Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 741: Various Reactions and the Correct Direction

Chapter 741: Various Reactions and the Correct Direction

“They’re vampires!” Luke’s cold mechanical voice rang out. “Vampires who feed on human blood!”

His blood-red lenses seemed to be focused on Flegg. “It’s best for you not to get involved with these alien bugs.”

As he spoke, he exerted strength with both feet.

Crack! Crack!

The remaining arms of the two vampires were flattened, and they screamed even louder.

Luke moved his feet away and looked at Phil. “Don’t be so foolish as to approach me next time. Idiots pretending to be me will show up sooner or later.”

With that, he took a running leap and then disappeared behind the hospital building.

In the square, Phil and Flegg watched him leave, and their team members asked in their earpieces, “Sir, do we follow him?”

The two of them looked at each other and said, “Let’s bring them in first.”

With the other party around today, it wouldn’t be easy to communicate with Batman.

Besides, it seemed that Batman didn’t really want to talk to them.

“Phil, long time no see,” Flegg said first.

Phil was still smiling. “Rick, how have you been?”

Flegg: “If this were a different time and place, I would say that I’m very happy to meet an old friend.”

Phil: “Still, I’m happy. Shall we meet up to talk later?”

They looked at each other.

A moment later, Flegg stretched out his hand helplessly. “You’re always so polite! How about we have breakfast tomorrow at nine in the morning?”

Phil shook his hand. “Very good. My treat.”

As they spoke, they each signaled to their subordinates to grab a vampire each and drag them into their respective helicopters.

As soon as they got on, they instructed with practically the same words, “Have the ground team follow up. It would be best to avoid that annoying bunch from next door and make contact with Batman alone.”

At the same time, Luke was gliding in the air as he ordered, “Little Snail, put the news up online. Pay attention to when it disappears.”

He then sent Selina a message: Go home first.

In the Malibu Beach villa, Tony finished watching the video clip selected by Jarvis and frowned. “What are those two guys?”

He wasn’t stupid.

The guys whom Batman had dragged out and thrown into the square to be punished publicly definitely weren’t simple.

Last night, he and Batman had fought over a hundred criminals in Los Angeles, but they had simply knocked them out and left. They hadn’t wasted any time like this at all.

Jarvis said, “I don’t have any information on them, but I’ve intercepted information online.”

Images began to appear on the screen.

Tony looked at them carefully for a moment and nodded. “I knew it. Someone who can make him waste his time wouldn’t be ordinary. What’s this?”

Jarvis said, “Based on the information gathered on the Internet, these two match the hearsay about vampires.”

Tony: “What?” Why would a vampire appear and be beaten up by Batman?

He had always thought that this world was more scientific, but he hadn’t been at the scene today, and could only change the subject. “Who took the two vampires away?”

Jarvis said, “The people who took them were from two helicopters, both of which belong to special departments. This person is from Homeland Security; he investigated the company previously following the attack at Stark Industrial Park. This person is from the FBI’s Joint Advanced Research Unit.”

Phil and Flegg’s faces were displayed in red frames.

Tony had a rough idea.

These mysterious departments specifically targeted supernatural beings.

But he didn’t know which agencies these two belonged to. After all, there were many secret research agencies in America.

From the CIA and the FBI to the army, navy, Air Force, Homeland Security, and so on, there were few secret agencies that wouldn’t claim to be a major force in America.

Thinking that, he didn’t bother thinking about these trash agencies anymore. His gaze fell on the armor next to him.

This was the most important thing!

He was suddenly inspired.

If he hadn’t told Jarvis to inform him as soon as there was news of Batman, he wouldn’t have stopped and wasted time.

Batman had clearly been annoyed into running off by the guys from the two agencies tonight, and Tony could continue optimizing his armor.

He had only just started upgrading it, and it wasn’t a good time to play games with Batman.

Having made up his mind, the tyc.o.o.n continued working.

Not long ago, in an ordinary foster home in America.

“Cool! Batman is so cool!”

“He’s dealing with monsters. There really are monsters in this world!”

“He cut off the monster’s arm. He looks so fierce, but I like it!”

A girl 15 to 16 years old silently watched as four or five boys of varying ages crowded in front of a computer to look at several images.

She looked at the pictures through the gaps in between the boys’ bodies.

Suddenly, the boys exclaimed.

“Why did they disappear?”

“The connection’s still working.”

“d.a.m.n it, the pictures are gone.”

“It must be the American government. They’re hiding the truth again!”

“d.a.m.n it, I forgot to save the pictures first.”

“What? You idiot!”

“You were the ones who wanted me to browse quickly, and now you’re blaming me?”

“Who understands network technology? Like hacking and stuff.”

“Where are we going to learn that?”

“With those kinds of skills, we should be able to find some pictures.”

The girl silently turned around and left, not getting involved in the boys’ boring conversation.

In the outskirts of Los Angeles, two people were busy working in a warehouse.

Everything in the warehouse was very simple. There were only two big tables and a few display boards covered in photos.

Suddenly, a voice rang out. “It seems you found the right direction.”

Both of them jolted and grabbed their guns at the same time, pointing at the source of the voice.

A black giant walked out of the shadows from one corner of the warehouse and threw a bag on the table. “This is new information.”

Both of them heaved sighs of relief. Although they didn’t put down their guns, they lowered them.

The black giant walked over to a display board and said, “Are you sure about the location?”

The two men looked at each other, and it was still the bald Hart who said, “I’m not sure, but it’s very likely that this is where they’ll hold the ritual.”

“You haven’t drawn their attention, have you?” the black giant asked again.

“No,” said Hart. “We’re only making a guess based on the information we gathered.”

The black giant said, “Be careful. Take a look at the news of the terrorist attack at St. Post Hospital. It was caused by the agents sent by Elsworth to silence people.”

Saying that, he turned around and left the warehouse.

In the warehouse, Cole and Hart waited for him to leave before they quickly checked the lock, and found nothing unusual.

“How did he get in?” Hart frowned.

Cole silently turned on the TV and flipped through a few channels before he finally stopped.

“Batman appeared once again and resolved a terrorist attack at St. Post Hospital…”

“We don’t know who the attackers are…”

“The attackers are confirmed to be two…”

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