Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1112: A Slip-up From Long Ago

Chapter 1112: A Slip-up From Long Ago

It was a pity that Tony’s Iron Man Armor was at most a portable suitcase, and wasn’t as convenient as a magical girl’s transformation rod.

Luke only had a rough idea of the first movie in his memories. He remembered that the tyc.o.o.n’s metal armor wasn’t bad, but it definitely wasn’t as convenient as a “sparkling” transformation.

Otherwise, the armor’s durability and output could completely make up for the gap in Luke’s ability.

He had to grab hold of whatever he could get.

Thinking that, Luke decided to make use of the information which Gianna had obtained from the High Table to gather intelligence on people with super abilities.

At the same time, he had to find an opportunity to provoke Tony.

The tyc.o.o.n was like a bull. If Luke didn’t wave a piece of red cloth in front of his face and whip him twice, it would be hard for him to get inspiration.

Batman had been resting for several months. It was time to stab this Iron Man in the heart.

According to Jenny, not only had Tony Stark transformed Stark Industries into a technology company, he had also decided to relocate his headquarters to New York.

In February, this tyc.o.o.n would move to New York.

A few months prior, Stark Industries had already started constructing a new skysc.r.a.per in New York.

With money and various technology at their disposal, the top of the building had been reached a month ago, and the CEO’s office at the top was already completed.

Batman was looking forward to provoking a certain person once the latter arrived.

After mulling over this, Luke had Little Snail look up some information as he asked, “Is there a Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters near New York? A school with a similar name or function is fine.”

If he found the place where mutants gathered, the superpowers would boil over.

Little Snail: “Sir, there really isn’t.”

Luke sighed. “What about the people I asked you to keep an eye out for? There are no leads on the bald Charles, the white-haired Aurora, or the blind Scott and the rest?”

Little Snail: “Sir, nothing like that either. Some people match certain characteristics, but they’re traceable and don’t show any abnormalities, nor have they been to any place like Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters.”

Luke was disappointed, and then he remembered something, and scratched his head in embarra.s.sment. He had slipped up.

He had “directed” Carol Mira, the girl who had first provided him with Elementary Self-Healing, to New York to look for Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters.

In the end, he hadn’t discovered the existence of this place even after so long, and couldn’t even find anyone related to it.

Luke didn’t dwell on it. He speculated that it was probably because this world wasn’t friendly to the mutants, and that Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters was hidden well. It was possible that it was operating under another name, and wasn’t an academy.

Before he created the t.i.tanium phone and the multifaceted system, his intelligence abilities had been very lousy.

Without enough information, Little Snail wasn’t able to use big data to screen suspected targets.

In the last few months, t.i.tanium phone users had skyrocketed, and so had Luke’s sources of information.

Luke didn’t believe that people who knew about Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters wouldn’t say anything or leave no clues behind.

But the multifaceted system didn’t produce any results.

So far, he was making a way bigger fuss than the mutants hiding at the school were.

After all, this was a living world, not a movie. The people and events here couldn’t be exactly like in the movies.

But Little Snail suddenly said, “Sir, when I was screening for possible targets, I found Carol Mira.”

Luke was stunned. “Is it really that Carol?”

Little Snail: “…It is indeed that Carol Mira.”

Luke asked, “Where is she?”

Little Snail: “She just appeared today in the North Bergen area of New Jersey.”

Luke immediately got it.

Previously, his surveillance had been focused on New York.

New Jersey wasn’t his territory. Although he paid some attention, he didn’t have surveillance cameras there like in New York.

He had been going over there a lot in the last few days, and had set up some surveillance cameras at key intersections and locations.

Now, Damon and Mindy were busy starting a new life in New Jersey.

John Wick was in his custody.

The Fraternity’s No. 17 Textile Mill had been wiped out.

He no longer had any surveillance targets in New Jersey, but he had also found an old acquaintance.

“Where’s Carol staying?” he asked.

Little Snail: “Judging from the food and daily necessities she bought, the rough range is in North Bergen. Even if it’s just a short stint, the food is enough to feed a person for more than a week.”

Luke nodded, deep in thought.

Carol had only shown up today, so she probably wouldn’t leave North Bergen for the next few days, unless something happened.

Should he go look for her? After thinking about it for a moment, he still decided to pay her a visit.

When he first met Carol, he and Selina had just arrived in Houston, and could be said to be poor.

They didn’t have money, power or influence.

He could only tell Carol that New York had a place that could protect her.

The girl had been grateful to him, which had given him Elementary Self-Healing.

It wasn’t until later that he realized that there was no such place, which was equivalent to giving Carol fake information.

If Carol was a bad guy, Luke wouldn’t feel guilty at all.

But she had been on her own at the time, and had been shot by a Mexican gang. After she survived, s.h.i.+ELD targeted her, and she had no choice but to flee to New York.

He really felt very apologetic for scamming such an unlucky girl.

He wasn’t short of money or power right now. He could visit Carol and offer her some help, as easy as anything. There was no need to feel conflicted about it.

In the next few days, Luke and Selina took turns reporting to the police department.

When Luke was free, he would go to New Jersey on his own.

The system was still being remodeled after five days, so Luke wasn’t in a hurry.

The more credit points could be converted from special props, the more time it took to modify the system.

Given that the modification this time was worth 500,000 credits, he was prepared to not use his inventory for a week.

Luke would check on old friends and look into new cases. He would treat the next few days like a vacation, and it would be over soon.

Luke drove leisurely with the windows down. The cold February wind blew, and Luke arrived in North Bergen.

He had been here too many times recently, and now had a better understanding of the environment.

Little Snail’s a.n.a.lysis was also very detailed. Luke didn’t have to take the trouble of wandering the areas that Carol would most likely show up in.

As long as she wasn’t leaving any time soon, it was only a matter of time before he found her.

He was very free and wasn’t pressed for time, so he went to Paland Academy first and picked up Elena, who was waiting at the entrance.

They hadn’t met in a while, and Elena seemed to be in a good mood.

In the car, Luke said with a smile, “Where’s your masterpiece? Are you done?”

Elena shook her head. “No, I don’t think so. It’s only half-completed at most.”

Luke found that odd. “So slow?”

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