Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1011: Look at My Meowmeow Hammer

Chapter 1011: Look at My Meowmeow Hammer

Luke and Darcy chatted as they walked, and their pace was much slower. Thor directly charged downward.

Jane and Dr. Selvig also sped up, completely unaware that the three people behind them were as relaxed as if they were on an excursion.

Thor rushed to the hammer, and his excited expression changed as his face turned black.

It was only when he got closer that he realized what these mortals were doing to his treasure.

It was already hard for him to accept that some of them were trying to pull it out.

But some lunged forward, some were biting on it, some were kicking it, and some had even wrapped chains around the hammer to pull it out with a truck.

“Foolish mortals, how dare you blaspheme the sanct.i.ty of a G.o.d’s weapon?!” he roared as he pushed aside a brawny man who was about to step forward, and grabbed his hammer.

“Show them your true strength, Mjölnir!” he shouted as he exerted his strength.

There was a sudden silence. At the bottom of the pit, which had been as noisy as a playground, there was only the faint sound of the wind.

At that moment, Luke and Darcy had just reached the bottom of the pit when they heard the loud shout.

Then… nothing.

Except for Thor, who was pulling hard on the hammer in the center, everyone else just stared blankly.

A moment later, everybody burst out laughing.

Even the brawny man who had been pushed aside burst out laughing. “Wow, what did you want to show us? Even your ‘G.o.dly’ strength doesn’t work.”

Darcy gaped and mumbled, “What did he say… meow[1] what?”

Luke’s lips twitched. “Meowmeow hammer. Cute name.”

Darcy nodded subconsciously. “Sure, but the hammer doesn’t look cute.”

After exchanging awkward words, they continued downward.

Thor’s face was red. He had used all his strength, but the hammer in his hand was no longer as light as before. It didn’t move at all.

“Why?” He slowly let go and raised his head to look at the sky. “Father, is this what you wanted? Ahhhh~”

Everybody fell silent for a moment, before they burst out laughing again.

Many people even praised him. “He should be on Broadway with this acting.”

“Look at how he’s given up when he’s kneeling. It’s like it’s real.”

“It really looks real.”

“Hey, have you guys ever been to Broadway for real? You only watch football games and TV shows every day. Stop pretending.”

It was Dr. Jane who felt sorry for Thor, and had Dr. Selvig come forward and bring Thor to the side, where he sat in the back of the open jeep.

Pondering for a moment, Luke said, “It seems your friend has been traumatized.”

Darcy smiled awkwardly. “Haha, I don’t know him very well.”

When Thor came back to himself, he saw Jane looking at him in concern. His heart warmed, and he reached out to give her a hug. “Thank you.”

Jane was caught off guard and was pulled into the hug without any resistance.

Compared with Thor, who was more than 1.9 meters tall, she was as pet.i.te as a child, and far weaker.

Of course, she never thought of resisting. Instead, she patted his strong back and comforted him gently. “It’s fine. Sometimes things don’t always go the way we hope.”

As she spoke, she subconsciously looked at that… Meowmeow hammer, and asked tentatively, “What are you going to do next?”

Thor looked very dejected and lost. “I don’t know.”

Jane was helpless. How can I help you? How can I take you away?

Luke noticed their interaction at that moment, and stopped taking souvenir photos for Darcy.

Darcy happily took the camera, and her mouth dropped open the moment she flipped through the photos. “WT… ugh.”

She swallowed the last word. After all, Luke had helped her out of kindness.

Although apart from the clothes, she felt that the person in the photos wasn’t her at all.

Luke had long expected this, so he turned a deaf ear to the exclamation behind him. He walked over to Dr. Jane and said, “If you want to see this thing, you better hurry up. This place will be locked down very soon.”

Jane looked at him. “Locked down?”

Luke shrugged. “You all know that a strange hammer fell here; do you think that certain agencies wouldn’t? They’re in the middle of making a decision, and it takes time to go through the procedure, but as long as they give the order, the people who’ll carry it out will be quick.”

As he spoke, there was a droning sound in the distance.

The two black dots in the sky were easy to spot on a sunny day. They were helicopters.

In a few minutes, the two helicopters arrived and landed on the flat ground at the edge of the pit. The FBI logo was clearly visible on the helicopters, and the people who got out were wearing FBI uniforms.

Looking at the four people next to him, Luke spread his hands. “See? Like I said, they’ll get here very quickly.”

Also, I was the one who asked them to come, he added inwardly.

A moment later, everybody was politely but firmly driven out of the pit and down the hill.

The group of Texan men cursed, but none of them really fought the men in black suits.

After half a day, everybody was almost done playing, and n.o.body could take that thing out, anyway.

It was already dusk. Everybody beat it, going back to shovel cow dung, pull out weeds or farm.

Seeing Jane and Selvig whispering to each other next to their jeep, Luke asked, “Is there a problem?”

Selvig hesitated and didn’t say anything.

But Jane said, “Here’s the thing: We want to stay here for two days and do some research. Do you know of any hotels in town?”

Luke shook his head. “I’m sorry, but there’s only one motel in town. The boss recently went on vacation with his daughter. He won’t be back for a few days.”

Selvig couldn’t help but say to Jane, “We can’t sleep out in the wilderness, right?”

He was giving Jane some face in front of Luke, but in fact, he wanted to say, “If we don’t leave now, when will we?”

Luke, however, added with a smile, “If you don’t mind the noise, you can rest there for a bit before you decide.”

They looked in the direction he was pointing at, and saw a row of makes.h.i.+ft units next to a construction site not far away. There were six of them, and the units were white with blue edges.

Vivacious Darcy couldn’t help but ask, “Does that belong to the construction site?”

Luke nodded. “Yes, this is my grandpa’s ranch.”

Everybody: “…”

They immediately remembered that Luke had said that the ranch was building a new cowshed.

The ranch belonged to Luke’s grandfather, and the workers naturally worked for his grandfather. So, Luke could also be considered a part owner?

Jane nodded decisively. “Okay, let’s take a break.”

She needed a buffer of time to convince Dr. Selvig to stay; Thor knew mysteries to astronomy which she couldn’t let go of at all.

It definitely wasn’t because she couldn’t let go of this tall and handsome blond man.

Definitely not!

[1] The translation of Mjölnir in Chinese is “miao er ni er”

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