching. Even though most of them were injured, they couldn’t help but be attracted by what was happening on the roof.

The reporters and their cameras recorded most of the event.

It wasn’t until Dukhovich fell from the top of the building that an uproar broke out down below.


Dukhovich’s body fell onto the iron railing next to the building. His chest was pierced through by a sharp iron rail, and he hung there, blood pouring from his mouth.

The last thing he saw was the crowd gradually gathering around him, and the shock and… joy in their eyes!



“Dead! Dukhovich is dead!”

“The butcher is dead! Hahaha, sob! Dad, mom, do you see this? He’s finally dead!”

The shouts grew louder and louder, like a huge wave.

More and more people gathered around and looked at the butcher who was stuck on the top of the iron railing. They were all excited.

Some laughed, some cried, some prayed, and some threw stones and rubbish at the body, but all of them were relieved.

Dukhovich, the butcher, finally hadn’t escaped punishment!

His body was right in front of them.

Many people couldn’t help but look at the white figure on the roof, trying to see everything clearly.

On the roof, the officers looked at each other. What should they do?

It was their duty to shoot at the murderer without hesitation.

But from the bottom of their hearts, they didn’t want to attack this person.

They had already heard through their comms that this man in white had taken care of the truck explosion and saved a lot of lives.

Besides, the man in white had killed Dukhovich, the butcher who had planned the explosion.

The captain finally said, “Be careful. I’ll give you two minutes to think about it. You better surrender, or you’ll have to bear the consequences.”

As she spoke, she waved her hand, and the police officers retreated to the rooftop door.

Luke smiled.

This was clearly a hint that they could only stall for two minutes, and Luke had to run as soon as possible.

He bowed slightly to the captain on the roof with his left hand behind his back and his right hand on his chest. “Thank you.”

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