Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1108: A Fast Knife, and Cutting Fatty Beef Slices

Chapter 1108: A Fast Knife, and Cutting Fatty Beef Slices

At that moment, there were only a few ordinary hiding in the textile factory.

But Luke sensed them and easily found them and shot them in the head.

Why are you hiding, you b*stards? As bad guys, you should be prepared to turn into experience and credit points at any time. As Luke murmured to himself, he walked into what looked like a freezer unit.

There were some pig hanging on hooks, and even some human bodies mixed among them.

Some of the bodies were fake, but some were real.

Luke frowned.

He didn’t really care about cleanliness when he was harvesting experience and credit points.

However, some of the bodies were old and some were young. They didn’t look like professionals, but there were bullet holes and knife wounds on them.

To Luke’s experienced eye, the cuts were clearly made before death, while the bullet holes were made after death.

These people had been tortured with knives and their bodies later used as targets.

The Fraternity’s insane behavior was disgusting. They didn’t even have the most basic respect for people.

Walking in, he turned his head slowly, as if searching for something.

Suddenly, there was a roar as a metal stake pierced through a pig carca.s.s and headed straight for Luke’s back.

It was as if Luke had eyes on his back. He turned at the right moment to avoid the sneak attack.

Hands brus.h.i.+ng over his waist, he unsheathed the two military knives once more.

Amidst jarring clanking, a burly, bearded fatty in a vest and an ap.r.o.n smashed into Luke with a butcher knife in one hand and an iron stake in the other.

The weapons tangled together, the metal screeching.

Their movements were smooth and quick. Although they didn’t use the same fighting style, they were both very familiar with close-range combat.

The difference was that the fatty roared as he slashed with the knife; he was savage and barbaric, like a monster.

Luke, on the other hand, simply brandished his blades silently.

During their fight, the fatty would knock into the pig without any qualms, but Luke didn’t even touch the meat once.

While the fatty was shouting and getting more and more excited, Luke suddenly said, “That’s all you have? Get lost!”

Before the fatty could understand what Luke meant, he felt a terrifying power explode from the knives.

Even though the fatty was the one whose strength increased the most with Physical Outburst in the Fraternity, there was no way he could fight this.

His weapons were tangled up with the knives, which then lightly brushed past his wrists like two vipers.

The fatty released his grip on his weapons, which were sent flying a few meters to stab into a pig carca.s.s.

He looked at his opponent’s deceptively weak appearance in shock and was about to say something.

Luke didn’t give him the chance. His two knives turned into afterimages as he swung them around. “Too slow, you’re too slow! If you’re slow, you hesitate, and if you hesitate, you’ll be defeated! Faster, you have to be faster at evading! You don’t even know how to evade knives. What rubbish knife skills have you been practicing? Trash, die!”

His shout was as fierce as the two knives, and the fatty was struck both physically and mentally.

As if he had been shocked by electricity, the fatty swayed left and right amidst countless arcs of dark light, but didn’t fall.

It was just the blood that splattered from the black knives which turned into beads of blood that flew in countless arcs inside the freezer.

Once the scolding was over, the fatty stared lifelessly at Luke. His lips moved as he said, “Good, very fast, fast knife…”

Thump! Bang!

He fell to his knees with a heavy thump, and he collapsed again. Dark red blood flowed out from under him and stained the ground.

Luke chuckled and slashed at the metal stake that was stuck in the pig carca.s.s next to him.

With a slash of his knife, the stake came loose.

Clang! Puchi!

The metal stake flew out and stabbed into the head of the fatty who was lying on the ground.


This fatty was called the Butcher, and was one of the elite

If there was one thing he had in common with Luke’s Ghost Butcher alias, it was the countless number of people he had killed.

Luke just killed bad guys to earn credit. This guy didn’t just kill for money, he also liked to kill the innocent.

The Butcher was a psycho who liked to hang out in the slaughter room, so he hadn’t partic.i.p.ated in the battle just now.

But this guy was already on Luke’s blacklist, and couldn’t be allowed to live.

The 1,800 experience and credit points were enough to prove that this guy’s hands were b.l.o.o.d.y and he deserved to die.

After killing the lunatic, Luke wandered around the textile factory and threw anything that he was interested in into his inventory.

He then returned to where the half-dead Sloan was, and brought him into the slaughter room.

Finding a hook, Luke hung the old man up and said, “Tell me everything about the patron behind you.”

Sloan’s eyes flickered. “I don’t know… ah~”

Before he finished, he gave a blood-curdling scream.

Luke’s military knife brushed past him lightly, and a piece of black flesh fell to the ground. “It’s fine. There’s still plenty of places that can be cut. Also, this immortal body of yours is very awesome. I don’t have to worry about you dying.”

He was certain that the old man still wanted to live, and was looking for a chance to escape; he didn’t want to die.

Otherwise, once this unusual immortal state was removed, Sloan would definitely die very quickly.

Luke shook his head. Perhaps not that quickly. Some people who were cut at the waist could live for a long time.

But Sloan’s lips were firmly sealed, and his strange body didn’t feel any pain; he didn’t even need to breathe. Using an inducer on him was basically useless.

Only Elementary Annihilation could cause the guy intense pain.

Luke cut off a huge pile of flesh, like he was slicing beef, before he was able to extract a lot of intelligence.

Even so, this old man was very dishonest.

He lied again and again when asked about the ingredients for the medicinal bath, but he didn’t know that Luke had already investigated everything.

Apart from the specific location of the medicinal bath’s main ingredient, Luke knew everything else.

Even if Sloan was stubborn and killed himself, it didn’t affect Luke much.

Luke naturally didn’t scruple to slice off more flesh, making them so thin they were almost transparent. Only then did he finally obtain information on the main raw ingredient.

It was an extract from a strange flower in the depths of the Amazon jungle, which in some primitive tribes was called Blood Orchid.

Sloan had set up a secret plantation of his own there, and n.o.body in the Fraternity knew about it.

After hearing about the Blood Orchid extract, Luke was intrigued. He took out a small syringe from his pocket. “Is this it?”

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