Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 975: Money Is the Root of All Problems

Chapter 975: Money Is the Root of All Problems

Beckett picked up the cake and observed it for a moment before she looked at him. “You’re not kidding?”

Luke was amused. “It’s not like I’m going to be a pastry chef. There’s no need for me to pull in customers right now.”

Beckett couldn’t help but take another bite. After savoring it for a moment, she nodded. “The taste is really better than from any other bakery I’ve been to. It’s not a problem for you to open one with these skills.”

She then asked, “Are you interested in our case?”

Luke nodded, then shook his head. “It’s mostly because of Lindsay and Monroe. You should know how troublesome that family is. I don’t want them to call back. I just promised the boss that they would stop for a week or two.”

Stumped for a moment, Beckett then replied, “Then it shouldn’t be a problem. These two just happen to have had contact with our victim. The floor where the art exhibition was held is where we found the victim’s body in our case. We had reasonable doubt, and were just being cautious in covering the bases.”

Luke immediately got it.

When it came to police work, the most important thing was that “there’s no such thing as coincidences.”

Many coincidences were often the key to solving cases.

There were too many coincidences between Lindsay, Monroe and the victim, which required investigating.

Even if none of them was the murderer, there could still be clues to who the murderer was.

At that point, Luke lost interest.

He had handled too many strange cases in the past year, and as a vigilante, he had seen even stranger things. He really wasn’t interested in simple cases.

“Is the victim rich?” he asked casually.

Beckett: “…Her father’s very rich. She likes to do volunteer work and doesn’t have that much money herself.”

He nodded. “A million? Ten million? A hundred million?”

Beckett: “Ten million.”

Luke nodded. “Then follow the money trail, even if it’s her father’s money. In my experience, 80% of the problems rich people have comes from their money.”

Beckett was stunned. “Are you sure?”

He smiled. “More than 90% of the cases involving the poor is also because of money. It’s always the easiest to crack cases from this angle.”

Beckett couldn’t help but pout.

Did that even need to be said? Everybody in the world worked for profits.

Live for money, die for money, suffer a lifetime for money.

This was how most people lived.

Luke left soon after that.

He had completely lost interest in this case, and didn’t want to steal Beckett’s a.s.signment.

Javier, who was observing the situation from the lounge, hurriedly waved his hand. “Quick, get the coffee. They’re done.”

Ryan howled, “Ah, my hand. Why are you panicking? You scared me.”

Javier turned around and saw that the coffee in Ryan’s hand was steaming.

The coffee had been poured over the back of his hand instead of into the cup.

He didn’t really care about Ryan’s injury. He simply turned around and said, “Pour another cup. Do you think Luke is interested in Beckett?”

“Are you out of your mind?” Ryan angrily wiped up the coffee with a tissue. Thankfully, it was winter, and the coffee wasn’t too hot, or he would have to see a doctor.

Javier was unhappy. “Why are you scolding me?”

Ryan said, “Look at the woman behind Luke. I think she could send us to the hospital on her own. Would you dare mess around with a wife like that?”

Javier was suspicious. “Why… do you seem so affected by that? Also, Selina is Luke’s partner. She might not even be his girlfriend, let alone his wife.”

Ryan snorted. “Someone without a girlfriend like you doesn’t understand at all. Selina… cough, forget it. Take the coffee. I need to rinse my hand under cold water.”

Seeing Ryan slip away, Javier curled his lip in dissatisfaction. “You have a fiancée and you’re just waiting to get married! Big deal!”

Nevertheless, he still picked up the coffee and gave it to Beckett, because it was more difficult for her to stretch out a hand while eating the cake.

He was more interested in gossip on Luke.

On the other side, Selina returned after distributing the cakes to the detectives she was familiar with. “Are you done flirting?”

Luke said, “We were talking about the case they’re working on. It probably has nothing to do with the Soderbergs.”

Selina lost interest.

There weren’t many cases that could catch her attention.

Suddenly, her eyes lit up. “Hey, interesting.”

Luke turned his head and saw John and Ricky enter with three people.

Ricky used to be Walter’s partner, but now that Walter was on medical leave, he was working with John, which could be considered a relief for the newbie detective who had been John’s partner.

The two detectives were both middle-aged men.

But one of the three people they brought in was very interesting.

Luke looked at her in interest and agreed. “Interesting indeed. Let’s take a guess: Why is she here again?”

Selina couldn’t be bothered to play around with words. “She probably beat someone up.”

Luke said, “20 bucks. Bet you she didn’t.”

Selina was stumped. “Fine. Although I know I might lose again, I’ll put down 20 bucks. Hm, take it from Gold Nugget’s private stash.”

Gold Nugget, who was eating cupcakes to kill time, raised its head blankly. “Hm?”

It was very sensitive when it came to its private stash, but 20 bucks was a very small amount.

It didn’t understand why Selina was taking the money from its stash.

On the other side, Luke had already stepped forward.

Ignoring the woman’s surprised expression, he turned to ask John, “What happened?”

John wasn’t on guard against him. “This couple want to sue this woman for trespa.s.sing and attempted murder, but they aren’t married and they can’t take out proof of their lease, nor are they injured. I could only bring them back before they were done bickering.”

His back was to the three people as he spoke, and he had an exaggerated, annoyed expression on his face.

Luke said with a smile, “Then go get some rest. Since I’m a newbie, I’ll use the case to familiarize myself with the procedure.”

Looking at his “newbie” demeanor, John and Ricky immediately understood. Ricky nodded solemnly. “I didn’t sleep well last night, and I didn’t have breakfast this morning. I think my low blood sugar is acting up.”

Luke was considerate. “Go to the front desk. There are cupcakes to eat.”

The three of them chatted for a while before the case was smoothly handed over to Luke.

He turned around and said solemnly to the three people, “Alright, let’s go to the interrogation room.”

The couple was a little scared. “Interrogation room? Detective, it’s just a regular dispute. We don’t have to go to the interrogation room, do we?”

Luke suddenly smiled. “It’s fine. We’re just borrowing it for the time being. The main thing is that it’s quite close, and the interview can be recorded there. It’ll be done in one go.”

Looking at his smile, the couple felt even more uneasy. Something wasn’t right.

It was especially the case for the woman, who was going through a divorce.

If it was discovered that she had colluded with her boyfriend to set up a private investigator, and an official police record was even used in court, she might lose her divorce case altogether.

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