Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 919: Laboratory and Second Home

Chapter 919: Laboratory and Second Home

Robert snorted and said, “He doesn’t have a good temper and he’s very cautious. If you’re found out, you can give him my code name.”

Luke said, “Okay, I’ll have results in a few days. I’ll let you know then.”

Robert nodded and said, “You… Be careful. I saw the news. There’ve been a lot of major cases in New York recently. Don’t rush into every situation.”

Luke said, “Yes, sir.”

After hanging up the phone, Luke casually inputted the details about Mr. Francis Stronghold into his database for Little Snail to do a search.

It wouldn’t take more than an hour for there to be results, and he would just need to filter them after that.

Walking out of the laboratory and into the living area, he saw Gold Nugget lying in a corner and watching an explicit scene on the huge virtual screen.

Luke had no energy to complain about the dog head’s weird hobby. He could only ignore the two people tumbling around on the screen. He said, “How long have you been watching? Be careful not to go blind.”

Gold Nugget didn’t even move its head as it whined.

Luke said, “Fine, you’ll never go blind. What’s Selina doing?”

Gold Nugget wagged its tail and pointed at a door.

Luke stopped bothering the dog and opened the door.

Selina was sweating profusely inside as she fought three simple human combat robots.

These combat robots had st.u.r.dy structures, and there was cus.h.i.+oning on their chests, abdomens and legs to ensure that the fighter’s hands weren’t easily injured.

Even with Selina’s current strength, it was still hard for her to deal with these three combat robots which divided the labor evenly and took turns going forward to fight her.

Luke observed for a moment before he said, “Order: Stop attacking.”

The three robots immediately stopped moving and stood still.

Selina hastily withdrew a few meters away as she broke out of the encirclement. She sat down on the floor and couldn’t help but shout, “What the h.e.l.l is this? Aren’t they all better than Daredevil?”

Luke shook his head with a smile. “You’re underestimating that idiot. If he had your physique, he could deal with two combat robots easily. Of course, you can do it too if you had his exceptionally sharp senses.”

Selina lay limply on the floor with her limbs splayed. “But there’s only one Daredevil. Can your robots generate their own energy?”

Luke nodded, then shook his head. “They’re not that smart. In a complicated environment, it’s very easy for someone to restrain them, then destroy them. Secondly, their functions haven’t been sorted out yet. Charge them for ten minutes, and they can be used only for up to half an hour. They can only be used for training for now.”

If he could produce an arc reactor, he could solve the energy problem, but Luke wouldn’t use such a sensitive item on a low-level robot.

He then walked over and picked Selina up. “Go take a shower. We’ll spend most of the time here for the next few days. Don’t be too anxious.”

Selina said, “Wait, you fight one round with them. I want to see.”

Luke said with a smile, “Is that necessary?”

Selina, however, insisted. “I want to see what the gap between us is like.”

Luke put her down on the fitness equipment on the side and said, “You might despair.”

That being said, he still walked to the center and ordered the three robots, “Order: Active extreme combat mode.”

The three robots immediately moved.

Compared with when they were fighting Selina earlier, they were much faster, and their arms and legs whistled as they swung them around.

Selina was shocked. “There’s also this mode?”

Luke only moved twice and the hands and legs of the three robots brushed past him. He whirled around and chopped at the necks of the three robots.

The three robots immediately turned red and stopped moving.

Selina asked, “What does that mean?”

Luke returned and said, “In extreme combat mode, they will unleash their full combat ability. However, they mimic humans, so they automatically enter standby mode when they receive lethal attacks. In the regular training mode which you were using, they will continue to attack unless they run out of electricity or are ordered to stop.”

Selina was enlightened. “What if you broke them?”

Luke said, “There are only three of them for now. There’s no time to make anything better. If I break them, what will you play with? Don’t tell me you want to go back to hitting targets?”

Selina shook her head decisively.

With such strong and tireless robots in mock battle situations as her opponents, she felt that her strength was improving rapidly. She didn’t want to hit those dead targets.

“How much strength did you use just now?” she asked again.

Luke thought for a moment, then shook his head. “The difference in strength is too great. For me, it’s just a matter of knocking them out with one punch; it’s as easy as a boxing champion knocking out an ordinary person with just one punch.”

Selina was a little depressed. “Doesn’t that mean I can only take two punches from you?”

Luke was amused. “If I don’t pull out my trump card, it’ll be hard for me to deal with you and Gold Nugget in your complete form. Can you really not use Gold Nugget’s power when you really need it?”

Selina snorted. “You don’t have Gold Nugget. Why are you so strong?”

Luke smiled but didn’t say anything.

He didn’t have Gold Nugget, but he had Daddy System.

They were all cheaters; at most, it was a difference in levels. Of course, Luke wouldn’t underestimate Selina.

Selina was now capable of holding her own. She just needed time to build up her confidence.

Where did that confidence come from? Naturally, it came from beating up people.

The stronger the person she beat up, the more confident she would be.

So, girl, you have to work harder in the future.

The next day, Luke called Robert. “I’ve done a rough check. There are more than a thousand men in New York who fit your description. You better get Catherine to give me a sketch, or I’ll have to send you all the photos.”

Robert said, “…I’ll get Catherine to draw it tonight. Keep the photos for yourself.” He then hung up.

Luke chuckled and went out for a spin with Selina.

It was drizzling in New York today, and the temperature outside was below ten degrees Celsius. When the occasional cold wind blew, it was even colder.

There were fewer people on the streets, and the traffic jam wasn’t as bad.

Luke drove past various targets.

The surveillance cameras in the new car searched for suspicious people.

Even at a cursory glance, he could tell that there were people who were acting abnormally near the gangs’ nests.

Some key locations still had windows open on this rainy day, and there were cameras inside spying on their targets.

These suspicious people and locations could only belong to those less skilled hitmen.

A truly skilled hitmen wouldn’t make so many low-level mistakes.

However, there were a lot of these small fry, and there were at least six or seven suspicious targets. The revenge bounty had only been posted yesterday, but there were already so many people today.

A large number of players would probably arrive on the battlefield in the next two days.

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