Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 755: Creating News Even When There Is None

Chapter 755: Creating News Even When There Is None

Luke went with the flow and half-hugged her in return, but joked, “Celebrities like you have to smile and hug your fans. You’d rather be alone in your free time.”

Sheerah was lost for words. That was pretty much what she was like.

But she hadn’t seen Luke in a long time, and when she saw his sunny smile, she felt a sense of familiarity.

For some reason, she felt much more relaxed, and the fatigue from her busy days lessened.

As a big star, she was always mentally stressed and guarded.

From the ups and downs of her career to being crushed by her peers, the rubbish media reports and scheming people, she couldn’t help but feel anxious.

Luke didn’t want to waste time on meaningless suspicion, so he used a few tricks.

Using Basic Psychology and Basic Hypnosis, coupled with a bit of Mental Communication, it was very easy for him to comfort Sheerah.

Of course, he had no intention of hypnotizing her. He just wanted her to relax and treat this meeting as a regular chat between friends.

After saying goodbye, Luke left.

After driving for a while, he frowned and suddenly turned the car into an alley. He turned off the engine, opened the door, and got out in one smooth movement.

A moment later, a car stopped at the mouth of the alley.

Someone got out of the pa.s.senger seat and carefully entered the alley.

The person in the driver’s seat looked around.

Suddenly, the pa.s.senger door opened.

Before the driver could react, someone grabbed him by the neck and pinned him to the seat. “Who are you? Why are you following me?”

The driver struggled. “What are you talking about? Let go of me.”

Luke pressed the driver’s face to the seat and searched the glove box with his other hand. “Hm, let me see. Hehe, so it’s the paparazzi from Moonlight News.”

The driver remained stubborn. “So what? I’m going to sue you for attacking me.”

Luke ignored him. “Your driver’s license is here as well. Look at you, Mad Caron. Your home address is I’ll remember that. Remember, don’t let me catch you on camera doing anything bad, or I’ll release your personal details to the tabloids. A reporter from Moonlight News who buys and takes all sorts of illegal drugs definitely isn’t a news reporter, right?”

The driver was horrified. “You… nonsense! I… I don’t.”

Luke said, “Okay. Since you’re so innocent, we’ll wait for the private investigators to follow you for a month. If they don’t find anything, they’ll follow you for another month. What do you think they’ll get?”

The driver was speechless.

As Luke spoke, he took out the memory card from a camera in the car. “Endure it for two months. I have high hopes for you.” With that, he disappeared in a flash.

Feeling the grip on his head relax, the driver quickly raised it and gasped for breath. He looked around, but there was only the dark sky.

Luke, on the other hand, had already quietly entered the alley. He swiftly appeared behind the creepy-looking paparazzo and grabbed his belt.

“Ahhh!” The paparazzo gave a strange yell as he was flung into a metal dumpster, and Luke slammed the lid down.

After doing all that, he was in a good mood.

Batman had been forced into the sewers by the paparazzi several times. Today, the paparazzi had even dared to follow Luke and take photos. He now let them have a taste of the stench for themselves.

In the car, Luke transferred the memory card to his fake phone.

After a few glances, he had no choice but to accept it.

These paparazzi were really good. In some of the photos, the angle made it look like Luke and Sheerah were kissing.

Coupled with that last cheek-to-cheek and Sheerah’s happy smile when they said goodbye, these photos could really paint a vivid story.

There would be no way to escape t.i.tles like “Appearance of Batman’s Underaged Love Rival” and “Sheerah Tempting a Young Sapling.”

American tabloids had played with shocking headlines like this for decades; they were proficient at it and had no boundaries.

Fortunately, Luke had chosen a public location like the lounge. If he had gone to Sheerah’s room, just two photos of him entering and leaving the room would turn him into Sheerah’s little s.e.x friend.

He didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. He could only rejoice that he hadn’t driven his own car over, but a rental.

It wasn’t a big deal to go on TV, but it would be troublesome to go on TV as part of a Batman and Sheerah s.e.x scandal.

He wasn’t a m.a.s.o.c.h.i.s.t and didn’t want this sin pinned on him.

After she returned home, Selina looked at Luke suspiciously. “Did you sneak out to beat up people? Why do you look so happy?”

Luke washed his hands and made some tea before telling her what happened tonight. He showed her the photos on the phone.

Selina examined the photos and burst out laughing. “These guys are really good at finding angles. Most people would think that you’re Sheerah’s boyfriend.”

Luke said helplessly, “I don’t want to be in any weird headlines, but you can’t keep down the determination of people to create news even when there is none.”

Selina tossed the phone back and took his cup for a sip of her tea. “Don’t forget how popular Batman is now! There are too many people eyeing Sheerah. Don’t think you’re still the same as before.”

Luke took his teacup back from her and took a sip. “In any case, I’ve finally made arrangements for Claire. I’ll call her tomorrow.”

Selina said, “I’ll send her a message and see if she’s asleep.”

Luke was stunned. “It’s so late. What else can she be doing?”

Selina sent the message. She looked at him speechlessly for a moment before she said, “They’re having the standard get-together for the new cadets. She’s asking if we want to go over.”

Luke said, “It’s a girls’ party. I’m not going.”

Selina said, “There are guys and also a lot of naked dancing girls.”

Luke said, “…Do you think I’ll believe that?”

Ten minutes later, Selina narrowed her eyes and smiled at how fast Luke was driving. “Didn’t you say that you don’t believe me?”

Luke said, “Seeing is believing. I want to confirm it with my own eyes.”

Selina burst out laughing again.

She knew that Luke wasn’t there for the topless girls. He was there to watch Claire.

It wasn’t an issue of trust.

Young people were impulsive and did all sorts of weird things; it wasn’t uncommon for them to lose their lives.

Luke wasn’t worried about Claire losing her life; he just wanted to see how she was doing.

If she was easily led astray, she may as well quit being a police officer and focus on her studies in university.

Twenty minutes later, Luke and Selina snuck into the party.

The party was a kilometer away from the police academy and next to a lake. There was also a meadow and woods, and a small beach.

It was both quiet and secluded, and there was plenty of s.p.a.ce to move around.

© 2024