Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1016: Borrowing Your Place

Chapter 1016: Borrowing Your Place

As soon as Dr. Jane said that, both Selvig and Darcy looked embarra.s.sed.

Luke didn’t owe them anything, and had always shown them consideration. As soon as Darcy called, he immediately came over to negotiate with the FBI.

This couldn’t even be called just doing his job. It was purely because he had a big heart and was willing to lend a hand.

Dr. Jane’s words were very rude.

If there really was a problem, she wouldn’t be able to solve it. What was the point of asking?

Luke, however, wasn’t angry.

Women in love were brainless, even G.o.ddesses who were usually geniuses.

He had encountered too many situations like this at work, so he wasn’t angry at all. He simply said, “They’re an official department, and they have to go through procedure. I know someone, but he can’t break the rules for this. Once it’s over, they’ll naturally release him and return your things. You know how much time it takes to go through procedures, right?”

This time, even Dr. Jane nodded subconsciously.

They were university lecturers, and universities were also very particular about procedures and rules.

If they wanted to bypa.s.s procedures, that would take extraordinary connections, like being able to get a certain bigshot to vouch for them.

Luke was just a small-town police officer, not the FBI director. It was already good enough that he could bail Thor out.

Selvig was even more aware of the fact that this “FBI” wasn’t the FBI at all, but some more mysterious department.

It had only taken Luke half a day to actually convince them to let Thor go; this was already a good result.

The four of them returned to the makes.h.i.+ft housing. Selvig persuaded Dr. Jane to take a break, and Luke said goodbye.

Darcy stopped him and asked in embarra.s.sment, “Hey, can I shower at your place?”

Luke: “Huh?”

Darcy chuckled. “I haven’t been able to shower since the night before last. I feel gross, so…”

Luke was amused. “Okay, take my car?”

Darcy nodded decisively, then told him to wait for a moment before she let Selvig know, then got into Luke’s car and left.

Selvig was left standing in front of the makes.h.i.+ft unit with a pained expression on his face. “What are you teachers and students doing? Can’t you have some spirit for research? I met countless beauties over the years, but turned all of them down without any hesitation whatsoever. Only then was I able to discover more secrets of the universe. The two of you, the moment you run into a handsome guy, you really… Sigh!”

Depressed, Selvig could only sit in the jeep and stare blankly at the darkening sky.

He recalled how he had run under the setting sun when he was young. It was his youth that had pa.s.sed away.

On the other side, Darcy nervously “borrowed” Luke’s place for a shower, but nothing happened as she had expected.

Luke simply led her to Drax’s place and took her to the guest bathroom. He told her that she could take a shower here before he left.

Darcy was stunned for a long while, her mind filled with the image of him turning around and leaving without any hesitation. She was a little lost. “This script doesn’t seem right.”

But Luke returned a few minutes later.

Seeing that she was still in a daze at the door, he put a new towel and an old pair of his T-s.h.i.+rt and shorts in her hands. “There’s nothing suitable for you to change into. Wear these for now. They’re all clean. I still have something to do. Call me when you come out.”

Then, he left again.

Darcy was lost for words. Where was the lack of control? Where was the fire? What the h.e.l.l was up with this plot? Was it written by some trash writer?!

In any case, Darcy went to take a shower.

She really did want to take a shower, but she had been prepared to go to the motel in town.

It had been almost three days since she took a shower, and she felt like she stank.

Wait, was that why the handsome officer was quick to run away?

She had been about to dry her hair, but subconsciously squeezed out more shampoo and shower gel, and washed herself one more time.

An hour later, she came out of the bathroom after drying her hair.

Looking around the quiet house, Darcy murmured, “He really isn’t here?”

Disappointed, she put on the clothes which Luke had brought her, and put her own clothes into the big bag which Luke had brought.

Actually, she did have a change of clothes in the jeep, but had forgotten about them when she had asked about taking a shower.

“How considerate!” she couldn’t help but murmur as she put on the clothes, before she gave Luke a call.

Following Luke’s instructions, she walked out of the main house a moment later and went to the tool shed dozens of meters away.

As soon as she walked in, she saw Luke in a T-s.h.i.+rt, bustling around under the bright light.

Darcy couldn’t help but whistle. “That body… tsk tsk.”

Luke was carrying a steel plate when she came in, and most of his muscles s.h.i.+fted with the movement.

As a fan of muscles, Darcy could almost imagine the tense muscles under the T-s.h.i.+rt. She couldn’t help but gulp. “Walking in on this is too much stimulation.”

Of course, Luke heard her, and he laughed in his heart. Sure enough, l.u.s.t didn’t discriminate between men and women.

He put the steel plate in a suitable position and started to reinforce it. “Feel better now?”

Darcy was confused. “Huh?”

Luke said, “After taking a shower. I sometimes feel off when I don’t shower.”

Darcy nodded. “That’s right. I had to wash a few more times before I felt clean.”

Luke finally couldn’t help but turn his head to confirm what “clean” looked like.

Darcy was also walking toward him. He saw that there was a lot of movement under her thin sweater.

Pure and natural, guaranteed quality! He couldn’t help thinking of those words.

After that, Darcy wasn’t in a hurry to return to the makes.h.i.+ft housing. She found a chair and sat down to chat with Luke as he worked.

Luke didn’t mind.

What he was doing this time wasn’t difficult, and didn’t require as much precision as armor; the main thing was for it to be st.u.r.dy and durable.

Although Darcy was rather surprised by what he was tinkering with, she didn’t think much of it after hearing Luke say that it was for an experiment for the Shackelford police department.

It wasn’t hard for officers in Texas to tinker around with strange weapons like these. As long as they didn’t cause any trouble, they could even play with armored cars and tanks, let alone this pickup which Luke was modifying.

After chatting for half an hour, Darcy’s stomach suddenly growled.

She was sitting not far from Luke, and they both heard her clearly.

Luke looked at her and smiled. “Hungry?”

Darcy nodded. “I only had breakfast.”

Luke dropped what he was doing and said, “Let’s go. I’ll buy you lunch.”

Darcy nodded quickly.

Half an hour later, she was a little dazed when she saw the Latin American beauty in front of her. She couldn’t help but look at Luke, who was sitting next to the beauty.

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