Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 887: Cheer For Justice, and Hunting Enemies in the Dark

Chapter 887: Cheer For Justice, and Hunting Enemies in the Dark

In five days of purging, Luke and Selina targeted key gang members.

These people were now either in the morgue or the ward.

It was basically impossible for the gangs to promote people to take charge at the moment.

If Luke persisted and continued working hard for another week to give Kingpin enough pressure for half a month, the man would probably react, right?

This was also the most he could do.

His NYPD colleagues were as nervous as the gang members. If this operation went on for any longer, both the gang members and NYPD senior executives might collapse.

Luke deliberately didn’t collect the bodies in the previous nests.

The police found more than fifty bodies in the nests where everybody had been killed.

In the nests after that, Luke deliberately left a few people alive to clean up the 100-plus bodies.

But after he struck fear into the gangsters, n.o.body would clean up the place for free anymore, and everyone would stay far away.

When that happened, he would have to clean the place himself.

It would be best for the Ghost Butcher’s appearance to not overlap with Luke’s arrival in New York; it would be better to do things low-key for a period of time.

Having made up his mind, he put on his black Zorro hat and said, “Cheer for justice, villains!”

It was the same London accent as before, and V’s heart of justice burned with impatience.

System: Teammate Selina has completed the task of cleaning up drug gangs.

Total experience: 2,000. Total credit: 2,000.

Selina’s contribution rate: 80%…

Host has received 800 experience and 800 credit points.

System: Teammate Selina has defeated Zebediah Kilgrave…

Total experience: 3,000. Total credit: 3,000.

Selina’s contribution rate: 100%…

Host has received 1,500 experience and 1,500 credit points.

Host’s experience: 91,500 / 100,000.

Credit: 99,200

Luke: WTF?! What was going on?

As his mind raced, he opened the support program and sent a message to Selina.

Ten minutes after Luke left, Selina and Gold Nugget left the house.

Covering her tracks, Selina found a safe house which Luke had set up and put on the second generation Beast Armor. “Okay, Gold Nugget, let’s go! Let’s hunt down the enemies in the dark!”

Gold Nugget: “Woof?”

Selina tapped the dog’s head and said, “Stupid, that’s a line. Just say yes.”

Gold Nugget whined.

Selina said, “Fine, I’ll take that as a yes.”

As she spoke, she turned into a blurry, transparent figure and went out the window.

Gold Nugget also turned on the optical camouflage of its second generation h.e.l.lhound equipment and left through the window.

Selina’s target was in fact Luke’s main target for tonight.

In the past few days, Luke would take care of one primary target, and Selina would handle a secondary target. The two of them had to work together in order to damage the foundation of Kingpin’s forces in five days.

But since Luke was fooling around with a random woman today, Selina decisively seized the opportunity for herself.

After all, she had Gold Nugget and the second generation Beast armor. There was no one in the gang that she had to fear, even if Bullseye showed up.

They stopped outside a luxurious New Jersey manor next to the Hudson River. Selina sent the drone out and started reconnaissance.

This was the safety rule which Luke had reminded her of repeatedly: Look down on the enemy in terms of strategy, but focus on the enemy in terms of tactics.

Even a lion would use its full strength when hunting a rabbit.

If you want to ridicule your opponent, do it only after you’ve gotten rid of them.

Twenty minutes later, Selina used the results of the reconnaissance to mark the locations of all the guards inside and outside the manor, and pulled up their movements on her lenses.

The cleanup plan was also completed. All she needed to do was follow the prescribed arrangement and make up for any small lapses in the operation.

After all, the support program wasn’t human. It couldn’t fully predict the guards’ actions.

This was especially true of gang members like these, who didn’t stick to patrol routes and rules, and could cause unexpected situations.

They snuck into the manor through an underwater pa.s.sage. On the way, Gold Nugget broke two steel grates, and one person and one dog emerged from the drain not far from the swimming pool.

As Selina activated the water removal function, her armor trembled slightly, and the remaining water droplets on her body fell to the ground. The armor’s invisibility effect, which had been greatly reduced after coming in contact with water, was fully restored.

Finding an opportunity, Selina darted into the flower shrubs nearby.

Gold Nugget was roughly ten meters away, acting as backup and security.

A moment later, the guards in the manor fell one by one.

After knocking out the guards, Selina injected them with an anesthetic and broke their right legs and hands.

The occasional exception were the left-handed gunmen, and she broke… their left legs and both hands.

After all, some left-handed gunmen only used their left hand when shooting, but handled knives and such with their right hand.

It was unfair, but bad people had no right to demand fairness.

In less than ten minutes, the eight guards inside the manor were dealt with.

Only then did Selina go out and take down the two guards on the outermost perimeter.

It took longer this time.

Most of the time, the two guards were in the open where the other guards could see them. Selina was very patient. She waited until they turned a corner before she took them down.

The remaining three guards were positioned in the most troublesome locations. From where they were standing on the patio at the entrance, they could see the large expanse of lawn in front of the manor.

“h.e.l.lhound, on my count: Three, two, one!” After the countdown, Selina jumped out of the shadows and kicked the last two guards.

Almost at the same time, a golden tentacle flew out from the shadows of the patio, holding a black object.

Duang! Duang! Duang!

Seeing that Selina had knocked down two of their comrades, the three guards raised their guns.

Suddenly, a golden shadow flew at them from the side. The three of them were stunned.

Amidst crisp and dull thuds, they saw stars and fell to the ground.

Gold Nugget quietly retracted its tentacle back into the shadows of the patio, and the multi-purpose baton it was holding was inserted back into the equipment on its back.

It was Gold Nugget who had used a tentacle to knock out the three guards at the entrance with a baton.

The multi-purpose baton was a weapon that could transform into a spear, a saber, a hammer, a hook, and a rope.

Knocking people out with short sticks was more in line with human practice. Also, Gold Nugget could wear it as a support tool, which greatly reduced the number of times it used its tentacles and reduced the risk of exposure.

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