Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 730: Sweeping Away All Enemies with Words

Chapter 730: Sweeping Away All Enemies with Words

At that point, Luke changed the topic. “However, I must ask you to leave this shop immediately. You’re not allowed to disturb their regular operations.”

Both the man and the woman shouted, “Don’t even think about it. Sure enough, you’re here as a thug for the rich.”

As he spoke, the man grabbed Luke’s s.h.i.+rt.

Luke unhurriedly raised his hand to block, before he pushed the man back two steps. “If you do anything else, I’ll sue you for a.s.saulting a police officer… Wow, what’s this?”

He looked at the floor mockingly.

After he pushed the man away, a roll of cash suddenly dropped from the man’s clothes to the floor.

The onlookers also looked at the roll of cash and exclaimed in surprise.

“That’s almost two thousand dollars, right?” Luke smiled and stared into the man’s eyes. “Now, tell me, why do you have so much cash on you? Because I suspect that you might want to use it in illegal drug transactions.”

Everybody looked at the man who had taken the lead.

n.o.body thought that Luke was abusing his power for personal revenge.

Those were hundred-dollar bills, and close to twenty of them in one roll, which was almost two thousand dollars.

People who casually carried rolls of cash on them like this were mostly drug dealers or businessmen.

The man’s face stiffened, and he quickly picked up the roll. “These are my bank savings which I just took out. It’s none of your business.”

Luke smiled. “Then wait a moment.”

Selina, who had been investigating the troublemakers, came over and gave him her phone.

Checking the content on the screen, Luke asked, “Mr. Larry Faulkerson, right? Your bank records indicate that you didn’t make any large withdrawals this month, and that you’ve even been out of a job for half a year. May I ask, where did these savings come from?”

The onlookers exclaimed again.

For a society that didn’t like saving money and instead were more keen to spend it in advance, it was absolutely rare for someone to still have two thousand dollars in cash after not working for half a year.

It was like someone appearing at a murder scene with a b.l.o.o.d.y murder weapon in his hand. Although it couldn’t prove that he was the killer, the suspicion was overwhelming.

The man panicked even more. “You… you’re lying! I… I have a job. This is my salary.”

Luke’s smile grew even wider. “Is that so? But according to your police record, you were arrested three months ago for burglary. You just got parole a month ago. May I ask, what is your new job? Looking at this amount, you must’ve found a job that pays at least five thousand a month.”

The spectators were in an uproar.

How could someone who was still on parole after committing a burglary find a job with a monthly salary of five thousand dollars?

The man was completely defeated by the information.

His face was pale and his eyes grew unfocused. He didn’t dare look Luke in the eye as he turned around and left. “Nonsense. I don’t want to talk to you.”

Luke didn’t stop him.

Unless the protestors directly smashed up the shop, he really didn’t want to bother with protests like this.

If it had been any other bakery, he wouldn’t have bothered.

But there were too many troublemakers here, and the police detention center was as packed as the trains in China close to Chinese New Year.

Capturing a few dozen people over such a small matter would just make things difficult for the officers at the detention center.

He simply looked at the woman. “Miss Mary Johnson, do you want me to read out your police record? It has a lot of words.”

There was fear all over the woman’s face as she turned around and fled.

Luke’s line of sight didn’t linger on her. Instead, his gaze swept over the other protestors.

Most of them were scared and quickly left the shop.

In fact, Selina had only investigated the leaders for now, but looking at their clothes and behavior, Luke was certain that there weren’t many who had clean records.

A bunch of thieves and robbers running over to a bakery to cause trouble wasn’t exactly righteous.

Some didn’t leave, hesitant expressions on their faces.

Luke ignored them.

How could these few people compare with the dozens of customers outside?

As he had said, the bakery was a place of business, not a charity.

Lucy and the other employee weren’t obliged to give them the pastries for free; those belonged to the shop, not to them.

He turned around with a smile. “I don’t think there’s a queue anymore. Can I buy a cake now? We’re counting on them for lunch today.”

Lucy nodded quickly. “I’ll get it for you right away.”

Surrounded by the customers who had just returned, Luke walked out with a few boxes of cakes.

In the car, Selina chuckled. “Shouldn’t we be thanking the guys who protested just now? If it wasn’t for them, we wouldn’t be able to buy so many cakes.”

Luke said, “Yes, yes. Thank you, scoundrels, for helping us chase away the customers in the queue and saving us both time and pastries.”

Selina had already opened a box and was eating a Napoleon cake. She gave Gold Nugget a portion as well. Satisfied, she said, “It’s a good thing we’re not patrol officers. Otherwise, we would have to deal with all this c.r.a.p for the next two days.”

Luke hummed in agreement.

As police officers, boring work always took up the bulk of their jobs, especially for patrol officers.

Most of the time, regular patrol officers whiled away the time by wrangling and wasting spit, and didn’t use their guns to solve problems.

Thankfully, Luke and Selina were in the Major Crimes Division, so they didn’t have to worry about these things most of the time.

When they reached the police department, Luke knocked on the door. “Boss, don’t tell me you haven’t had lunch yet.”

Elsa said a few more words, then put down the phone and leaned back in her chair. “I think it’ll take me less than two years to become a supervisor. Dustin dumped a whole load of admin work on me in the last two days. Do you know how annoying it is?”

Luke waited for Selina to come in before he closed the door with a smile. “Wow, don’t say that. At this rate, you’ll be promoted to captain before you turn 40. What’s so bad about that?”

Elsa opened the box he put down and took out a slice of tiramisu. She sighed in satisfaction. “This is still the best. But if I eat this in my office every day, I’ll definitely become a 200-pound fatty before I turn 40.”

Luke said, “Then sign up for a fitness program. Haven’t you always been going to those combat training and yoga”

Elsa said, “The combat were suspended since the last earthquake, and the yoga will probably stop for now as well.”

Luke was lost for words.

Elsa said, “The cases have piled up recently, but apart from the ones I’ve earmarked, don’t spend too much time on them.”

Luke said, “Got it. Let’s go…”

At that moment, his phone rang.

When he took out his phone, he looked at Dustin’s office since the call was from Dustin.

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