Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1064: Small Harvest, Big Harvest

Chapter 1064: Small Harvest, Big Harvest

Given these considerations, and a few failed attempts to rope Frank in, Ray chose to silence him.

But he didn’t dare do it in the army.

Frank had saved every member of the team more than once.

If he dared to show any intention of silencing Frank, it was very likely that Frank would kill him instead.

Frank was such a simple and crude man. He would shoot his enemies without hesitation, even someone like Ray, who had been his boss for years.

He could only wait for Frank to retire and return home.

Having planned it all out earlier on, Ray chose the moment when Frank and his family went out to play.

He knew that this was the only time Frank, a wolf on the battlefield, would let his guard down, as he would sacrifice himself to protect his family.

Thus, the three-way battle in the park had been a plan to kill Frank from the start.

The first to open fire was also a spy in the Mexican cartel.

In fact, Frank and his family were the first targets of attack; when they were shot, none of the criminals had yet to sustain injuries.

In a sense, the members of the three gangs were the funerary objects buried alongside Frank’s family.

D.A. Reyes had even worse luck. The police officers she sent only appeared after the fight started to control the situation.

The truth was finally revealed.

The only true enemies of Frank’s family were Ray and his undercover agent in the Mexican cartel.

The undercover man had long been killed in Frank’s previous revenge operation. The mastermind, Ray, had his head blown up tonight; this could be considered the end of the matter.

Originally, it wasn’t easy to uncover Ray’s ident.i.ty as Blacksmith.

To protect this secret ident.i.ty, he had been very careful in everything he did.

Robert wasn’t as good as Frank at killing, but he was a lot more insightful. He had long known how big Ray’s “side business” was, and had told Luke about it.

The clues Luke obtained were as followed:

Ray and Frank were very close.

Blacksmith was closely connected to the deaths of Frank’s family.

Blacksmith was smuggling in a lot of drugs through mysterious channels.

Ray was also smuggling in large amounts of drugs through military channels that were very hard to detect.

With so many coincidences, how could Luke let Ray go?

If his guess was wrong, then it was Frank who would apologize to his old comrade. Surely Ray would understand that his old comrade was acting impulsively because of his desire for revenge.

After all, Frank had saved Ray before. At most, he would return the favor.

But if Luke’s guess was correct, then that was the end of it.

Of course, there wasn’t that much content in the video of Frank interrogating Ray.

Luke put together the whole story from the results of his previous investigation and what he had found on the laptop, but he had already correctly guessed the gist of it.

On the other side, Frank finally recovered slightly from the feeling of having killed his enemy.

Without saying anything, he turned around and walked out.

Luke scratched his head helplessly. …Was it time for him to clean up again?

He would call Robert tomorrow and make sure to tell him that he had repaid the favor with Frank; Luke would never have to clean up after him again. A certain young detective stewed in his indignation.

After putting away Ray’s body and erasing traces of their break-in, Luke quietly left the room.

When they were about a hundred meters away, he asked, “Where are you headed?”

Frank: “West 45th Street, the building behind the Chinese supermarket.”

Luke drove in silence. When they arrived, he watched Frank get out of the car without a word and walk into the building.

He started the car again and drove into an area without any surveillance cameras.

A moment later, a small scooter puttered out from the other end of the area and headed straight for the docks in the southwest corner of Brooklyn.

Ray was dead. Frank had completely forgotten to ask him where his goods were stashed.

Thankfully, Luke had found some clues on the laptop. He was certain that the latest batch of goods, no less than a ton, had been hidden on a boat at the docks.

Apart from weed, Luke had never destroyed drugs by the ton before.

In the past, he only earned a few thousand experience and credit points after destroying a few kilograms of white crystals and taking down the traffickers at the same time.

How many experience and credit points was a ton of powder worth? He couldn’t wait to find out.

Two hours later, a pleased Luke returned home.

In the face of Selina’s questioning gaze, Luke simply smiled and said, “Do you want supper? How about Chinese skewers? You can have your favorite grilled eggplant.”

Selina and Gold Nugget were all for it.

Luke was in a good mood and had offered to make supper himself, which was rare. All they had to do was eat.

Luke moved the oven to the rooftop.

They were on the top of the building in the middle of the night in the Clinton area. No one would bother with the smoke and call the police.

Selina whispered into a drooling Gold Nugget’s ear, “He seems to be in a good mood, far more than when he meets up with that female CEO or artist.”

Gold Nugget barked.

“Agree, my a.s.s!” Selina said, “I’m asking you if you know why he’s in such a good mood.”

Gold Nugget shook its head vigorously. It really didn’t know, and it didn’t want to die.

The fiend’s ears were super sharp!

The big fiend indulged Selina, and nothing would happen to her for saying a few things, but it wasn’t the same for Gold Nugget.

But Selina spoiled it, and didn’t mind if it played dumb a little.

Turning a blind eye and a deaf ear – this was the best way to preserve its life. Gold Nugget was as steady as a rock, hiding its thoughts. In its eyes, there was only the roast in the oven; it was determined not to court death alongside this woman.

While it only had a shallow understanding of the saying, it was extremely proficient in adhering to it, and the effects were immediate.

Recently, the big fiend rarely found fault with it. A dog’s life was naturally a very good one.

Selina turned up her nose at the dog.

Of course, she knew what Gold Nugget was thinking. It couldn’t hide these things from her.

There were pros and cons.

It had been amusing to tease Gold Nugget in the beginning, and watch Luke deal with it.

Now, this guy had learned from Luke, and was hard to play with.

Luke also heard what Selina said to Gold Nugget, but ignored it.

He was in a very good mood, and there was no need for him to hide it at home.

System: Kill the drug lord “Blacksmith” Ray Schoonover. Mission accomplished.

Total experience: 20,000. Total credit: 20,000

Contribution rate: 70%. EXP +14,000. Credit +14,000.

A huge part of the credit clearly belonged to Luke for uncovering Blacksmith’s real ident.i.ty.

Frank had only killed Ray in the end, but took 30% of the contribution rate. This wasn’t a small amount.

However, this was just a small character.

System: Eliminate the core members of Blacksmith’s group and destroy the illegal drugs. Mission accomplished.

Total experience: 80,000. Total credit: 80,000.

Contribution rate: 100%. EXP +80,000. Credit +80,000.

This was the main character.

At that moment, the system showed that the host’s experience was 151,500 / 300,000.

Credit: 179,200

That was the biggest amount of experience points which Luke had gained in one go so far.

He now had more than half the 300,000 experience points required for the next level-up.

While he had expected a lot of points, he hadn’t thought it would be this much.

It could only be said that Ray Schoonover’s gang of drug smugglers and traffickers dealt in huge amounts. They had been around for a long time, and could be said to have done many evil deeds, which was why they were worth so many experience and credit points.

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