Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 917: Handing Over Intelligence and a Self-Declared Break

Chapter 917: Handing Over Intelligence and a Self-Declared Break

Although the mission to capture and take down D’Amico had only come down yesterday, the Detective Bureau had enough information, so it indeed wasn’t right that they hadn’t caught any important members after a day.

Worst of all, it wasn’t just the Detective Bureau that was investigating this case. The 30th Precinct, where D’Amico’s nest was located, was also investigating it.

As the king of their territory, they did much better than the Detective Bureau. They caught key figures of two gangs in one day and were currently trying to dig out the gangs’ big fish.

Under pressure from the compet.i.tion, Dustin could only scold the detectives, including Luke and Selina, for five minutes before he told them to get lost and get to work.

Although they were scolded, n.o.body was unhappy.

Dustin didn’t single anybody out, which meant that he was just telling everybody to work hard.

Everyone got the same treatment; even Luke and Selina, Dustin’s loyal supporters, were scolded.

As the saying went: “Don’t worry about scarcity, but about uneven distribution.”

It was the same when they earned their keep, it was the same when they were scolded.

The veteran detectives didn’t think anything about being scolded; for detectives, a thick skin was a must.

Luke and Selina followed Dustin into his office. Closing the door behind them, Luke said to Dustin with a smile, “Boss, did you work overtime last night? You’re too angry.”

Dustin didn’t have to put on a face anymore. He said helplessly, “What can I do? These cases recently are practically gift-wrapped for us. If we don’t grab this credit, what will the higher-ups think of me? What will those sly old detectives think of me?”

Luke and Selina naturally understood.

Dustin had to demonstrate his work ability to the higher-ups.

At the same time, he had to demonstrate his ability to grab credit to the people under him.

A subordinate who couldn’t help his superior fix a problem was unqualified.

A superior who couldn’t fight for credit for his subordinates was also unqualified.

But this was on the premise that his subordinates could nab a big fish quickly; even the cleverest housewife couldn’t cook without rice.

When that happened, Dustin wouldn’t be blamed for his subordinates’ incompetence, but he would be hindered if he wanted to take control of the Detective Bureau as soon as possible.

Luke chuckled and gestured at Selina.

Selina took out a stack of files from her purse and put them on Dustin’s desk.

Dustin flipped the cover open and asked, “What’s this?”

Luke said, “A little something about the D’Amico gang.”

This information was a personal product, and was mainly about D’Amico’s underground agents.

Damon and Mindy had fought D’Amico for so many years, and they knew more about his gang than the police did.

Coupled with Luke’s a.n.a.lysis, he came up with this intelligence.

However, D’Amico’s nest had only been wiped out the night before, so Luke couldn’t take this out beforehand, and could only give it to Dustin today.

Dustin didn’t say anything else and quickly skimmed the information.

Less than ten seconds, he gave a light exclamation and flipped through the files.

Luke, however, said, “Boss, you can take a look at the files later. You can arrange a.s.signments for everybody else, but we won’t partic.i.p.ate in the operation. How does that sound?”

Dustin thought for a moment and frowned. “There’s no need for you to give up the credit.”

Luke spread his hands. “Boss, what the two of us lack is time and experience.”

Dustin slapped his forehead.

For a moment, he had forgotten Luke and Selina’s history of extreme contributions; they were forever waiting for when they could be promoted.

In LAPD and NYPD, one could only request a promotion after working a number of years.

For example, a police officer had to work as a detective for two to three years before he could apply to become a sergeant.

The subsequent ranks of lieutenant, superintendent, and deputy superintendent basically required two to three years of work before a promotion could be considered.

In LAPD, Luke and Selina’s connection was Tony Stark, and they were under the director’s supervision. They racked up overwhelming contributions, yet their positions as detectives were only adjusted by one level.

If Luke was directly promoted to sergeant, he would definitely become well-known in Los Angeles or even America; countless people would repeatedly study his past achievements.

Standing out wasn’t something Luke would do.

Holding the stack of files, Dustin let them go.

This information proved that Luke and Selina weren’t goofing around on the job.

Now that Luke had given him the credit, what else could he say?

They had been colleagues for a year. Apart from important cases which had to be handed to them, he never gave them any instructions. Even when he knew that Luke and Selina were slacking off, he never said anything.

Since he couldn’t use promotion as a reward, he could only show these two key individuals some favoritism.

Reading the files, he couldn’t help but mutter to himself, d.a.m.n, of all the people who’ve ever worked under me, this is the most valuable pair.

After using the intelligence to keep Dustin busy, Luke slipped away with Selina.

This intelligence was actually another step forward in increasing the pressure on Kingpin.

D’Amico was dead, but there should still be a few key leaders who were alive.

As long as they could make money, they would help Kingpin distribute the goods.

The death of their boss didn’t affect the remaining members of D’Amico’s gang much.

Without D’Amico to take the profits, they could make a fortune in a short period of time.

The main task right now was to continue putting pressure on Kingpin. Luke didn’t want to waste time on the small fry; leaving it to his colleagues wasn’t a bad choice.

He wasn’t some superhero who fought alone.

As a detective, he had the support of tens of thousands of NYPD colleagues.

Driving the new car, Luke took Selina to Na.s.sau County.

When they reached their destination, Selina looked at the brand new t.i.tanium Phone Company signboard on the 18-story building and asked, “Is your lab in the phone company?”

Luke shook his head with a smile. “Of course not. The lab and the phone company operate separately in every respect, but I’m the major shareholder.”

As he spoke, he drove the car to an old five-story building two hundred meters away.

From the outside, it looked like a factory or workshop.

Luke drove the car into the underground parking lot. The security guards at the entrance heard the sound of the scanner on the metal gate. The indicator light turned green and automatically activated the gate. They didn’t go forward to check.

Luke drove the car into a parking s.p.a.ce and the gate closed automatically.

They got out of the car. There was a special elevator not far away.

Luke scanned the elevator with his fake phone. They got in and went down.

The employees and researchers could move around on the upper five floors of the lab, while the lower two floors were Luke’s private lab.

Apart from him, n.o.body else had access.

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