Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 704: Speeding Ticket? A Setup?

Chapter 704: Speeding Ticket? A Setup?

Luke smiled. “Whether they’re locked up in prison or remain free is up to the law. Whether they go to heaven or h.e.l.l after they die is up to G.o.d.”

All I need to do is deliver them to G.o.d! Luke thought to himself as he looked at the long road in front of them.

“Do you want to listen to a song? How about I sing you one?” he suddenly asked.

Selina hummed and leaned back, ready to fall asleep to a lullaby.

But the most that could be said about his singing was that it wouldn’t make her run away.

If one had to describe it, it was dry and not mellow at all.

A certain someone knew his place. He would usually just hum a few bars, and rarely finished even half a song.

Selina had no expectations whatsoever.

“From the dusty mesa, her looming shadow grows…” A deep and gentle voice rang out in the car.

Selina gradually fell asleep.

She woke up abruptly and looked at the sky. “How long have I been asleep?”

Luke said, “Less than an hour.”

Selina asked, “I think I heard sirens?”

Luke snorted. “That’s right. You better tidy up your appearance and put your hands where they can see you.”

Selina glanced in the rearview mirror. “State police?”

As Luke slowed down, he replied, “They were at the intersection which we just pa.s.sed. They probably want to kick up a fuss and give us a ticket.”

Selina rolled her eyes.

They were the ones who handed out tickets in the past, but this time, it was actually their turn.

Two officers in uniform got out of the police car. One was white and the other was Latin American.

They approached from both sides and were already calling out unhurriedly, “Kids, please put your hands where we can see them.”

When they got near the car windows, the two state police officers asked for their licenses.

Smiling, Luke slowly took out his driver’s license and handed it over. “Officer, is there a problem?”

The white officer took the driver’s license and compared Luke’s face with the photo on it. He asked, “You were speeding?”

Luke smiled. “Officer, I was only going seventy kilometers per hour, right?”

The white officer glanced at him. “We’ll be the ones to tell you how fast you were driving.”

Luke nodded and heard the other officer ask for Selina’s ID.

Selina met Luke’s gaze and slowly took out her driver’s license.

Their driver’s licenses and IDs were all real, but the person was definitely fake.

It was just that they looked similar to the profiles on the ID cards.

“Okay, get out,” said the white officer outside Luke’s car.

Luke and Selina got out of the car without saying anything.

The white officer then took two steps back and unb.u.t.toned his holster. “We suspect that you’re carrying illegal drugs. Please place your hands on the roof of the car and cooperate with us.”

Luke smiled and did as he was told. “Is that so?”

The white officer was stumped for a moment, but he still signaled to the other officer.

When the Latin American officer came up, he started to search Luke’s upper torso before he turned around.

Using the car as cover, the Latin American officer quickly rummaged around in his own pocket.

Then, his expression changed. He moved his hand a few more times and turned to look at his companion.

The white officer frowned. “What did you find?”

The Latin American officer hesitated, but could only shake his head. “Nothing.”

The white officer was clearly stunned. “What?”

The Latin American officer shook his head slightly. “Nothing.”

The white officer’s expression changed as he suddenly took out a bottle of wine and threw it to the Latin American officer. At the same time, he said, “You’re suspected of driving under the influence of alcohol. I have to take you back for a blood test.”

The Latin American officer took the bottle and poured the wine out in Luke’s car.

The strong smell of alcohol filled the air under the setting sun.

On the other side of the car, Selina sneered.

Luke put his hands down and turned around unhurriedly. “There’s no need to go through all that trouble. You can end your performance now.”

The white officer frowned and raised his right hand, his finger already on the trigger.

“You.” Luke pointed at him and the Latin American officer. “And you, you’re just someone’s lackeys.”

The white officer said darkly, “Don’t talk nonsense, or else…”

Luke pulled his hand back and shook a finger at him. “No, no, no. You’ll definitely talk to me later.”

The white officer had a vague sense that something was wrong. However, his mission wasn’t to kill someone, and he wasn’t gutsy enough to kill two youngsters outright.

The truth was that both he and his partner knew that these two youngsters hadn’t violated any rules, nor had they been drinking or taking any illegal drugs.

It wouldn’t take more than half a day to get the test results out, and it would be very hard to detain them the entire time.

As the white officer was hesitating, Luke smoothly took two steps forward with a calm expression.

Before the two officers could react, the white officer felt his right hand being pressed down. Then, he felt a strong force beneath his feet as his legs were instantly raised in the air. He spun half a circle and was pressed to the ground with both hands behind his back.

The Latin American state police officer was shocked and immediately reached for his waist.

However, he had just put his hand on his gun, when he was kicked in the knee and the b.u.t.t. He fell to the ground like a dog.

A knee pressed against his back, and two hands easily wrenched his hands behind his back and handcuffed him.

When the knee on his back was released, the Latin American officer tried to turn his head. How was it that these people were even more skilled at detaining and handcuffing people then he was?

The girl in a ponytail looked at him disdainfully and said coldly, “Dirty cops? You’re better at doing bad things than handling your guns.”

The two state police officers sweated.

Attacking a police officer was a big deal.

If this were a crowded place, the other party might’ve instantly run off.

But this was the Californian wilderness in the afternoon, where no cars would pa.s.s by for half an hour at a time.

They weren’t going to die today, were they? The two state police officers felt despair.

Looking at their expressions, Luke smiled. “Now, which one of you wants to talk first? If you don’t want to talk, then forget it. Two state police officers bickered over splitting loot on the highway and shot each other dead. This piece of news would be nothing much.”

Half an hour later, Luke and Selina were on the road again.

The smell of alcohol in the car was already very faint after it was washed out with water.

This was a rental car anyway, and Luke didn’t bother cleaning it so thoroughly.

Selina said, “Elsworth is too vigilant. n.o.body on our side knows about our investigation. They’re probably monitoring the families of the victims.”

Luke hummed a response as his mind raced.

After a brief silence, Selina asked, “What are you thinking?”

Luke said, “It was the state police who wanted us to investigate this case, and now they’re the ones investigating our ident.i.ties. Ten years ago, it was also the state police who closed the case.”

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