Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 874: Excuse Me? Unrelated Individuals?

Chapter 874: Excuse Me? Unrelated Individuals?

Sensing Luke’s earnestness, Jenny sighed in satisfaction and leaned into his arms. “You always know how to coax me when I’m angry.”

Luke chuckled. “You’re the CEO. Of course I have to coax you.”

Jenny hugged him. “No, I think it’s better to be a secretary. Don’t you think it’s time for the chairman and the secretary to talk business?”

Luke picked her up and said, “Then, I sincerely invite the CEO to take a bath and change before we discuss important matters.”

Laughing, Jenny leaned her head against his neck. “I washed a long time ago. Why are you so smelly?”

As they walked, Luke said, “I just got home when you called. I was too busy to take a shower. Let’s go together.”

A moment later, there was the sound of running water in the bathroom.

In the middle of the night, Jenny, who couldn’t open her eyes, was embracing Luke drowsily.

Luke stroked her smooth back, and she almost couldn’t keep her heavy eyelids open.

Suddenly, she remembered something, and forced herself to open her eyes. “Your laboratory has already been set up, but we’re still recruiting. It’ll take a long time to hire suitable researchers.”

Luke nodded and said, “There’s no need to rush. Just set up the framework first.”

“It’ll take some time to buy the equipment you want. We really can’t go faster.” Jenny struggled to pull herself together. “But most of the equipment you want are high-end products in the pharmaceutical industry. Are you sure about our company stepping into that business?”

Luke said, “That has nothing to do with the cell phone company. It’s just my personal research. Even if you’re interested in branching out, it’ll be years later. Just focus on the cell phone company.”

Her doubts answered, Jenny finally stopped forcing herself to stay awake and fell into a deep sleep.

Luke, on the other hand, was in high spirits. He opened his eyes and looked at the night sky, his heart burning as he thought about the laboratory that was about to be completed.

The lab wasn’t under the name of the cell phone company, but under Cosmic Cube Technology.

Beginning with this laboratory, Cosmic Cube Technology would become a genuine research company, and not an empty sh.e.l.l like before.

Research companies could purchase equipment and raw materials through regular channels.

It was perfectly normal for a company to buy these things.

If Luke bought them under his personal name, he would draw too much attention.

Although he was still the core of the company’s research, the researchers he hired could cover for him.

Even Selina knew that he had long been thinking about setting up a laboratory, and only now was it becoming a reality.

He had waited too long for this day.

Early the next morning, after Secretary Jenny pounded him on the back in fury, Luke took a shower and left.

After he disappeared from the room, the secretary spat angrily and cursed him for talking business with her so early in the morning. Soon, she fell asleep again.

Talking business with Luke was too exhausting. She needed to catch up on her sleep.

When Luke got home, he rubbed Gold Nugget’s head with a smile and washed his hands before he made breakfast.

When he was done, Selina also finished her training, and came out of the bathroom.

Sitting at the dining table, she picked up a soup dumpling with her chopsticks and stuffed it into her mouth before she slowed down slightly. “What’s the plan for today?”

Luke placed two steamers of buns on Gold Nugget’s plate and said, “Walter is coming to Clinton today to take a look at the scenes of the explosion. We’ll meet him at Central Park.”

Selina drank a mouthful of soy milk. “What about Molly’s case?”

Luke said, “a.n.a.lyze the files in the car when you’re free. Haley also needs time to treat Molly and ask for more information on ‘him.’ Let’s do our own thing first.”

Looking at him, Selina asked, “Did Miss Jenny make money for you again?”

Luke chuckled. “No, she’s helping me spend money.”

Stumped for a moment, Selina thought for a moment, before she asked tentatively, “Spending money? Don’t tell me it’s for that laboratory you’ve been talking about?”

Luke nodded with a smile. “Smart.”

Selina smiled as well. She also wanted the lab to be built sooner.

According to Luke, the lab would greatly increase his efficiency.

That meant that he would be able to upgrade their armor and equipment a lot faster.

Thinking about how her armor had been getting increasingly more awesome recently, she looked forward to the creation of new armor.

Both of them left in good spirits.

The weather in New York was finally a little better today. Although there wasn’t a lot of sun, the sky was high and the clouds were spa.r.s.e. The cool autumn wind was refres.h.i.+ng.

They caught up with Walter’s car near Central Park. They didn’t talk, and simply exchanged words over the radio before the four of them went to the scenes of the explosion.

It only took them half an hour to finish checking the first location, before they headed over to the second location.

Luke didn’t have high hopes for Walter’s investigation.

If Kingpin had planned the explosions in advance, there wouldn’t be much valuable evidence left behind.

Because this was the Clinton area, where many things didn’t make sense.

But Walter was a seasoned veteran, after all; who knew what he might be able to find.

Whether or not he obtained anything, however, Walter certainly wouldn’t say anything to Dustin’s loyal subordinates.

Luke and Selina simply stood guard silently on the side and ate snacks to kill time.

Just as the four of them left the second location, a patrol car drove over and stopped next to them.

Two patrol officers got out of the car, and when they saw the badges on Walter and Ricky’s chests, they immediately walked over. “Gentlemen, may I ask why you’re here?”

Walter frowned. “We’re just looking around.”

The older police officer said, “I’m sorry, but this is an important crime scene. Unrelated individuals aren’t allowed to enter.”

Stunned, Ricky pointed at his badge. “Excuse me? Unrelated individuals? This is the first time I’ve heard someone from the NYPD say that to me.”

The white patrol officer, however, wasn’t embarra.s.sed at all. “That’s right, just like how I can’t run off into another department’s jurisdiction and stick my nose into their case. We’re about the same age. You should understand, right?”

Ricky was so angry he wanted to laugh, and was about to say something else.

Walter waved his hand to stop him. “I’m Lieutenant Walter Cobb from HQ, and I’m in charge of the serial explosion case. If you have any complaints about how HQ is giving the work out, tell me now, and I’ll have HQ give you a response.”

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