Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 913: Wesley’s Play

Chapter 913: Wesley’s Play

Luke’s idea was neither brilliant nor unusual, but Foggy and Matt hadn’t thought about it before.

They were lawyers, not construction workers. They were already used to how big renovation companies worked.

Luke’s suggestion got everybody thinking.

Setting it up as rebuilding the community and community service would leave a lot of room to maneuver around in.

As the scale increased, they could save on a lot of costs, and residents who received the donations could also do their part.

When they knew the renovations would happen, these people wouldn’t mind a bit of work.

Luke didn’t say anything. After half an hour of drinks, he and Selina left.

Foggy and the others didn’t ask them to stay. Luke and Selina certainly didn’t have much free time in their jobs.

Being willing to fork out a huge sum of money to do good was the greatest act of charity in America.

At that moment, Charlie was watching an action movie at home with his girlfriend, Claudia.

He suddenly s.h.i.+vered.

Claudia looked at him strangely. “What’s wrong?”

Charlie shook his head blankly. “I don’t know. I just feel like something bad’s going to happen.”

“There you go again. You think you’re some kind of reincarnated wizard who can foresee bad luck, but you’ve never been lucky since you were little. If you’re really a wizard, you must be the most useless one,” said Claudia unhappily.

She grabbed Charlie and made him cry out in pain. “Hey, be gentle. Aren’t you afraid of breaking me?”

Cordia rolled her eyes. “Don’t tell me you have another girl out there? Hm, it should be an old one. Raqael’s older sister made eyes at you last time. Tell me, are you two having an affair?”

Charlie put his head in his hands. “OMG, his sister is almost a hundred kilos, okay? Darling, are you mistaken about my taste? I like you the most.”

Claudia sneered. “Don’t you always complain that I’m too skinny? You’re always saying that they need to be more curvy. When you saw Raqael’s sister the other day, you sang that song… Baby Got Back, that’s right!”

Charlie s.h.i.+vered. “I… I was singing to you, alright?”

He really had no interest in Raqael’s sister, but he was interested in big b.u.t.ts.

Raqael’s sister happened to have one, hence the connection, but unexpectedly, Claudia had noticed.

If she realized the truth, he would definitely be in big trouble.

He could only try his best to fool his suspicious girlfriend, and he completely forgot about the bad feeling from earlier.

After Luke and Selina returned home, they washed up before going back out to work.

Two hours later, Wesley had no choice but to call his boss again. “Boss, Smiling Mask and Black Cat just killed the Angel of Death, Gustavo Gomez, and looted their main warehouse. By conservative estimates, the Angel of Death lost two tons of goods this time. Even ignoring the subsequent fallout, the loss of these goods will affect our business significantly.”

There was a long silence on the other end of the line, so long that Wesley almost thought the call had been disconnected.

“You said you would look for the Fraternity last time. Is it done?” asked the person on the other end of the line.

Wesley: “I was just about to tell you: the Fraternity rejected this mission. They said that we don’t have any specific information on the targets, like their real ident.i.ties.”

The other end of the line: “What kind of hitmen are they?! Can’t they do it? If it was just about taking people down, I wouldn’t bother hiring mercenaries.”

Wesley said helplessly, “That’s what they said. However, it didn’t seem like they were being perfunctory with me. They might be in some trouble themselves.”

The other end of the line: “I’m not the f*cking boss of the Fraternity, I don’t care what trouble they’re in. This bunch of trash; blacklist them in the future.”

“Yes, boss.” Wesley said, “The Fraternity rejected the mission, but recommended another platform to us.”

There was surprise on the other end of the line. “What?”

Wesley: “The Fraternity mentioned the Continental Hotel. They said that we can directly offer a bounty there and have from all over the world help us find and kill those masked men.”

There was silence on the phone again.

Hearing that, it was possible that something really had happened to the Fraternity, or they wouldn’t send business to a compet.i.tor.

A bounty was indeed the simplest way.

Wesley hadn’t gone to the Continental Hotel before this because this force wasn’t to be trifled with, and had once clashed with his own side.

But the masked men had been too aggressive in the last few days. In just a few days, they had taken down several of their people, which included allies (D’Amico), suppliers (Angel of Death), and distributors (Mrs. Gao).

These people were clearly out to shut them down.

Wesley had no choice but to bring up the taboo name “Continental Hotel” to his boss.

“Okay, but don’t use our name.” After a brief silence, there was an answer from the other end of the line.

Hearing that, Wesley was relieved.

If spending just a bit of money could cause the Continental Hotel and the masked men to clash, that would be too perfect for Wesley’s side.

In any case, both sides were hostile to his party. It didn’t matter who won or lost, or if neither side won; even if they continued to clash, it would be a good thing.

He hadn’t thought of this before because the masked men weren’t that strong and had yet to hit Wesley with hard enough firepower.

It was a good opportunity to get these two unknown forces to fight each other.

After hanging up, Wesley pondered.

Frank D’Amico had put up a revenge kill order at the Continental Hotel early on.

Once D’Amico and his son were killed, this revenge order was activated, and the bounty for their killer was 2 million each.

With both father and son dead, the total bounty for the revenge order was a very attractive 4 million.

But that wasn’t enough.

The gang of masked men was growing from strength to strength, which gave the shrewd Wesley a strong sense of crisis.

The more they fought, the stronger they got, and they were also increasing in number, which was really disadvantageous to Wesley’s side.

He had to drag the Continental Hotel into this fight as soon as possible.

Given the way the hotel did things, they would definitely hit the masked men hard.

It was all that d.a.m.n Batman’s fault! Why did he have to be so high-profile when playing vigilante?! I’ll kill you when I get the chance! Wesley swore inwardly.

The number of masked police officers in New York was dozens of times more than before, and it was all because of Batman.

In the last few months, many brats in their tweens in black capes and lousy masks had been coming out to find trouble in the name of chivalry.

It wasn’t good enough for Batman to be a low-profile vigilante, he had to be on TV; he was definitely a hypocrite! Once he was done cursing Batman, Wesley started to make calls to set a bounty.

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