Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 701: Is Miss Jenny Angry?

Chapter 701: Is Miss Jenny Angry?

Police families were quite popular in the police department, even if it was just one in a small town.

The less of a heritage that a person had, the more they valued it.

In some American films, boasting about forefathers included things like “the earliest pa.s.sengers on the Mayflower.”

Those who didn’t know better would think that they were members of aristocratic families who had been sent to establish themselves in the Americas.

But Americans liked to talk about this sort of history.

After that, Harrison dragged Luke away.

Naturally, he had to consult Luke as the person who provided him the list in order to verify things.

The two of them observed the thirty or so atypical students again. It didn’t matter who Harrison had an eye on; Luke pointed out all the people on the list.

Half an hour later, Harrison left in a daze, forgetting to say thank you.

He was already thinking about how to get these oddb.a.l.l.s onto his team as interns and to develop their biggest potential.

Luke also left.

He had already given the list to Remick, and didn’t need to come to the police academy often. He could just take a look in pa.s.sing whenever he picked Claire up.

Making the decision to slack off, he returned to the police department.

He had just entered the Major Crimes Division, when Billy pulled him to Elsa’s office.

After they knocked, Elizabeth opened the door and let them in.

Except for Elsa’s rookie partner, Simmons, everybody in her team was there.

Luke looked at Elsa. “Alright, what happened?”

Elsa sighed. “Elizabeth and Billy dug up a big lead in the state police’s archive room. I told them to wait for you.”

Luke raised an eyebrow and took the case file from her. After flipping through it for a moment, he raised his head. “Thirty missing cases? All of them girls and children?”

Elsa nodded solemnly. “Yes. Look at where they went missing.”

Luke flipped to a map and saw the red dots on it, which had the dates of the crimes.

“Twenty-seven cases happened in an area fifty kilometers around Elsworth city. You haven’t checked the Elsworth police’s files yet, have you?” he asked.

Elizabeth shook her head silently.

Luke looked at Elsa. “Do we continue investigating?”

Staring at Elizabeth and Billy, Elsa said a moment later, “This is as far as we go with this case. Don’t mention anything related to it.”

Elizabeth said, “Boss, this…”

Elsa leaned forward in her chair, spinning the pen in her hand. “Whatever evidence you find, you won’t be able to bring down the Elsworth family with it. You’ll only drag your family down with you. n.o.body likes their dirty laundry being aired, much less a big family.”

She sighed and continued, “You won’t get any credit for this. Even Elsworth’s political enemies wouldn’t want you to do this. If you just want answers, then keep quiet and wait.”

With that, she waved her hand, indicating that Elizabeth and Billy could leave.

After the office door was shut once more, Elsa looked at Luke. “You’re going to investigate?”

Luke chuckled. “Boss, aren’t you afraid that I’ll p.i.s.s off the Elsworth family this time?”

After a brief silence, Elsa said, “What happened before was just a power struggle between the bigshots. It has nothing to do with us, but this case is beyond my expectations. If you don’t want to investigate it, fine. I’ll give it to someone else.”

Luke said with a smile, “You only have Elizabeth and me under your command. Don’t tell me you want to do it yourself. Boss, how long has it been since you’ve worked a case like this? Aren’t you afraid they’ll make you disappear?”

Elsa smiled bitterly. “Don’t scare me. I know how serious it is.”

Luke, however, waved his hand. “I’ll look into it. If we don’t use the police department’s resources and channels, there’ll be less chance of problems popping up.”

He then looked at Elsa. “But don’t ask about this case anymore. Just pretend that you don’t know anything.”

Elsa’s lips twitched. Wasn’t that what I told Elizabeth? Why are you teaching me now?

But seeing Luke’s calm expression, she nodded slowly.

Like she had said, they wouldn’t get any credit for working this case, and the police department wouldn’t protect them.

The Elsworths had extensive connections in Los Angeles and in the police department; once they got wind of any news, they would just create trouble for the investigation.

This was power!

After they left, Luke and Selina spent the day working other cases. When they returned home at night, they had dinner, trained, and worked overtime as usual.

As Luke sat in the living room and pondered which bigshot to look for to confess whatever intelligence they had, his phone rang.

After the call connected, Jenny asked right away, “Where are you?”

Luke said, “At home.”

“Come to my place. I have something to ask you,” Jenny said decisively.

Looking at the time, Luke felt that he could spare some time, and said, “…Okay.”

Du du du!

Jenny had already hung up.

Luke was stumped. Was the young lady angry? She didn’t even say goodbye.

On his way over, he felt a little awkward.

The initial plan in going to Europe was to score some points with Miss Beth and gain some benefits for their phone company. In the end, he had realized that it was a great opportunity to earn some experience and credit.

Between experience and credit or money, he chose experience and credit.

After all, money could be earned sooner or later, but experience and credit points were never enough.

Now that he thought about it, it seemed that he hadn’t completed his mission.

Maybe he would have to work harder later so that Miss Jenny could vent her anger.

Ever since he personally modified Jenny’s security system, he would directly enter the villa’s underground garage via a secret pa.s.sage after sending Jenny a message to open it.

The reason why they changed how they met was because the business they discussed was becoming more and more important, and they couldn’t meet in a hotel room like they usually did.

Jenny had also changed her security guards and had Luke secretly screen them before the current security team was finally formed.

As for the security team that had been sent by Jenny’s father in the past, they naturally left.

She was very disappointed in her father and didn’t need to rely on him for her living expenses or a security team; as ever, her father only loved her that much.

She had to stand on her own two feet.

And she would do that as Jenny Gwenis, not as someone’s daughter.

Luke was naturally happy to see this happen.

If he wanted a friend, it was very easy to make one.

On the other hand, the reason he and Jenny were able to maintain a connection was mostly because of their mutual needs.

He needed a business partner and a rich bigshot who could stand in the limelight.

Rather than cozying up to one, it was better to groom one himself.

Thinking about Jenny’s recent progress, Luke still felt that he had to convince her with both the carrot and the stick.

Taking a hard-line approach wasn’t the way to get along with a partner.

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